Visar 17 publikationer
Increased stiffness of timber beams with steel and/or CFRP laminates
Strengthening Glulam Beams with Steel and Composite Plates
Bending creep performance of modified timber
Material properties and their interrelation in chemically modified clear wood of Scots pine
Standardised information flow for connections in industrialised construction
Analytical model of twist in Norway spruce (Picea abies) timber
Pre-twisting during sawing results in straight studs
Distortion and Material Properties of High-Temperature Dried Spruce Timber
Effect of residual stresses on performance of sawn timber - experiments
Influence of compression wood on MOE and MOR
The builders' view on drying quality and its consequences
Restraining forces preventing twist in the in-service conditions in timber studs
Dynamisk mätning av elasticitetsmodul på stockar - en möjlig sorteringsmetod?
Moisture-induced Distortion in Norway Spruce Timber - Experiments and Models
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