Peiyuan Chen
Pejyuan Chen tog kandidatexamen inom elektroteknik vid Zhejang Universitet i Kina 2004. 2006 tog han civilingenjörsexamen i elteknik vid Chalmers Tekniska Högskola. 2010 disputerade han vid Aalborg Universitet i Danmark. Sedan 2010 är han forskarassistent på Chalmers. Hans forskningsområde omfattar drift och planering av kraftsystem med integration av vindkraft inriktat mot tidsseriemodellering, statistisk analys och optimering.

Visar 55 publikationer
Which wind turbine types are needed in a cost-optimal renewable energy system?
FRT Capability of Grid-Forming Power Converters: an Anti-Windup Scheme
Hierarchical LSTM-Based Classification of Household Heating Types Using Measurement Data
Frequency control by BESS for smooth Island transition of a hydro-powered microgrid
Nonlinear Fault Ride-Through of Grid Forming Converters with Power Synchronization Control
Control and Sizing of Back-to-Back Converter in Interconnected Microgrids
Effective Inertia Constant: A Frequency-Strength Indicator For Converter-Dominated Power Grids
Support vector machine for classification of households' heating type using load curves
Accurate power control of grid forming power converters for improving large-signal stability
Optimal Energy Control, Hosting BESS and EVs through Multiport Converter in Interconnected MGs
Drivers and Barriers to Deploy Microgrid in Sweden
Protection of converter dominated MV microgrid using changes in current's phase angle
Tuning and evaluation of grid-forming converters for grid-support
Evaluation of Efficient Frequency Control Strategies in a Wind-Hydro Dominated Power System
Inclusion of frequency control constraints in energy system investment modeling
Dataset for generating synthetic residential low-voltage grids in Sweden, Germany and the UK
Frequency quality in the nordic system 2040
Design of Maximum Power Point Tracking for Dynamic Power Response of Tidal Undersea Kite Systems
Current restrained undervoltage protection scheme of converter dominated microgrids
Improved Peak Load Estimation from Single and Multiple Consumer Categories
Frequency control and synthetic inertia in energy systems modelling
Current Restrained Undervoltage Protection of Converter Dominated Microgrid
Challenges in Protection of Converter Dominated Medium-Voltage Microgrids
Evaluation of the System-Aggregated Potentials of Inertial Support Capabilities from Wind Turbines
On Benefits and Challenges of Nested Microgrids
Internalising a threshold concept - what languages and channels are called for?
Kinetic energy estimation in the Nordic system
Generator Speed Control and Experimental Verification of Tidal Undersea Kite Systems
Frequency evaluation of the Nordic power system using PMU measurements
Inertia Support During Variable Wind Conditions
Day-ahead Reserve Capacity Procurement based on Mixed-Integer Bilevel Linear Programming
ARIMA-based frequency-decomposed modelling of wind speed time series
Optimizing Wind Power Hosting Capacity of Distribution Systems Using Cost Benefit Analysis
The Effect of Wind Power Integration on the Frequency of Tap Changes of a Substation Transformer
Comparison of Primary Frequency Support Methods for Wind Turbines
Frequency Support by Wind Farms in Islanded Power Systems with High Wind Power Penetration
Time-Series Based Cable Selection for a Medium Voltage Wind Energy Network
Strategic Placement of Wind Turbines in Smart Grids
Stochastic evaluation of maximum wind capacity in a radial distribution network
Maximizing Wind Power Integration in Distribution System
Using PQ-monitor and PMU for voltage sag extended-characterization
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Visar 15 forskningsprojekt
Multiportsomriktare att förstärka lokalnäts försörjningstrygghet och nätstyrka
Feltålighet av vindkraftverket med nätformande kontroll
Sammankopplade Medborgarenergigemenskaper Driven av Digitaliseringsteknologi
Operation and control of future renewable power systems, part 2
Communication-assisted protection in converter dominated medium-voltage microgrids, part 2
Multisektoriell energikontroll genom sammankopplade mikronät av multiportsomriktare
Nätstyrka Indikatorer och Utvärdering I Kraftelektronik-Dominerat Elkraftsystem
Machine-learning algorithms to categorize consumers
Operation and control of future renewable power systems
Communication-assisted protection in converter dominated medium-voltage microgrids
Grid Strength of a Converter-Dominated Renewable Power System
Kontroll och stabilitet av maskade mikronät med kommunikationsfel(EM SamspEL Micronät)