Leif Sandsjö
Visar 63 publikationer
Product representations as mediating tools in the development of new medical technology
Three-dimensional Fabrics as Medical Textiles
Facilitating user involvement in textile development
3D Weaving Technique Applied in Long Term Monitoring of Brain Activity
Three-dimensional multilayer fabric structures for interactive textiles
Prognostic factors for the effect of a myofeedback-based teletreatment service
A scenario guideline for designing new teletreatments: a multidisciplinary approach
Physical demands and reported illness among dentists - A longitudinal approach
Effects and mechanisms of myofeedback training in females with work-related neck-shoulder complaints
Myofeedback experiences in female computer users reporting muscular tension in the neck/shoulder.
Myofeedback training in women with work-related neck-shoulder pain.
Effects of a myofeedback training on muscle activation, pain and disability.
Myofeedback – en metod för intervention vid myalgibesvär.
The NEW-study. Perceived work demands, felt stress, and musculoskeletal symptoms.
Upplevda arbetskrav, upplevd stress och muskuloskeletala nack/skulder-besvär.
Effects of a myofeedback training on muscle activation, pain and disability.
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