Aila Särkkä

Full Professor at Applied Mathematics and Statistics

My research areas are spatial statistics and spatio-temporal modelling. A lot of my earlier research has been on Gibbs point processes, especially on pseudo-likelihood estimation and construction of new models. More recently, I have been working on spatio-temporal models, and developed edge-corrected estimation methods for spatio-temporal data. Currently, I am mainly working on 3D microscopy point pattern data with replicates, where the main challenges are heterogeneity, anisotropy, and errors. My main application areas are materials science and neurology.

Image of Aila Särkkä

Showing 63 publications


Modeling Colloidal Particle Aggregation Using Cluster Aggregation with Multiple Particle Interactions

Jakob Antonsson, Charlotte Hamngren Blomqvist, Eva Olsson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 128 (18), p. 4513-4524
Journal article

Plant size inequality: How to analyse competing spatial dissimilarity Indices?

Arne Pommerening, Aila Särkkä
Ecological Indicators. Vol. 166
Journal article

Discussion of “Marked Spatial Point Processes: Current State and Extensions to Point Processes on Linear Networks”

Mari Myllymäki, Tuomas Rajala, Aila Särkkä
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. Vol. 29 (2), p. 399-404
Journal article

Controlling the structure of spin-coated multilayer ethylcellulose/hydroxypropylcellulose films for drug release

Pierre Carmona, Jens Poulsen, Jan Westergren et al
International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Vol. 644
Journal article

Statistical modeling of diabetic neuropathy: Exploring the dynamics of nerve mortality

Konstantinos Konstantinou, Farnaz Ghorbanpour, Umberto Picchini et al
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 42 (23), p. 4128-4146
Journal article

Hierarchical log Gaussian Cox process for regeneration in uneven-aged forests

Mikko Kuronen, Aila Särkkä, Matti Vihola et al
Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Vol. 29 (1), p. 185-205
Journal article

Tests for isotropy in spatial point patterns – A comparison of statistical indices

Tuomas Rajala, Claudia Redenbach, Aila Särkkä et al
Spatial Statistics. Vol. 52
Journal article

Pairwise interaction Markov model for 3D epidermal nerve fibre endings

Konstantinos Konstantinou, Aila Särkkä
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 288 (1), p. 54-67
Journal article

Structure formation and coarsening kinetics of phase-separated spin-coated ethylcellulose/hydroxypropylcellulose films

Pierre Carmona, Magnus Röding, Aila Särkkä et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 18 (16), p. 3206-3217
Journal article

Cross-sectional structure evolution of phase-separated spin-coated ethylcellulose/hydroxypropylcellulose films during solvent quenching

Pierre Carmona, Christian von Corswant, Magnus Roding et al
RSC Advances. Vol. 12 (40), p. 26078-26089
Journal article

Spatial modeling of epidermal nerve fiber patterns

Konstantinos Konstantinou, Aila Särkkä
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 40 (29), p. 6479-6500
Journal article

Tessellation-based stochastic modelling of 3D coating structures imaged with FIB-SEM tomography

Philip Townsend, Torben Nilsson Pingel, Niklas Lorén et al
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 197
Journal article

Structure evolution during phase separation in spin-coated ethylcellulose/ hydroxypropylcellulose films

Pierre Carmona, Magnus Röding, Aila Särkkä et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 17 (14), p. 3913-3922
Journal article

Stochastic modelling of 3D fiber structures imaged with X-ray microtomography

Philip Townsend, Emanuel Larsson, Tomas Karlson et al
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 194
Journal article

Point process models for sweat gland activation observed with noise

Mikko Kuronen, Mari Myllymaki, Adam Loavenbruck et al
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 40 (8), p. 2055-2072
Journal article

Correlating 3D porous structure in polymer films with mass transport properties using FIB-SEM tomography

Cecilia Fager, Tobias Gebäck, Johan Hjärtstam et al
Chemical Engineering Science: X. Vol. 12
Journal article

Marked point process analysis of epidermal nerve fibres

Farnaz Ghorbanpour, Aila Särkkä, Reza Pourtaheri
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 283 (1), p. 41-50
Journal article

Optimization of FIB-SEM Tomography and Reconstruction for Soft, Porous, and Poorly Conducting Materials

Cecilia Fager, Magnus Röding, Anna Olsson et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 26 (4), p. 837-845
Journal article

Second order analysis of geometric anisotropic point processes revisited

M. Sormani, Claudia Redenbach, Aila Särkkä et al
Spatial Statistics. Vol. 38
Journal article

A Bayesian hierarchical point process model for epidermal nerve fiber patterns

Claes Andersson, Tuomas Rajala, Aila Särkkä
Mathematical Biosciences. Vol. 313, p. 48-60
Journal article

Raster Image Correlation Spectroscopy Performance Evaluation

Marco Longfils, Nick Smisdom, Marcel Ameloot et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 117 (10), p. 1900-1914
Journal article

