Hjalmar Rosengren
The research area of Hjalmar Rosengren is special functions, with an emphasis on relations to other areas such as representation theory, combinatorics, number theory and mathematical physics. During recent years the main focus has been on the eight-vertex model and other elliptic lattice models of statistical mechanics, and their relation to elliptic quantum groups, elliptic hypergeometric functions and algebraic solutions of Painlevé equations.
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Showing 53 publications
New proofs of the septic Rogers-Ramanujan identities
A New (But Very Nearly Old) Proof of the Rogers–Ramanujan Identities
On some double Nahm sums of Zagier
Nearest-Neighbour Correlation Functions for the Supersymmetric XYZ Spin Chain and Painlevé VI
Heisenberg models and Schur–Weyl duality
Proofs of some partition identities conjectured by Kanade and Russell
Higher Order Deformed Elliptic Ruijsenaars Operators
From Kajihara’s transformation formula to deformed Macdonald–Ruijsenaars and Noumi–Sano operators
Multidimensional matrix inversions and elliptic hypergeometric series on root systems
Elliptic hypergeometric functions
Determinantal elliptic Selberg integrals
Elliptic hypergeometric functions associated with root systems
Rahman’s Biorthogonal Rational Functions and Superconformal Indices
Gustafson-Rakha-Type Elliptic Hypergeometric Series
Elliptic pfaffians and solvable lattice models
Basic hypergeometry of supersymmetric dualities
Integral pentagon relations for 3d superconformal indices
Selberg integrals, Askey-Wilson polynomials and lozenge tilings of a hexagon with a triangular hole
Special Polynomials Related to the Supersymmetric Eight-Vertex Model: A Summary
Inclusions of Waterman-Shiba spaces into generalized Wiener classes
Evaluation modules for the q-tetrahedron algebra
Special polynomials related to the supersymmetric eight-vertex model. III. Painlevé VI equation
A new pentagon identity for the tetrahedron index
Special polynomials related to the supersymmetric eight-vertex model. I. Behaviour at cusps
Special polynomials related to the supersymmetric eight-vertex model. II. Schrödinger equation
New proofs of determinant evaluations related to plane partitions
Felder's Elliptic Quantum Group and Elliptic Hypergeometric Series on the Root System A(n)
The three-colour model with domain wall boundary conditions
An Izergin-Korepin-type identity for the 8VSOS model, with applications to alternating sign matrices
Sums of squares from elliptic pfaffians
Schur Q-polynomials, multiple hypergeometric series and enumeration of marked shifted tableaux
Sums of triangular numbers from the Frobenius determinant
An elementary approach to 6j-symbols (classical, quantum, rational, trigonometric, and elliptic)
Elliptic determinant evaluations and the Macdonald identities for affine root systems
New transformations for elliptic hypergeometric series on the root system An
On Warnaar's elliptic matrix inversion and Karlsson-Minton-type elliptic hypergeometric series
Continuous Hahn functions as Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
A bilateral series involving basic hypergeometric functions
An elliptic determinant transformation
Sklyanin invariant integration
Elliptic hypergeometric series on root systems
Reduction formulas for Karlsson-Minton-type hypergeometric functions
Elliptic U(2) quantum group and elliptic hypergeometric series
Duality and self-duality for dynamical quantum groups
Karlsson-Minton type hypergeometric functions on the root system Cn
On a hypergeometric identity of Gelfand, Graev and Retakh
Transmutation kernels for the little q-Jacobi function transform
A proof of a multivariable elliptic summation formula conjectured by Warnaar
Harmonic analysis on the SU(2) dynamical quantum group
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Showing 4 research projects
Combinatorics of elliptic lattice models
Matematiken bakom supersymmetriska gittermodeller och supersymmetriska kvantfältteorier
The mathematics of superconformal indices
Algebraic and combinatorial analysis of elliptic lattice models