Thorsten Berger
Forskningsintressen: Model-Driven Engineering, Software Product Lines, Program Analysis, Highly Configurable Systems, Robotics.
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Visar 43 publikationer
Towards ML-Integration and Training Patterns for AI-Enabled Systems
FM-PRO: A Feature Modeling Process
A Driver-Vehicle Model for ADS Scenario-Based Testing
Virtual Platform: Effective and Seamless Variability Management for Software Systems
Machine learning experiment management tools: a mixed-methods empirical study
Detecting semantic conflicts with unit tests
A Large-Scale Study of ML-Related Python Projects
Behavior Trees and State Machines in Robotics Applications (Summary)
FeatRacer: Locating Features Through Assisted Traceability (Summary)
A benchmark generator framework for evolving variant-rich software
Behavior Trees and State Machines in Robotics Applications
Effects of variability in models: a family of experiments
EMMM: A Unified Meta-Model for Tracking Machine Learning Experiments
Reuse and maintenance practices among divergent forks in three software ecosystems
Languages for specifying missions of robotic applications
HAnS: IDE-based editing support for embedded feature annotations
A Study of Feature Scattering in the Linux Kernel
A survey on the design space of end-user-oriented languages for specifying robotic missions
Seamless Variability Management with the Virtual Platform
Towards Mapping Control Theory and Software Engineering Properties using Specification Patterns
FeatureVista: interactive feature visualization
Concepts of variation control systems
Causes of merge conflicts: a case study of ElasticSearch
Promote-pl: a round-trip engineering process model for adopting and evolving product lines
Robotics Software Engineering: A Perspective from the Service Robotics Domain (Summary)
Detecting Semantic Conflicts Via Automated Behavior Change Detection
Behavior Trees in Action: A study of Robotics Applications
A Common Notation and Tool Support for Embedded Feature Annotations
Activities and costs of re-engineering cloned variants into an integrated platform
Variability representations in class models: An empirical assessment
Variability modeling of service robots: Experiences and challenges
Migrating Java-based apo-games into a composition-based software product line
Where is my feature and what is it about? A case study on recovering feature facets
Migrating the android apo-games into an annotation-based software product line
Facing the truth: Benchmarking the techniques for the evolution of variant-rich systems
Visualization of feature locations with the tool FeatureDashboard
Clone-based variability management in the android ecosystem
Poster: Property specification patterns for robotic missions
An Architecture for Decentralized, Collaborative, and Autonomous Robots
PEoPL: Projectional Editing of Product Lines
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