Bo Håkansson

Full Professor at Biomedical Signals and Systems

Bo HÃ¥kansson is a Full Professor in the Biomedical signals and systems research group.

Image of Bo Håkansson

Showing 127 publications


Objective verification of audibility in bone conduction devices

Ann -Charlotte Persson, Bo Håkansson, Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Electroacoustic evaluation of the bone conduction transducer B250 for vestibular and hearing diagnostics in comparison with Radioear B71 and B81

Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Bo Håkansson, Ann Charlotte Persson et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Bone conduction stimulated VEMPs by using the B250 transducer to assess the nerve of origin of sporadic vestibular schwannomas

Torsten Rahne, Stefan K. Plontke, Christian Strauss et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 14 (1), p. 26483-
Journal article

Ankle Audiometry: A Clinical Test for the Enhanced Hearing Sensitivity for Body Sounds in Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome

Luca Verrecchia, Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Magnus Westin et al
Audiology and Neuro-Otology. Vol. 28 (3), p. 219-229
Journal article

The Validation of a Simultaneous Ocular and Cervical VEMP Recording Protocol to Unilateral AC Stimuli

Luca Verrecchia, Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
Otology and Neurotology. Vol. 44 (10), p. e739-e746
Journal article

A novel method for objective in-situ measurement of audibility in bone conduction hearing devices–a pilot study using a skin drive BCD

Ann Charlotte Persson, Bo Håkansson, Moksha Caveramma Mechanda et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. 62 (4), p. 357-361
Journal article

The vestibular labyrinth is more robust than previously thought-Lessons from surgical removal of intracochlear schwannoma

Stefan K. Plontke, Torsten Rahne, Ian S. Curthoys et al
HNO. Vol. 70, p. 15-17
Journal article

Long-term follow-up and review of the Bone Conduction Implant

Sabine Reinfeldt, Mans Eeg-Olofsson, Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson et al
Hearing Research. Vol. 421
Review article

Consensus Statement on Bone Conduction Devices and Active Middle Ear Implants in Conductive and Mixed Hearing Loss

Hannes Maier, Thomas Lenarz, Parwis Agha-Mir-Salim et al
Otology and Neurotology. Vol. 43 (5), p. 513-529
Journal article

The vestibular Labyrinth is more robust than previously thought - Lessons from surgical Removal of intracochlear Schwannoma

Stefan K. Plontke, Torsten Rahne, Ian S. Curthoys et al
HNO. Vol. 70, p. 415-417
Journal article

Bone Conduction Stimulated VEMP Using the B250 Transducer

Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
Medical Devices: Evidence and Research. Vol. 14, p. 225-237
Journal article

A case series shows independent vestibular labyrinthine function after major surgical trauma to the human cochlea

Stefan K. Plontke, Torsten Rahne, Ian S. Curthoys et al
Communications Medicine. Vol. 1 (1)
Journal article

The Mechanical Impedance of the Human Skull via Direct Bone Conduction Implants

Bo Håkansson, Fausto Woelflin, Anders Tjellstrom et al
Medical Devices: Evidence and Research. Vol. 13, p. 293-313
Journal article

Neural feedback strategies to improve grasping coordination in neuromusculoskeletal prostheses

Enzo Mastinu, Leonard F. Engels, F. Clemente et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 10 (1)
Journal article

Three-Year Follow-Up with the Bone Conduction Implant

Ann Charlotte Persson, Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson et al
Audiology and Neuro-Otology. Vol. 25 (5), p. 263-275
Journal article

The bone conduction implant - a review and 1-year follow-up

Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt, Ann-Charlotte Persson et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. 58 (12), p. 945-955
Journal article

Robustness and lifetime of the bone conduction implant - a pilot study

Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Bo Håkansson, Cristina Rigato et al
Medical Devices: Evidence and Research. Vol. 12, p. 89-100
Journal article

Grip control and motor coordination with implanted and surface electrodes while grasping with an osseointegrated prosthetic hand

Enzo Mastinu, Francesco Clemente, Paolo Sassu et al
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. Vol. 16 (1)
Journal article

Effect of transducer attachment on vibration transmission and transcranial attenuation for direct drive bone conduction stimulation

Cristina Rigato, Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson et al
Hearing research. Vol. 381, p. 107763-
Journal article