Colloidal particle aggregation in three dimensions

Henrike Häbel, Aila Särkkä, Mats Rudemo et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 275 (3), p. 149-158
Journal article

Single particle raster image analysis of diffusion for particle mixtures

Marco Longfils, Magnus Röding, Annika Altskär et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 269 (3), p. 269-281
Journal article

A review on anisotropy analysis of spatial point patterns

Tuomas Rajala, Claudia Redenbach, Aila Särkkä et al
Spatial Statistics. Vol. 28, p. 141-168
Review article

Hierarchical models for epidermal nerve fiber data

Claes Andersson, Tuomas Rajala, Aila Särkkä
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 37 (3), p. 357-374
Journal article

Single particle raster image analysis of diffusion

Marco Longfils, Erich Schuster, Niklas Lorén et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 266 (1), p. 3-14
Journal article

A three-dimensional anisotropic point process characterization for pharmaceutical coatings

Henrike Häbel, Tuomas Rajala, M. Marucci et al
Spatial Statistics. Vol. 22, p. 306-320
Journal article

Characterizing cross-subject spatial interaction patterns in functional magnetic resonance imaging studies: A two-stage point-process model

A. Lee, Aila Särkkä, T. M. Madhyastha et al
Biometrical Journal. Vol. 59 (6), p. 1352-1381
Journal article

Estimating geometric anisotropy in spatial point patterns

Tuomas Rajala, Aila Särkkä, Claudia Redenbach et al
Spatial Statistics. Vol. 15, p. 100-114
Journal article

Characterization of pore structure of polymer blended films used for controlled drug release

Henrike Häbel, Helene Andersson, Anna Olsson et al
Journal of Controlled Release. Vol. 222, p. 151-158
Journal article

Point Processes, Spatial

Aila Särkkä
Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, p. 6-
Book chapter

From static micrographs to particle aggregation dynamics in three dimensions

Henrike Häbel, Aila Särkkä, Mats Rudemo et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 262 (1), p. 102-111
Journal article

Discovering early diabetic neuropathy from epidermal nerve fiber patterns

Claes Andersson, P. Guttorp, Aila Särkkä
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 35 (24), p. 4427-4442
Journal article

What we look at in paintings: A comparison between experienced and inexperienced art viewers

A. K. Ylitalo, Aila Särkkä, P. Guttorp
Annals of Applied Statistics. Vol. 10 (2), p. 549-574
Journal article

Variational Bayes approach for classification of points in superpositions of point processes

Tuomas Rajala, Claudia Redenbach, Aila Särkkä et al
Spatial Statistics. Vol. 15, p. 85-99
Journal article

Statistical Prediction of Global Sea Level From Global Temperature

David Bolin, P. Guttorp, A. Januzzi et al
Statistica Sinica. Vol. 25 (1), p. 351-367
Journal article

Classification of Points in Superpositions of Strauss and Poisson Processes

Claudia Redenbach, Martina Sormani, Aila Särkkä
Spatial Statistics. Vol. 12, p. 81-95
Journal article

Identifying directional persistence in intracellular particle motion using Hidden Markov Models

Magnus Röding, M. Guo, David A. Weitz et al
Mathematical Biosciences. Vol. 248 (1), p. 140-145
Journal article

Hierarchical second-order analysis of replicated spatial point patterns with non-spatial covariates

Mari Myllymäki, Aila Särkkä, Aki Vehtari
Spatial Statistics. Vol. 8 (C), p. 104-121
Journal article

Assessing the Uncertainty in Projecting Local Mean Sea Level from Global Temperature

P. Guttorp, A. Januzzi, M. Novak et al
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Vol. 53 (9), p. 2163-2170
Journal article

Parameter estimation for growth interaction processes using spatio-temporal information

Claudia Redenbach, Aila Särkkä
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Vol. 57 (1), p. 672-683
Journal article

What mark variograms tell about spatial plant interactions

A. Pommerening, Aila Särkkä
Ecological Modelling. Vol. 251, p. 64-72
Journal article

Automatic Particle Detection in Microscopy Using Temporal Correlations

Magnus Röding, Hendrik Deschout, Thomas Martens et al
Microscopy Research and Technique. Vol. 76 (10), p. 997-1006
Journal article

Self-calibrated concentration measurements of polydisperse nanoparticles

Magnus Röding, Hendrik Deschout, Kevin Braeckmans et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 252 (1), p. 79-88
Journal article

Development and evaluation of spatial point process models for epidermal nerve fibers

Viktor Olsbo, Mari Myllymäki, L. A. Waller et al
Mathematical Biosciences. Vol. 243 (2), p. 178-189
Journal article

The gamma distribution model for pulsed-field gradient NMR studies of molecular-weight distributions of polymers

Magnus Röding, Diana Bernin, Jenny Jonasson et al
Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Vol. 222, p. 105-111
Journal article

