Rikard Bergman
Visar 37 publikationer
Role of Solvent for the Dynamics and the Glass Transition of Proteins
Effects of Water Contamination on the Supercooled Dynamics of a Hydrogen-Bonded Model Glass Former
Slow Debye-type peak observed in the dielectric response of polyalcohols
Slow dielectric response of Debye-type in water and other hydrogen bonded liquids
Dielectric secondary relaxation of water in aqueous binary glass-formers
Comment on "Hidden Slow Dynamics in Water'' Jansson, Bergman, and Swenson Reply
Role of hydrogen bonds in the supercooled dynamics of glass-forming liquids at high pressures
Anomalous behaviour of supercooled water and its implication for protein dymamics
Empirical Description of the Frequency Response of Glass Transition Related Relaxation Processes
Does confined water exhibit a fragile-to-strong transition?
Properties of hydration water and its role in protein dynamics
Dielectric relaxation of Sorbitol revisited
Dynamics of hemoglobin in different solvents as studied by QENS and Dielectric Spectroscopy
Relaxation processes in supercooled confined water and implications for protein dynamics
Water dynamics in n-propylene glycol aqueous solutions
Influence of chain length on the α-β bifurcation in oligomeric glass formers
Dynamics of sugar solutions as studied by dielectric spectroscopy
Dynamics of water in strawberries and red onion by dielectric spectroscopy
Dielectric and calorimetric studies of hydrated purple membrane
Comment on "Merging of a and slow beta relaxation in supercooled liquids"
Relation between solvent and protein dynamics as studied by dielectric spectroscopy
Relaxations of hydrogen bonded liquids confined in two dimensional vermiculite clay
Relaxation dynamics of a polymer in a 2D confinement
Glass transition and relaxation processes in supercooled water
Secondary relaxation in confined and bulk propylene carbonate
Dielectric α- and β-relaxations in uncured styrene butadiene rubber.
Restricted dynamics of a supercooled liquid in a polymer matrix
Diffusion of Solvent/Salt and Segmental Relaxation in Polymer Gel Electrolytes
Dielectric study of supercooled 2D-water in a vermiculite clay
Polymer Concentration Dependence of the Dynamics in Gel Electrolytes
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