Peter Hegarty
Min forskning täcker ett brett spektrum av diskret matematik. Jag är särskilt intresserad av diskret sannolikhetsteori, kombinatorisk talteori och ändlig gruppteori.
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Visar 38 publikationer
Excess Mortality and the Effect of the Covid-19 Vaccines. Part 1: European Data.
Excess mortality and the effect of the Covid-19 vaccines: Update on the European data
When can multi-agent rendezvous be executed in time linear in the diameter of a plane configuration?
The Hegselmann-Krause dynamics on the circle converge
The Hegselmann-Krause dynamics for equally spaced agents
Permutations destroying arithmetic progressions in finite cyclic groups
Can connected commuting graphs of finite groups have arbitrarily large diameter ?
On the Diameters of Commuting Graphs Arising from Random Skew-Symmetric Matrices
On the existence of accessible paths in various models of fitness landscapes
Permutations all of whose patterns of a given length are distinct
Limit points in the range of the commuting probability function on finite groups
A variant of the multi-agent rendezvous problem
On m-covering families of Beatty sequences with irrational moduli
Invariant and dual subtraction games resolving the Duchene-Rigo conjecture
A Cauchy-Davenport type result for arbitrary regular graphs
On the possible orders of a basis for a finite cyclic group
The postage stamp problem and essential subsets in integer bases
Minimal odd order automorphism groups
Essentialities in additive bases
Answers to Two Questions Posed by Farhi Concerning Additive Bases
When Almost All Sets are Difference Dominated
Finite Groups with an Automorphism Cubing a Large Fraction of Elements
2-Pile Nim with a Restricted Number of Move-Size Imitations
The inverse problem for representation functions for general linear forms
Extremal subsets of {1, ..., n} avoiding solutions to linear equations in three variables
Some explicit constructions of sets with more sums than differences
Permutations of the Natural Numbers with Prescribed Difference Multisets
An Improved Upper Bound on the Maximum Size of k-primitive Sets
Soluble groups with an automorphism inverting many elements
The structure of maximum subsets of {1,...,n} with no solutions to a+b=kc
Permutations avoiding arithmetic patterns
A variant of the discrete isoperimetric problem
On a conjecture of Zimmerman about group automorphisms
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