Analysis of spatial structure of epidermal nerve entry point patterns based on replicated data

Mari Myllymäki, I. G. Panoutsopoulou, Aila Särkkä
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 247 (3), p. 228-239
Journal article

Some edge correction methods for marked spatio-temporal point process models

Ottmar Cronie, Aila Särkkä
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Vol. 55 (7), p. 2209-2220
Journal article

Second-order spatial analysis of epidermal nerve fibers

L. A. Waller, Aila Särkkä, Viktor Olsbo et al
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 30 (23), p. 2827-2841
Journal article

Modelling the spatial and space-time structure of forest stands: How to model asymmetric interaction between neighbouring trees

P. Grabarnik, Aila Särkkä
Procedia Environmental Sciences. 1st International Conference on Spatial Statistics 2011,Enschede,23-25 March 2011. Vol. 7, p. 62-67
Paper in proceeding

A third order point process characteristic for multi-type point processes

Carles Comas, Jorge Mateu, Aila Särkkä
Statistica Neerlandica. Vol. 64 (1), p. 19-44
Journal article

Modelling tree roots in mixed forest stands by inhomogeneous marked Gibbs point processes.

Stefanie Eckel, Frank Fleischer, Pavel Grabarnik et al
Biometrical Journal. Vol. 51, p. 522-539
Journal article

Anisotropy analysis of pressed point processes

Claudia Redenbach, Aila Särkkä, Katja Schladitz et al
Advances in Statistical Analysis. Vol. 93 (3), p. 237-261
Journal article

Modelling the spatial structure of forest stands by multivariate point processes with hierarchical interactions

Pavel Grabarnik, Aila Särkkä
Ecological Modelling. Vol. 220, p. 1232-1240
Journal article

Discussion article in the discussion of the paper Modern Statistics for Spatial Point Processes by Moller and Waagepettersen

Pavel Grabarnik, Aila Särkkä
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Vol. 34 (4), p. 643-711
Magazine article

Modeling the microstructure of sintered copper

Claudia Lautensack, Katja Schladitz, Aila Särkkä
Proceedings of the Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry 6th International Conference Prague, Czech Republic, 26-29 June 2006
Paper in proceeding

Modelling growth of trees by space-time growth-interaction processe

Aila Särkkä
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA3), Pamplona, Spain
Other conference contribution

The analysis of marked point patterns evolving through space and time

Aila Särkkä, Eric Renshaw
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. Vol. 51, p. 1698-1718
Journal article

An additive edge correction for the influence potential of trees

Sharon Kühlmann-Berenzon, J Heikkinen, Aila Särkkä
Biometrical Journal. Vol. 47 (4), p. 517-526
Journal article

Modelling of a spatial structure of a forest stand by Gibbs point processes with hierarchical interactions

Pavel Grabarnik, Aila Särkkä
The Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, Pushchino, Russia
Other conference contribution

Discussion article on the paper Residual analysis for spatial point processes by A. Baddeley, R. Turner, J. Moller and M. Hazelton

Dietrich Stoyan, Aila Särkkä
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B. Vol. 67 (5), p. 617-666
Magazine article

Some space-time interaction models for marked point processes.

Aila Särkkä, Eric Renshaw
The proceedings of Spatial point process modelling and its applications, Castellon, Spain
Other conference contribution

An additive edge correction based on the refined Campbell theorem

Sharon Kühlmann-Berenzon, Juha Heikkinen, Aila Särkkä

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Showing 7 research projects


Accelerated porous materials design and development using statistics and machine learning

Aila Särkkä Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Inference in the face of intractability: Bayesian applications of continuous-time Markov processes

Ruben Seyer Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Moritz Schauer Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Aila Särkkä Applied Mathematics and Statistics
University of Gothenburg

1 publication exists

Extracting information from complicated point patterns

Aila Särkkä Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

6 publications exist

CoSiMa - concept for industrial development for the sustainable soft materials of the future

Tobias Gebäck Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Lars Nordstierna Lars Evenäs Group
Magnus Röding Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Eva Olsson Eva Olsson Group
Aila Särkkä Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Niklas Lorén Eva Olsson Group


Material structures seen through microscopes and statistics

Aila Särkkä Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Cecilia Fager Nano and Biophysics
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

5 publications exist

Spatial statistical methods for detecting small fiber neuropathies

Aila Särkkä Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Stochastics for big data and big systems - bridging local and global

Holger Rootzen Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Bernt Wennberg Mathematical Sciences
Rebecka Jörnsten Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Igor Rychlik Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Sergey Zuev Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Johan Jonasson Analysis and Probability Theory
Johan Wästlund Analysis and Probability Theory
Jeffrey Steif Analysis and Probability Theory
Olle Häggström Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Robert Berman Algebra and geometry
Aila Särkkä Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

8 publications exist
There might be more projects where Aila Särkkä participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.