Junjie Li

Showing 11 publications


Investigation of Noise Properties in the InP HEMT for LNAs in Qubit Amplification: Effects From Channel Indium Content

Junjie Li, Johan Bergsten, Arsalan Pourkabirian et al
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. Vol. 12, p. 243-248
Journal article

Investigation of Noise Performance in InP HEMTs with Varying Indium Channel Composition from 80 K to 300 K

Junjie Li, Justin Chen, A. J. Minnich et al
Other conference contribution

100-μW Cryogenic HEMT LNAs for Quantum Computing

Yin Zeng, Junjie Li, Jörgen Stenarson et al
2023 18th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMIC 2023, p. 71-74
Paper in proceeding

Optimization of InGaAs Channel for Cryogenic InP HEMT Low-Noise Amplifiers

Junjie Li, Johan Bergsten, Arsalan Pourkabirian et al
Other conference contribution

Optimization of Channel Structures in InP HEMT Technology for Cryogenic Low-Noise and Low-Power Operation

Eunjung Cha, Niklas Wadefalk, Giuseppe Moschetti et al
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 70 (5), p. 2431-2436
Journal article

Influence of Spacer Thickness on the Noise Performance in InP HEMTs for Cryogenic LNAs

Junjie Li, Arsalan Pourkabirian, Johan Bergsten et al
IEEE Electron Device Letters. Vol. 43 (7), p. 1029-1032
Journal article

On the relation between rf noise and subthreshold swing in InP HEMTs for cryogenic LNAs

Junjie Li, Arsalan Pourkabirian, Johan Bergsten et al
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC. Vol. 2022-November, p. 10-12
Paper in proceeding

High frequency noise characterisation of graphene field-effect transistors at different temperatures

Junjie Li, Xinxin Yang, Marlene Bonmann et al
Conference poster

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Showing 1 research projects


WACQT Quantum Technology Testbed

Per Delsing Quantum Technology
Liangyu Chen Quantum Technology
Junjie Li Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
Stefan Hill Quantum Technology
Eleftherios Moschandreou Quantum Technology
Pontus Vikstål Applied Quantum Physics
Martin Ahindura Quantum Technology
Hangxi Li Quantum Technology
Mårten Skogh Chemistry and Biochemistry
Giovanna Tancredi Quantum Technology
Miroslav Dobsicek Quantum Technology
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

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