Anna Kadefors
Showing 61 publications
Temporality, temporariness and keystone actor capabilities in innovation ecosystems
Procurement research: Current state and future challenges in the Nordic countries
Public procurement for carbon reduction in infrastructure projects - An international overview
Collaborative procurement strategies for infrastructure projects: A multiple-case study
Orchestrating multi-actor collaborative innovation across organizational boundaries
Employment requirements in Swedish construction procurement: Institutional perspectives
Social procurement and employment requirements in construction
Organisering och kontrakt i bergtunnelprojekt - kunskap i samverkan
Exploring alternatives in early design of large infrastructure projects
Municipal consultancy procurement – New roles and practices
Sweden - collaboration for competitiveness
Swedish Building Innovation Program (Bygginnovationen)
Trust, control and knowledge integration in a rock tunnel project
Byggherrar och innovation – från process till förmåga
Collaboration in public construction - contractual incentives, partnering schemes and trust
Developing Collaborative Contracting - Three Railway Project Cases
Samarbete i byggandet - igår, idag och i framtiden
Developing collaborative contracting - three railway project cases
Clients’ strategies for driving innovation in low energy building
Public procurement of architectural and engineering services: fee and quality
Trust production in construction: a multilevel approach
Developments in partnering models. Relationship duration and knowledge integration.
The roles and risks of incentives in construction projects
Public procurement of architecttural and engineering services: Fee and quality
Contracting in FM: collaboration, coordination and control
Modes of trust production in project-based industries
Procuring Service Innovations – Contractor Selection for Partnering Projects.
Incentive mechanisms in construction contracts: Interviews with clients and contractors
Konsultupphandling - svår balansgång mellan pris och kompetens
Contractor selection in partnering projects: a review of bid documents
Incentive contracts in construction: practitioner attitudes and experiences
Project based innovation and partnering in the Swedish construction sector
Fairness in interorganizational project relations: norms and strategies
Anbudsvärdering vid offentlig upphandling av arkitekt- och byggkonsulttjänster - förstudie
Trust in construction: cognitive traps as obstacles to collaborative contracting strategies
Building users, owners and service providers: New relations and their effects
Building users, owners and service providers: new relations and their effects
Trust in project relationships - inside the black box
Miljöbarometern för byggsektorn 2002
Swedish construction culture, quality management and collaborative practices
Procurement for Ecological Housing: A Case Study of a Development Competition
Beställar - entreprenörrelationer i byggandet: samarbete, konflikt och social påverkan
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Showing 6 research projects
Procurement for Sustainable Innovation in the Built Environment
Analys av hur en renodlad beställarroll påverkar anläggningsbranschen
TRransparent Underground STructure (TRUST) - Management
Contracts and management for flexibility and knowledge integration in tunnel projects