Nasal sound pressure as objective verification of implant in active transcutaneous bone conduction devices

Sabine Reinfeldt, Cristina Rigato, Bo Håkansson et al
Medical Devices: Evidence and Research. Vol. 12, p. 193-202
Journal article

An Alternative Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Approach for the Control of Hand Prostheses: A Case Study of Use in Daily Life by a Dysmelia Subject

Enzo Mastinu, Johan Ahlberg, Eva Lendaro et al
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. Vol. 6
Journal article

Direct bone conduction stimulation: Ipsilateral effect of different transducer attachments in active transcutaneous devices

Cristina Rigato, Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson et al
Hearing Research. Vol. 361, p. 103-112
Journal article

Biomechanical Characterisation of Bone-anchored Implant Systems for Amputation Limb Prostheses: A Systematic Review

Alexander Thesleff, Rickard Brånemark, Bo Håkansson et al
Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 46 (3), p. 377-391
Review article

VEMP using a new low-frequency bone conduction transducer

Bo Håkansson, Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Tomas Tengstrand et al
Medical Devices: Evidence and Research. Vol. 11, p. 301-312
Journal article

Analysis of the mechanical impedance of bone-anchored hearing aids

A. Tjellström, Bo Håkansson, J. Lindström et al
Acta Oto-Laryngologica. Vol. 138 (3), p. 288-296
Journal article

Touch and Hearing Mediate Osseoperception

F. Clemente, Bo Håkansson, C. Cipriani et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 7, p. 45363-
Journal article

Low-cost, open source bioelectric signal acquisition system

Enzo Mastinu, Bo Håkansson, Max Jair Ortiz Catalan
14th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, p. 19-22
Paper in proceeding

Real-time classification of non-weight bearing lower-limb movements using EMG to facilitate phantom motor execution: Engineering and case study application on phantom limb pain

Eva Lendaro, Enzo Mastinu, Bo Håkansson et al
Frontiers in Neurology. Vol. 8 (SEP), p. Article number 470-
Journal article

Rehabilitating Patients with Bone Conduction Hearing Devices: Two Effective Alternatives

Cristina Rigato, Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson et al
Engineering Health
Conference poster

Vibrotactile Thresholds on the Mastoid and Forehead Position of Deaf Patients Using Radioear B71 and B81

Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
Ear and Hearing. Vol. 38 (6), p. 714-723
Journal article

Direct bone conduction stimulation: effect of different transducer attachments

Cristina Rigato, Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson et al
Osseo 2017, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Conference poster

Embedded System for Prosthetic Control Using Implanted Neuromuscular Interfaces Accessed Via an Osseointegrated Implant

Enzo Mastinu, P. Doguet, Y. Botquin et al
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. Vol. 11 (4), p. 867-877
Journal article

Classification complexity in myoelectric pattern recognition

Niclas Nilsson, Bo Håkansson, Max Jair Ortiz Catalan
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. Vol. 14 (1), p. Article no. 68 -
Journal article

Audiometric comparison between Bone Anchored Hearing Aid and Bone Conduction Implant

Cristina Rigato, Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson et al
Conference poster

Digital Controller for Artificial Limbs fed by Implanted Neuromuscular Interfaces via Osseointegration

Enzo Mastinu, Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Bo Håkansson
38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), p. 1-
Paper in proceeding

Audiometric Comparison Between the First Patients With the Transcutaneous Bone Conduction Implant and Matched Percutaneous Bone Anchored Hearing Device Users

Cristina Rigato, Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson et al
Otology and Neurotology. Vol. 37 (9), p. 1381-1387
Journal article

Digital Controller for Artificial Limbs fed by Implanted Neuromuscular Interfaces via Osseointegration

Enzo Mastinu, Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Bo Håkansson
Trent International Prosthetic Symposium 2016
Other conference contribution

Analog Front-Ends comparison: on the way to a portable, lowpower and low-cost EMG controller based on Pattern Recognition

Enzo Mastinu, Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Bo Håkansson
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. Vol. 2015-November, p. 2111-2114
Paper in proceeding

Offline Accuracy: A Potentially Misleading Metric in Myoelectric Pattern Recognition for Prosthetic Control

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Rouhani Rouhani, Rickard Brånemark et al
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. Vol. 2015-November, p. 1140-1143
Paper in proceeding

Promotion of Motor Execution via Myoelectric Pattern Recognition and Augmented/Virtual Reality as a Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Rannveig Asa Gudmundsdottir, Morten B. Kristoffersen et al
9th Congress of the European Federation of Pain (EFIC), Vienna, Austria, Sept 2-5, 2015.
Other conference contribution

New developments in bone-conduction hearing implants: a review

Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson, Hamidreza Taghavi et al
Medical Devices: Evidence and Research. Vol. 8, p. 79-93
Review article

The bone conduction implant: Clinical results of the first six patients.

Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson, Hamidreza Taghavi et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. 54 (6), p. 408-416
Journal article

Study of the Feasible Size of a Bone Conduction Implant Transducer in the Temporal Bone

Sabine Reinfeldt, Per Östli, Bo Håkansson et al
Otology and Neurotology. Vol. 36 (4), p. 631-637
Journal article

Audiometric comparison in BCI and BAHA matched patients

Cristina Rigato, Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson et al

Electro-acoustic performance of the new bone vibrator Radioear B81: A comparison with the conventional Radioear B71

Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Bo Håkansson, L. Johannsen et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. 54 (5), p. 334-340
Journal article

Magnetic resonance imaging investigation of the bone conduction implant - a pilot study at 1.5 Tesla.

Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
Medical Devices: Evidence and Research. Vol. 8, p. 413-23
Journal article

Technical design of a new bone conduction implant (BCI) system

Hamidreza Taghavi, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. 54 (10), p. 736-744
Journal article

MRI Induced Torque and Demagnetization in Retention Magnets for a Bone Conduction Implant

Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 61 (6), p. 1887-1893
Journal article

An osseointegrated human-machine gateway for long-term sensory feedback and motor control of artificial limbs

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Bo Håkansson, Rickard Brånemark
Science Translational Medicine. Vol. 6 (257), p. Art. no. 257re6-
Journal article

The Bone Conduction Implant-First Implantation, Surgical and Audiologic Aspects.

Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
Otology and Neurotology. Vol. 35 (4), p. 679-685
Journal article

Real-Time and Simultaneous Control of Artificial Limbs Based on Pattern Recognition Algorithms

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Bo Håkansson, Rickard Brånemark
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. Vol. 22 (4), p. 756-764
Journal article

Bone conduction hearing sensitivity in normal-hearing subjects: Transcutaneous stimulation at BAHA vs BCI position

Sabine Reinfeldt, Bo Håkansson, Hamidreza Taghavi et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. 53 (6), p. 360-369
Journal article

Evaluation of bone tissue formation in a flat surface attachment of a Bone Conduction Implant - A pilot study in a sheep model

Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Agneta Lith, Bo Håkansson et al
Audiology and Neurotology Extra. Vol. 4 (3), p. 62-76
Journal article

Treatment of phantom limb pain (PLP) based on augmented reality and gaming controlled by myoelectric pattern recognition: a case study of a chronic PLP patient

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Nichlas Sander, Morten B. Kristoffersen et al
Frontiers in Neuroscience. Vol. 8 (8 FEB), p. 24-
Journal article

Estimation of bone conduction skull transmission by hearing thresholds and ear-canal sound pressure

Sabine Reinfeldt, Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
Hearing Research. Vol. 299, p. 19-28
Journal article

Evaluation of Classifier Topologies for the Real-time Classification of Simultaneous Limb motions

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Rickard Brånemark, Bo Håkansson
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, p. 6651-6654
Paper in proceeding

Transmission of bone conducted sound - Correlation between hearing perception and cochlear vibration

Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Stefan Stenfelt, Hamidreza Taghavi et al
Hearing research. Vol. 306, p. 11-20
Journal article

BioPatRec: A modular research platform for the control of artificial limbs based on pattern recognition algorithms

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Rickard Brånemark, Bo Håkansson
Source Code for Biology and Medicine. Vol. 8, p. Article number 11-
Journal article

A vibration investigation of a flat surface contact to skull bone for direct bone conduction transmission in sheep skulls in vivo.

Hamidreza Taghavi, Bo Håkansson, Måns Eeg-Olofsson et al
Otology and Neurotology. Vol. 34 (4), p. 690-8
Journal article

BCI-bone conduction implant.

Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
The Fourth International Symposium on Bone Conduction Hearing – Craniofacial Osseointegration. Newcastle, UK
Other conference contribution

Real-time classification of simultaneous hand and wrist motions using Artificial Neural Networks with variable threshold outputs

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Bo Håkansson, Rickard Brånemark
Proceedings of the XXXIV International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN). Amsterdam, May 15-16, 2013
Paper in proceeding

Effect on signal-to-noise ratio of splitting the continuous contacts of cuff electrodes into smaller recording areas

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Jorge Marin-Millan, Jean Delbeke et al
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. Vol. 10 (1), p. 22-
Journal article

Feedback Analysis in Percutaneous Bone-Conduction Device and Bone-Conduction Implant on a Dry Cranium

Hamidreza Taghavi, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
Otology and Neurotology. Vol. 33 (3), p. 413-420
Journal article

A Novel Bone Conduction Implant - Analog Radio Frequency Data and Power Link Design

Hamidreza Taghavi, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt
9th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BioMed 2012; Innsbruck; Austria; 15 February 2012 through 17 February 2012, p. 327-335
Paper in proceeding

Transmission of bone conducted sound -correlation between hearing perception and cochlear vibration.

Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Stefan Stenfelt, Hamidreza Taghavi et al
12th International conference on cochlear implants and other implantable auditory technologies. Baltimore, USA
Other conference contribution

Biologically inspired algorithms applied to prosthetic control

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Rickard Brånemark, Bo Håkansson
BioMed 2012 , February 15 – 17, 2012, Innsbruck, Austria (track 764), p. 035-
Paper in proceeding

On the viability of implantable electrodes for the natural control of artificial limbs: Review and discussion

Max Jair Ortiz Catalan, Rickard Brånemark, Bo Håkansson et al
BioMedical Engineering Online. Vol. 11 (33)
Review article

Analysis and Design of RF Power and Data Link Using Amplitude Modulation of Class-E for a Novel Bone Conduction Implant

Hamidreza Taghavi, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 59 (11), p. 3050-3059
Journal article

Optimal position of a new bone conduction implant.

Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson et al
Cochlear implants international. Vol. 12 Suppl 1, p. S136-8
Journal article

The future of bone conduction hearing devices

Bo Håkansson
Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. Vol. 71, p. 140-152
Journal article

Technology-Limited and Patient-Derived Versus Audibility-Derived Fittings in Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid Users: A Validation Study

W. E. Hodgetts, P. Hagler, Bo Håkansson et al
Ear and Hearing. Vol. 32 (1), p. 31-39
Journal article

Bone conduction implant- BCI, surgical and transmission issue.

Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
Third international conference on bone conduction hearing and osseointegration. Sarasota, Florida, USA
Other conference contribution

Correlation between the cochlear promontory and hearing perception- a pilot study.

Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Bo Håkansson, Hamidreza Taghavi et al
Third international symposium on bone conduction hearing-craniofacial osseointegration. Sarasota, Florida, USA.
Conference poster

A novel bone conduction implant (BCI): engineering aspects and pre-clinical studies.

Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt, Måns Eeg-Olofsson et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. 49 (3), p. 203-15
Journal article

Optimal position of a new bone conduction implant

Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson et al
University of Göteborg
Conference poster

Hearing one's own voice during phoneme vocalization-Transmission by air and bone conduction

Sabine Reinfeldt, Per Östli, Bo Håkansson et al
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 128 (2), p. 751-762
Journal article

A comparison of three approaches to verifying aided Baha output

W. E. Hodgetts, Bo Håkansson, P. Hagler et al
International Journal of Audiology. Vol. 49 (4), p. 286-295
Journal article

Percutaneous versus transcutaneous bone conduction implant system: a feasibility study on a cadaver head.

Bo Håkansson, Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Sabine Reinfeldt et al
Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology. Vol. 29 (8), p. 1132-9
Journal article

Examination of bone-conducted transmission from sound field excitation measured by thresholds, ear-canal sound pressure, and skull vibrations

Sabine Reinfeldt, Stefan Stenfelt, Tobias Good et al
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 121 (3), p. 1576-1587
Journal article

Bilateral bone-anchored hearing aids (BAHAs): an audiometric evaluation

Claudia Priwin, Stefan Stenfelt, Gösta Granström et al
Laryngoscope. Vol. 114 (1), p. 77-84
Journal article

Is it possible to implant or semi-implant a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA)

