Anna Bergek
Anna Bergek is Full Professor in Innovation Systems and Technology Policy since October 2016. She studies innovation in mature industries and innovation systems, with particular focus on the energy sector. The aim of the research is to understand under what conditions mature companies and industries can remain innovative, how new technology can enter and diffuse in sectors that are in need of a sustainability transition and how energy and technology policy instruments should be designed to facilitate innovation and transition. Since 1 March 2018, Anna is Deputy Head of Department and Vice Head of Department with focus on research.

Showing 54 publications
Energy communities in Sweden: Challenging established ideas of aim, place and engagement
Sol i gemenskap: deltagande, organisation och regelverk (SiG) - slutrapport
Interaction between Energy Incumbents and Solar Entrants: Relationship Status Complicated
Towards an integrated framework for evaluating transformative innovation policy
Complexity challenges for transition policy: lessons from coastal shipping in Norway
Sammanställning av övergripande enkätresultat från projektet Sol i Gemenskap
Lost in translation: Challenges in creating new transformative innovation policy practices
Transformative innovation policy: A systematic review
Evaluating systemic innovation and transition programmes: Towards a culture of learning
Transformation in a mature industry: The role of business and innovation strategies
Sustainability transitions in coastal shipping: The role of regime segmentation
Influences of technological and sectoral contexts on technological innovation systems
Solar business model adoption by energy incumbents: the importance of strategic fit
Elhandelsbolagen och solelens spridning: strategier och kritiska avvägningar (ELSSKA) (slutrapport)
A functions approach for evaluating transformative innovation policy: indicators and metrics
Intermediaries in accelerating transitions: Introduction to the special issue
A functions approach for evaluating transformative innovation policy
Diffusion intermediaries: A taxonomy based on renewable electricity technology in Sweden
An agenda for sustainability transitions research: State of the art and future directions
The policymaking process of transformative innovation policy: a systematic review
Transformation in a mature industry: the role of business and innovation strategies
Intermediärers roller i omställningen till ett hållbart energisystem: Slutrapport
Technological innovation systems: a review of recent findings and suggestions for further research
Motives to adopt renewable electricity technologies: Evidence from Sweden
Empiriska mönster och slutsatser för analytiker
Fremmer grönne sertifikater ny teknologi?
Innovation system analyses and sustainability transitions:Contributions and suggestions for research
114. Functionality of innovation systems as a rationale for, and guide to innovation policy
EU renewable energy support policy: Faith or facts?
Håller Sverige på att missa klimatutmaningens innovationspotential?
Analyzing the functional dynamics of technological innovation systems: A scheme of analysis
Analysing the Dynamics and Fucntionality of Sectoral Innovation Systems - a manual
Analysing the dynamics and functionality of sectoral innovation systems
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Showing 13 research projects
Interaction platform for research on system transformation
Assessing and evaluating the transformative potential and outcomes of TIP
Swedish platform for System Innovation Research in Interaction (SIRI) – a feasibility study
Community solar: participation, organisation, and regulation
Electricity retailers and solar power diffusion: strategies and critical trade-offs
System innovation for societal challenges: A strategic knowledge platform
BioEkonomi 2.0 Bättre valorisering av restströmmar (BioEk 2.0)
Interactions between business, energy and innovation strategies in the pulp and paper industry
Greening the Fleet – Sustainability Transitions in the Maritime Shipping Sector (Greenfleet)
Policymakers’ capacity to develop a sustainable bioeconomy
The roles of intermediaries in the transition to a sustainable energy system