Hannes Helmholz
Visar 18 publikationer
End-to-End Magnitude Least Squares Binaural Rendering for Equatorial Microphone Arrays
Towards the prediction of perceived room acoustical similarity
End-to-End Magnitude Least Squares Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Signals
Effects of Additive Noise in Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Signals
The Far-Field Equatorial Array for Binaural Rendering
A Head-Mounted Microphone Array for Binaural Rendering
Evaluation of Sensor Self-Noise in Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Signals
Updates on the Real-Time Spherical Array Renderer (ReTiSAR)
Real-Time Implementation of Binaural Rendering of High-Order Spherical Microphone Array Signals
Authentic Auralization of Acoustic Spaces Based on Spherical Microphone Array Recordings
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Binaural reproduktion av inspelningar med sfäriska mikrofonsystem