Jonas Nässén
Jonas Nässén conducts interdisciplinary research related to societal transitions towards long-term climate targets. His main focus is on the demand side of the energy system including both technical energy efficiency and sustainable consumption patterns.

Showing 70 publications
Carbon footprint effects of shifting from flights to night trains for Swedish tourism
Measuring the direct and indirect effects of low-carbon lifestyles using financial transactions
Working less by choice: what are the benefits and hardships?
Consumption based scenarios for Sweden - a basis for discussing new climate targets
Klimatsmart semestrande. Tekniska lösningar, förändrat beteende och politiska styrmedel
Low-carbon scenarios for long-distance travel 2060
Konsumtionsbaserade scenarier för Sverige - underlag för diskussioner om nya klimatmål
Symmetrical leadership and participation for cross-learning
Public support for aviation policy measures in Sweden
Understanding daily car use: Driving habits, motives, attitudes, and norms across trip purposes
Konsumtionens klimatpåverkan - trender, mål och styrmedel
Household carbon footprint patterns by the degree of urbanisation in Europe
Estimating car use rebound effects from Swedish microdata
Nordea vilseleder konsumenterna
Local governance of greenhouse gas emissions from air travel
Pairing sharing practices with part time work
Subjective temporal well-being: Defining, measuring, and applying a new concept
Forskare: Så ser vi på alternativen till en flygskatt
Anti-consumption beliefs among the Swedish general public
SvD Debatt: Forskare - Ohållbart att vi svenskar flyger allt mer
Nu krävs kraftfulla åtgärder mot nötkött och flygresor
Förändringar för mer hållbara konsumtionsmönster
Quantification of the Energy Efficiency Gap in the Swedish Residential Sector
Attityder till klimatskatter på flygresor och nötkött
Low carbon lifestyles: potential for Sweden for 2050
The influence of price and non-price effects on demand for heating in the EU residential sector
LRF och Svenskt flyg svarar inte om klimatmålen
Greenhouse gas emissions and subjective well-being: An analysis of Swedish households
On the potential trade-offs between energy supply and end-use technologies for residential heating
Concrete vs. wood in buildings - An energy system approach
Greenhouse gas emissions and food consumption: A study of sustainable food habits in Sweden
Low-carbon transitions and the good life
Klimatomställningen och det goda livet
Future demand for space heating in buildings: a top-down analysis
A top-down approach to modelling national energy demand: example of residential sector space heating
Well-being the path out of the consumption-climate dilemma?
Varför ökar de svenska hushållens utgifter för elektricitet?
The effect of work hours on energy use: A micro-analysis of time and income effects
10 miljarder lyckliga planetskötare
Quantifying the Rebound Effects of Energy Efficiency and Energy Conserving Behaviour in Sweden
Energy efficiency - a forgotten goal in the Swedish building sector?
Energy efficiency and the challenge of climate change - Studies of the Swedish building sector
Energianvändning i bebyggelsen – vad är det som styr?
Barriers to energy efficient new-construction
Energieffektivitet i bebyggelsen
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Showing 6 research projects
Mistra sustainable consumtion - from niche to mainstream
Peak car: analysis of trends and their implications for transport planning
Sustainable European Energy Systems