Duncan Kushnir
Visar 36 publikationer
Prospective inventory modelling of emerging chemicals: The case of photonic materials
Environmental Assessment of Emerging Technologies: Recommendations for Prospective LCA
Prospecting Secondary Raw Materials in the Urban Mine and mining wastes (ProSUM) - Final Report
Globalization and growth of US university patenting (2009–2014)
Is graphene a ”wonder material” also from an environmental life cycle perspective?
Kommer brist på metaller att begränsa användningen av elfordon?
Prospective Life Cycle Assessment of Graphene Production by Ultrasonication and Chemical Reduction
Policy and Path Formation in the Swedish Vehicle Recycling System
Will metal scarcity limit the use of electric vehicles?
How energy efficient is electrified transport?
Is there a "crystal ball"? Assessing environmental life cycle impacts of new nanomaterials
Lithium resource flows over time: Implications and challenges
The time dimension and lithium resource constraints for electric vehicles
Material Constraints for Concentrating Solar Thermal Power
Förnybara energikällors inverkan på de svenska miljömålen
Environmental Assessment of Emerging Technologies: The Case of Nanomaterials for Energy Systems
Energy Requirements for production of carbon nanoparticles
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Fotofission och -fusion: Bortom gränsen för konventionell solenergiteknik
BatMan - förberedelse för förbättrad återanvändning av batterisystem