Yicun Huang
Yicun Huang is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (MSCA-IF) hosted by A/Prof. Changfu Zou in the Automatic Control research group. His research interest centers on physics-based models for electrode materials and hazardous reactions inside Li-ion battery cells. He has been involved in a project targeting diagnosing algorithms and control stragedies for avoiding thermal runaway. One highlight of his current research question is how to augment conventional, physics-based battery models by encorporating neural networks for real-time implementation.

Showing 9 publications
Nonlinear Model Inversion-Based Output Tracking Control for Battery Fast Charging
Predicting Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption from Field Data Using Machine Learning
MINN: Learning the dynamics of differential-algebraic equations and application to battery modeling
Early prediction of battery life by learning from both time-series and histogram data
Optimization-free fast charging for lithium-ion batteries using model inversion techniques
Control-Oriented Modeling of All-Solid-State Batteries Using Physics-Based Equivalent Circuits
A PDE Model Simplification Framework for All-Solid-State Batteries
Phase field model of faceted anatase TiO2 dendrites in low pressure chemical vapor deposition
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Showing 3 research projects
Multiphysics modelling and monitoring of lithium-ion cells for next-generation management
E-powertrain predictive maintenance using physics informed learning (TEAMING)
Modelling plating morphology in lithium-ion batteries for enhanced safety