M. Eeg-Olofsson, Stefan Stenfelt, G. Granström et al
4th International Symposium on Electronic Implants in Otology and Conventional Hearing, Toulouse, France
Paper in proceeding

Unilateral Versus Bilateral Bone-anchored Hearing Aids (BAHAs)

C. Priwin, Stefan Stenfelt, A. Edensvärd et al
4th International Symposium on Electronic Implants in Otology and Conventional Hearing, Toulouse, France
Paper in proceeding

An implantable bone conduction hearing aid

Bo Håkansson, Stefan Stenfelt, Anders Tjellström
XXVI International Congress of Audiology, Melburne, Australia
Paper in proceeding

An Evaluation of Bilateral Bone-anchored Hearing Aids

C. Priwin, Stefan Stenfelt, A. Edensvärd et al
American Academy of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery annual meeting, San Diego, California
Paper in proceeding

Air versus bone conduction: An equal loudness investigation

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
Hearing Research. Vol. 167 (1-2), p. 1-12
Journal article

Bone Conduction Implant (BCI): A Feasibility Study for an Implanted BCI

M. Eeg-Olofsson, Stefan Stenfelt, G. Granström et al
American Academy of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery annual meeting, San Diego, California
Paper in proceeding

The BEST – A new audiometric transducer

Bo Håkansson, Stefan Stenfelt
XXVI International Congress of Audiology, Melburne, Australia
Paper in proceeding

Review and recent advances in bone conduction physiology

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson, R.L. Goode
3rd International Congress on Electronic Implants in Otology and Conventional Hearing Aids
Paper in proceeding

A bone-anchored hearing aid for patients with pure sensorineural hearing impairment: a pilot study.

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson, Radoslava Jönsson et al
Scandinavian Audiology. Vol. 29 (3), p. 175-85
Journal article

A bone-anchored hearing aid for patients with pure sensorineural hearing impairment – a pilot study

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson, R. Jönsson et al
Scandinavian Audiology. Vol. 29 (3), p. 175-185
Journal article

An implantable bone conduction hearing aid

Bo Håkansson, Anders Tjellström, Stefan Stenfelt
3rd International Congress on Electronic Implants in Otology and Conventional Hearing Aids, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Paper in proceeding

Vibration characteristics of bone conducted sound in vitro

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson, Anders Tjellström
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 107 (1), p. 422-431
Journal article

Vibration Characteristics of Bone Conducted Sound In Vitro

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson, Anders Tjellström
Joint meeting "Berlin'99", 137th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2nd convention of the EAA: Forum Acusticum, Berlin, Germany
Paper in proceeding

Characteristics of Bone Conducted Sound

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
Joint meeting "Berlin'99", 137th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2nd convention of the EAA: Forum Acusticum, Berlin, Germany
Paper in proceeding

Characteristics of Bone Conducted Sound

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.. Vol. 105 (2), p. 1084-
Journal article

Cochlear Response to Bone Conducted Sound

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
Proc. Sixth Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, Copenhagen, Denmark. Vol. 3, p. 1171-1178
Paper in proceeding

Vibration Characteristics of Bone-Conduction Sound

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.. Vol. 105 (2, Pt. 2), p. 1084-
Journal article

Sensitivity to Bone-Conducted Sound: Excitation of the Mastoid vs the Teeth

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
Scand. Audiol.. Vol. 28 (3), p. 190-198
Journal article

The Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid

Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson
Osseointegration in Craniofacial Reconstruction, editor P.-I. Brånemark and D.E. Tolman, p. 311-326
Book chapter

Characteristics of Bone Conducted Sound

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and EAA, Forum Acusticum, Berlin, Germany
Paper in proceeding

A Miniaturized Artificial Mastoid using a Skull Simulator

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
Scandinavian Audiology. Vol. 27 (2), p. 67-76
Journal article

A Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid for Patients with Pure Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
2nd Biennial Hearing Aid Research and Development Conference, Bethesda, Maryland
Paper in proceeding

The Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid: Reference Quantities and Functional Gain

Peder Carlsson, Bo Håkansson
Ear & Hearing. Vol. 18 (1), p. 34-41
Journal article

Transcranial Attenuation Measured by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer

A. Brandt, Bo Håkansson, Stefan Stenfelt et al
2nd Int. Symp. on Electronic Implants in Otology and Conventional Hearing Aids, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Air versus Bone Conduction: An Equal Loudness Investigation

