Mikael Christensen
Visar 16 publikationer
Morphology of WC grains in WC-Co alloys
Morphology of WC grains in WC-Co alloys: Theoretical determination of grain shape
Effect of TaC on plastic deformation of WC-Co and Ti(C,N)-WC-Co
Effect of Sigma2 grain boundaries on plastic deformation of WC-Co cemented carbides
Strength and reinforcement of interfaces in cemented carbides
Effect of sigma-2 grain boundaries on plastic deformation of WC-Co cemented carbides
Mechanisms of plastic deformation of WC-Co and Ti(C,N)-WC-Co
WC grain shape as a function of the carbon potential in WC-Co alloys
Quantitative analysis of WC grain shape in sintered WC-Co cemented carbides
Interface energy of semicoherent metal-ceramic interfaces
Effects of cobalt intergranular segregation on interface energetics in WC-Co
A close look at interfaces in WC-Co using density-functional theory
Effect of grain boundary geometry on plastic deformation in WC-Co
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