Fan Jiang
Visar 27 publikationer
Integrated Communications and Localization for Massive MIMO LEO Satellite Systems
Enablers toward 6G positioning and sensing
Experimental Validation of Single BS 5G mmWave Positioning and Mapping for Intelligent Transport
ESPRIT-Oriented Precoder Design for mmWave Channel Estimation
Wideband mmWave Massive MIMO Channel Estimation and Localization
Low-Complexity Channel Estimation and Localization with Random Beamspace Observations
Doppler Exploitation in Bistatic mmWave Radio SLAM
A Computationally Efficient EK-PMBM Filter for Bistatic mmWave Radio SLAM
Optimal Spatial Signal Design for mmWave Positioning under Imperfect Synchronization
Cooperative mmWave PHD-SLAM with Moving Scatterers
Doppler-Enabled Single-Antenna Localization and Mapping Without Synchronization
Smart AUV-Assisted Localization and Time Synchronization of Underwater Acoustic Devices
Beyond 5G RIS mmWave Systems: Where Communication and Localization Meet
Experimental Validation of Single Base Station 5G mm Wave Positioning: Initial Findings
Iterated Posterior Linearization PMB Filter for 5G SLAM
Analysis of Outage Probability for Millimeter Wave Communications
Data-Aided Doppler Compensation for High-Speed Railway Communications over mmWave Bands
A Mobile Node Assisted Localization System for Wireless Sensor Networks
5G SLAM with Low-complexity Channel Estimation
High-dimensional Channel Estimation for Simultaneous Localization and Communications
5G SLAM Using the Clustering and Assignment Approach with Diffuse Multipath
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