Mats Leijon
Visar 24 publikationer
Experimental Evaluation of a Rare Earth-Free Permanent Magnet Generator
Method for optimizing the magnetic circuit of a linear generator using FEM simulations
An overview of mnal permanent magnets with a study on their potential in electrical machines
Longitudinal end effects in a linear wave power generator
Grid integration and a power quality assessment of a wave-energy park
Offshore deployments of wave energy converters by Uppsala University, Sweden
Marine renewable energy sources for desalination, generating freshwater and lithium
Integration of real-world project tasks in a course on automation and robot engineering
Study of an altered magnetic circuit of a permanent magnet linear generator for wave power
Energy management for a grid-connected wave energy park through a hybrid energy storage system
An updated cable feeder tool design for robotized stator cable winding
Experimental Test of Grid Connected VSC to Improve the Power Quality in a Wave Power System
Robotized stator cable winding
Active High Voltage Insulation
Electric Field Reduction Due to Charge Accumulation in a Dielectric-Covered Electrode System
On Discharge Phenomena in a Covered Electrode System in Air
Electric Field Reduction in a Covered Electrode Gap due to Ionization and Charge Accumulation
The Electric Field Distribution in a Covered Electrode System Modelled with a Lumped RC Circuit
Effects of Charge Accumulation in a Dielectric Covered Electrode System in Air
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