Dimosthenis Kifokeris
Dr. Dimosthenis Kifokeris is Associate Professor in Construction Production and Management of Construction Projects. His main interests include construction production, construction management, construction informatics (machine learning, blockchain/DLT, IoT, and BIM), lean and industrialized construction, sustainability and circularity of site processes, and constructability. Dimosthenis participates in domestic and international collaborative research between the academia and the industry. His interdisciplinary scientific perspectives include labor process theory, organizational theory, strategic management, and data science. In his PhD thesis he utilized supervised and unsupervised machine learning to appraise the constructability of buildings and infrastructural projects through risk analysis. He is currently a member of, among others, CREON, EC3, SBU, SBUF, Lean Forum Bygg, CMB, IALCCE, the Technical Chamber of Greece, various Erasmus+ agreements, and previously of IABSE. He has co-chaired the EC3 2022 PhD Summer School in Rhodes, Greece, in July 18-22, 2022.

Showing 63 publications
Decision-Making Framework for Implementing Blockchain in Building Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
Koncept för aktiv kvalitetsstyrning för mindre beställarorganisationer
AI risks: An organisational practice approach to trustworthiness
Elektrifierade Bygg- och Anläggningsplatser II (Electric Worksite II)
Blockchain and lean construction: an exploration of bidirectional synergies and interactions
Blockchain-based decentralised Common Data Environment: user requirements and conceptual framework
Human-data interaction in incremental digital twin construction
Blockchain-enabled CBIM for lifecycle data provenance
Addressing minority discrimination in a master’s education program for construction management
Lean construction – nuläget / Lean construction – the current situation
A mapping of Swedish lean construction variants in practice: review and survey
A conceptual framework for lean construction and blockchain synergy
A process-based framework for digital building logbooks
Do what I say, not what I do: increasing the representation of minorities in the construction sector
Little big transitions: electric construction machines in small sites
Game Theory-Based Minimization of the Ostracism Risk in Construction Companies
Heavy-duty construction equipment: dinosaurs of black energy?
Swedish lean construction practices identified in the last decade of research
Machine learning for analysis of occupational accidents registration data
Challenges in the digital transformation of lean design methods: a case study
A human touch? How machine learning can improve project performance
Risk source-based constructability appraisal using supervised machine learning
An analysis of the impartial implementation in practice of risk identification in technical projects
Blockchain in construction – hype, hope, or harm?
Blockchain in building logistics: emerging knowledge, and related actors in Sweden
Construction planning with machine learning
Building Information Models’ data for machine learning systems in construction management
Application of linguistic clustering to define sources of risk in technical projects
Bridge quality appraisal methodology: application in the Strimonas Bridge. Case study.
Bridge quality appraisal methodology: application in a reinforced concrete overpass roadway bridge
Constructability: Outline of Past, Present and Future Research
Project performance appraisal frameworks as blueprints for bridge quality control
Lifecycle-based discretization of bridge performance indicators
Seismic design of R/C piers of hollow circular cross sections
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Showing 11 research projects
Accident prevention through machine learning at a construction contractor
Adapting Cognitive Digital Twins for the Production of Sustainable Modular Houses
Lean construction – the current situation
A new generation of preventive measures of occupational accidents with machine learning
Quality and self-monitoring as a service
Quality assurance and self-control as a service
Digital business model for large site building logistics