Dan Li
Visar 34 publikationer
Training Operator in VR: A Scalable Solution for the Creation of VR Training Scenes
The Creation of a Multi-User Virtual Training Environment for Operator Training in VR
A Collaborative Digital Platform for Root Cause Analysis in a Value Chain
Exploration of digitalized presentation of information for Operator 4.0: Five industrial cases
Concepts for Digitalisation of Assembly Instructions for Short Takt Times
Digitalization as Facilitator of Effective Information Sharing in Production Systems
Knowledge Strategies for Organization 4.0 – A Workforce Centric Approach
Forming a cognitive automation strategy for Operator 4.0 in complex assembly
Knowledge Strategies for Organisation 4.0
Production Innovation and Effective Dissemination of Information for Operator 4.0
Effective Sharing of Information and Knowledge in Production Systems
Current and future Industry 4.0 capabilities for information and knowledge sharing
Human-Centred Dissemination of Data, Information and Knowledge in Industry 4.0
Conceptualising Assembly 4.0 through the Drone Factory
Application of design principles for assembly instructions – evaluation of practitioner use
Effects of Information Content in Work Instructions for Operator Performance
Design concept towards a human-centered learning factory
Testing and validating Extended Reality (xR) technologies in manufacturing
Creating strategies to improve the use of it-and is-systems in final assembly
Technology-assisted sharing of knowledge in industrialization processes
Measuring Operator Emotion Objectively at a Complex Final Assembly Station
Measuring Operator Emotion Objectively at a Complex Final Assembly Station
Evaluation of Guidelines for Assembly Instructions
Towards an assessment approach promoting flexible value-adding meetings in industry
Testing Operator Support Tools for a Global Production Strategy
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Visar 9 forskningsprojekt
TACO (insTruction innovAtion for Cognitive Optimisation)
Teaching, Training and Transforming Assembly with Collaborative and Social Robots (T3CR)
Stena Industry Innovation Lab at Chalmers - SII-Lab
Demonstration- och testbädd inom smart digitalisering för automation med människan i centrum
MEET-UP: Ökad innovationsförmåga i produktion med MEET-applikation och smart samverkan
Strategier för global montering (GAIS) 2