Andreas Dahlin
I work with functional nanostructures: In my group we fabricate new structures and functionalize them chemically in order to evaluate them for various applications. Our work is strongly interdisciplinary and we aim to develop new bioanalytical devices or synthetic biological systems on the nanoscale. We are also addressing fundamental scientific questions, for instance within supramolecular chemistry and polymer physics. Read more about ongoing research project below. Molecular Trapping A lot of my work relates to nanopores in one way or another. To put it simple, I work with very small holes. I am far from the only one in the world working with nanopores, but my nanopores are quite different from those typically produced by other research groups. In particular, I use metallic layers to give the structures plasmonic resonances and I chemically modify my nanopores with polymers. We are all used to having doors and rooms to locate people. I am interested in achieving the same thing but with molecules instead of people and on the nanoscale. This work is partly inspired by the highly specific nanoscale gates (doors) found in nature, such as the nuclear pore complex which controls what molecules are allowed to enter the nuclei of eucaryotic cells (where the DNA is stored). I am interested in making nanoscale gates that can be opened and closed by electric signals. This can be accomplished by using special polymers that undergo shape changes in response to changes in temperature or the chemical environment. Also, we try to make apertures that are "not quite" possible for the molecules to pass through spontaneously, so that we can use electrokinetic forces to squeeze them through on demand. The dream scenario is to have a platform where one can trap biological molecules such as proteins - at physiological conditions - without tethering to a surface - for long-term observations (at least minutes) - with exact control of how many molecules that are confined Especially the last point is currently not possible with any technology. The trapping platform would enable new possibilities in studies of intrinsically disordered proteins, protein aggregation and protein interactions. Our first publication on this topic recently came out: Biopharmaceutical Purification In this recently started project, we try to use polymer brushes for protein purification. The idea is based on our recent insights regarding how polymers interact with proteins and how this can be controlled by electrochemical potentials. We have recently filed a patent and launched a startup company which tries to commercialize the technology: We are currently looking for funding to continue with more academic research on this topic, not only utilization of our findings so far. Nuclear Pore Mimics In the nuclear envelope surrounding the nucleus of eucaryotic cells, there exists a nanoscale machinery which selectively transports biomolecules in or out of the nucleus. The most remarkable thing about the barrier (in my opinion) is that the "cargo"molecules are transported via "shuttles" that move freely through the barrier. Even though the shuttle-cargo complex is larger than the cargo alone, it can pass the barrier, while the cargo cannot. This project is mostly about fundamental science, aiming to obtain a better understanding of disordered macromolecules and their interactions. We have written a review paper on the topic:
Showing 76 publications
Photothermal Properties of Solid-Supported Gold Nanorods
Electrochromic active matrix with plasmonic metasurfaces
Electrochromic Passive Matrix Display Utilizing Diode-Like Redox Reactions on Indium-Tin-Oxide
Video-Rate Switching of High-Reflectivity Hybrid Cavities Spanning All Primary Colors
The role of membrane complexity in the early entry stages of SARS-CoV-2 variants
Chemically functionalised nanopores for protein trapping
Trapping Proteins in Nanoscale Chambers
Electrically Switchable Polymer Brushes for Protein Capture and Release in Biological Environments**
De Novo Computational Design of Disordered Fg-Nucleoporins
Biochemical Sensing with Nanoplasmonic Architectures: We Know How but Do We Know Why?
Video Speed Switching of Plasmonic Structural Colors with High Contrast and Superior Lifetime
Control of Polymer Brush Morphology, Rheology, and Protein Repulsion by Hydrogen Bond Complexation
A designer FG-Nup that reconstitutes the selective transport barrier of the nuclear pore complex
Electrochromic Inorganic Nanostructures with High Chromaticity and Superior Brightness
Solid state nanopores functionalized with polymer brushes
High-Contrast Switching of Plasmonic Structural Colors: Inorganic versus Organic Electrochromism
Generic high-capacity protein capture and release by pH control
Active control of plasmonic colors: emerging display technologies
Optimizing electrochromism for plasmonic electronic paper: Inorganic vs organic
Nanoplasmonic Sensor Detects Preferential Binding of IRSp53 to Negative Membrane Curvature
Optical properties of plasmonic nanopore arrays prepared by electron beam and colloidal lithography
Gating Protein Transport in Solid State Nanopores by Single Molecule Recognition
Polymer brushes in solid-state nanopores form an impenetrable entropic barrier for proteins
Quantitative Analysis of Thickness and pH Actuation of Weak Polyelectrolyte Brushes
Protein exclusion is preserved by temperature sensitive PEG brushes
Fabrication and Characterization of Plasmonic Nanopores with Cavities in the Solid Support
Switchable Plasmonic Metasurfaces with High Chromaticity Containing only Abundant Metals
Biosensing using plasmonic nanohole arrays with small, homogenous and tunable aperture diameters
Plasmonic Metasurfaces with Conjugated Polymers for Flexible Electronic Paper in Color
Plasmon Enhanced Internal Photoemission in Antenna-Spacer-Mirror Based Au/TiO2 Nanostructures
Sensing applications based on plasmonic nanopores: The hole story
Strongly Stretched Protein Resistant Poly(ethylene glycol) Brushes Prepared by Grafting-To
A Thermal Plasmonic Sensor Platform: Resistive Heating of Nanohole Arrays
Plasmonic Nanopores in Metal-Insulator-Metal Films
Promises and challenges of nanoplasmonic devices for refractometric biosensing
Size Matters: Problems and Advantages Associated with Highly Miniaturized Sensors
Performance of nanoplasmonic biosensors
Nanoplasmonic sensing combined with artificial cell membranes
Electrochemical plasmonic sensors
Nanoplasmonic sensing of metal-halide complex formation and the electric double layer capacitor
Locally Functionalized Short-Range Ordered Nanoplasmonic Pores for Bioanalytical Sensing
High-resolution microspectroscopy pf plasmonic nanostructures for miniaturized biosensing
Nanoplasmonic Biosensors compatible with Artificial Cell Membranes
Nanoplasmonic biosensing with focus on short-range ordered nanoholes in thin metal films
Localized surface plasmon sensing of lipid-membrane-mediated biorecognition events
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Showing 13 research projects
Purification of oligonucleotides with polymer brushes
Artificial shuttle-cargo transport of proteins
Single Molecule Analysis in Nanoscale ReactionChambers SIMONANO2
Plasmoniskt elektroniskt papper för videodisplay
Energisparande elektrokromiska platta hybridmaterial
SIMONANO (Single Molecule Analysis in Nanoscale Reaction)
Polymerborstar och molekylär transport i nanokanaler
Macromolecular Gates in Nanofluidic Channels
Plasmonic antennas shine light on the nanoworld
Active Nanopores Functionalized with Responsive Polymers
Funktionella elektromagnetiska metamaterial & optisk sensing
Active Polymer-Functionalized Nanopores (ACTIVE NANOPORES)
Elektrokemiska portar i vätskefyllda nanokanaler