Hakan Köroglu
Visar 24 publikationer
Computation of Robust Control Invariant Sets with Predefined Complexity for Uncertain Systems
Platoon Control based on Predecessor and Delayed Leader Information via Minimized Headway Times
Computation of low-complexity control-invariant sets for systems with uncertain parameter dependence
Robust static output feedback synthesis for platoons under leader and predecessor feedback
Distributed LPV state-feedback control under control input saturation
Robust stability and performance analysis based on integral quadratic constraints
Platoon Control based on Predecessor and Delayed Leader Information
Estimation of parameters and delay in driver models using L1-regularization
Robust Lateral Control of an A-double combination via H∞ and Generalized H2 Static Output Feedback
Distributed LPV State-Feedback Control with Application to Motorway Ramp Metering
Robust Static Output Feedback Synthesis under an Integral Quadratic Constraint on the States
Distributed control of traffic flow in motorways
State Feedback Synthesis for Homogenous Platoons under the Leader and Predecessor Following Scheme
Joint Synthesis of Dynamic Feed-Forward and Static State Feedback for Platoon Control
Improved Conditions for Observer-Based LPV Control with Guaranteed L2-Gain Performance
New LMI Conditions for Static Output Feedback Synthesis with Multiple Performance Objectives
Controller Synthesis for a Homogenous Platoon under Leader and Predecessor Following Scheme
H Infinity Synthesis with Unstable Weighting Filters: An LMI Solution
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