York Ostermeyer
Visar 52 publikationer
Co-Heating method for thermal performance evaluation of closed refrigerated display cabinets
CREATE: A toolbox to develop, implement and monitor advanced energy and climate goals and strategies
Potential of Supermarket Refrigeration Systems for Grid Balancing by Demand Response
Analysis of door openings of refrigerated display cabinets in an operational supermarket
Building Inventory and Refurbishment Scenario Database Development for Switzerland
Abatement cost of embodied emissions of a residential building in Sweden
Humid Wall: Review on Causes and Solutions
A Multidimensional Optimization Approach to Refurbishment Design on a Multi-Building Scale
Factors for Eco-Efficiency Improvement of Thermal Insulation Materials
Feasibility of solar energy in south sweden: artificial neural network modeling
When to consume electricity? View from cost and carbon emission: case in Germany
Sustainability Assessment of Infrastructure Elements with Integrated Energy Harvesting Technologies
Environmental impact of buildings - what matters?
Utilization of Multi-Criteria Assessment on Building Thermal Insulation Materials
Specific Barriers to Massive Scale Energetic Refurbishment for Sample Markets in Europe
A living lab co-creation environment exemplifying Factor 10 improvements in a city district
Sustainable wooden envelope for subtropical regions - The realization and validation in Japan
Applicability of a vapor-open wooden building envelope for subtropical regions in global context
Assessment of the relevance of “embodied energy” in the building stock of the city of Zurich
Indicator based sustainability assessment tool for affordable housing construction technologies
A Preliminary Investigation into the Sustainable Design of Structures
Study on heat and moisture balance of a sustainable building envelope for subtropical regions
Study on heat and moisture balance of a sustainable building envelope for subtropical regions
Preliminary investigation of a vapor-open envelope tailored for subtropical climate
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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt
Big Data Processing in the context of Smart Buildings,
DREEAM – energismart renovering av bostadsområden
Supermarkets as thermal buffers for renewable electricity grids
Energieffektivitet i byggnader för storskalig marknadsanvändning (BEEM UP)