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson
2nd Int. Symp. on Electronic Implants in Otology and Conventional Hearing Aids, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Air versus Bone Conduction: An Equal Loudness Investigation

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.. Vol. 100 (4, Pt. 2), p. 2720-
Journal article

Modified Bone Anchored Hearing Aids Tested on Four Patients with Sensorineural High Frequency Hearing Loss

A. Ringdahl, Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson et al
2nd Int. Symp. on Electronic Implants in Otology and Conventional Hearing Aids, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Sensitivity to Bone Conducted Sound: Teeth versus Mastoid

Bo Håkansson, Stefan Stenfelt, Peder Carlsson et al
2nd Int. Symp. on Electronic Implants in Otology and Conventional Hearing Aids, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Air versus Bone Conduction: An Equal Loudness Investigation

Stefan Stenfelt, Bo Håkansson
3rd Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Societies of America and Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii
Paper in proceeding

Linearity of Sound Transmission through the Human Skull in Vivo

Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson, A. Brandt et al
J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.. Vol. 99 (4), p. 2239-2243
Journal article

Force Threshold for Hearing by Direct Bone Conduction

Peder Carlsson, Bo Håkansson, A. Ringdahl
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.. Vol. 97 (2), p. 1124-1129
Journal article

Functional Gain of the Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid

Peder Carlsson, Bo Håkansson
Nobelpharma International Updates. Vol. 1,95, p. 8-10
Journal article

The Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid: Principal Design and Audiometric Results

Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson, Anders Tjellström et al
ENT Journal. Vol. 73 (9), p. 670-675
Journal article

Reference Quantities of the Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid

Peder Carlsson, Bo Håkansson
Nobelpharma International Updates. Vol. 2,94, p. 10-11
Journal article

Resonance Frequencies of the Human Skull in Vivo

Bo Håkansson, A. Brandt, Peder Carlsson et al
J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.. Vol. 95 (3), p. 1474-1481
Journal article

Some Algorithms for Detection of Transient Sound

Anders Gingsjö, Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson
Recent Development in Hearing Instruments Technology, p. 359-360
Journal article

Properties and Detection of Transient Noise in an Everyday Sound Environment

Anders Gingsjö, Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson
15th Danavox Symposium
Paper in proceeding

Percutaneous vs Transcutaneous Transducers for Hearing by Direct Bone Conduction

Bo Håkansson, Anders Tjellström, Peder Carlsson
Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg.. Vol. 102 (4), p. 339-344
Journal article

Skull Simulator for Direct Bone Conduction Hearing Devices

Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson
J. Sound & Vibration. Vol. 18, p. 91-98
Journal article

Bias Errors in Mechanical Impedance Data Obtained with Impedance Heads

Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson
J. Sound & Vibration. Vol. 113, p. 173-183
Journal article

A Speech to Noise Ratio Test with the Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid - A Comparative Study

Peder Carlsson, Bo Håkansson, U. Rosenhall et al
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Vol. 94 (4), p. 421-426
Journal article

The Mechanical Point Impedance of the Human Head, with and without Skin Penetration

Bo Håkansson, Peder Carlsson, Anders Tjellström
J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.. Vol. 80 (4), p. 1065-1075
Journal article

Acceleration Levels at Hearing Threshold with Direct Bone Conduction versus Conventional Bone Conduction

Bo Håkansson, Anders Tjellström, U. Rosenhall
Acta Otolaryngol. (Stockh). Vol. 100, p. 240-252
Journal article

The Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid - Principal Design and a Psychoacoustical Evaluation

Bo Håkansson, Anders Tjellström, U. Rosenhall et al
Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh). Vol. 100, p. 229-239
Journal article

Hearing Thresholds with Direct Bone Conduction Versus Conventional Bone Conduction

Bo Håkansson, Anders Tjellström, U. Rosenhall
Scand. Audiol.. Vol. 13 (1), p. 3-13
Journal article

The Bone Anchored Hearing Aid - engineering aspects

Bo Håkansson
Doctoral thesis

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Förbättrade metoder för yrseldiagnos med benledningsstimulering

Sabine Reinfeldt Biomedical Signals and Systems
Bo Håkansson Biomedical Signals and Systems
Promobilia foundation

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