Lennart Josefson

Full Professor at Material and Computational Mechanics

Lennart Josefson is professor in Solid Mechanics at the Division of Material and Computational Mechanics.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Lennart Josefson

Showing 47 publications


Computationally efficient simulation methodology for railway repair welding: cyclic plasticity, phase transformations and multi-phase homogenization

Björn Andersson, Magnus Ekh, Lennart Josefson
Journal of Thermal Stresses. Vol. 47 (2), p. 164-188
Journal article

Orbital friction welding of steel bars – heat generation and process modelling

Jim Brouzoulis, Lennart Josefson, Koen Faes et al
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. Vol. 237 (8), p. 1715-1724
Journal article

Homogenization based macroscopic model of phase transformations and cyclic plasticity in pearlitic steel

Björn Andersson, Johan Ahlström, Magnus Ekh et al
Journal of Thermal Stresses. Vol. 45 (6), p. 470-492
Journal article

Simulerade svetsprocesser - hjälp för digitalt underhåll

Lennart Josefson
Svetsen (2), p. 50-51
Magazine article


Lennart Josefson, S. Paboeuf, K. Anyfantis et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. Vol. 3
Paper in proceeding

ISSC 2022 Committee V.3 - Materials and Fabrication Technology

Lennart Josefson, Konstantinos Anyfantis, Bianca de Carvalho Pinheiro et al
Proceedings of the 21st International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC 2022). Vol. 2, p. 163-239
Paper in proceeding


Lennart Josefson, Bai Qiao Chen, K. Gotoh et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. Vol. 3
Paper in proceeding

Residual stresses in thermite welded rails: significance of additional forging

Lennart Josefson, Roeland Bisschop, M. Messaadi et al
Rivista Italiana della Saldatura. Vol. 73 (4), p. 465-491
Journal article

Validation of the ductile fracture modeling of CGI at quasi-static loading conditions

SENAD RAZANICA, Lennart Josefson, Ragnar Larsson et al
International Journal of Damage Mechanics. Vol. 30 (9), p. 1400-1422
Journal article

FE modeling and simulation of machining Alloy 718 based on ductile continuum damage

SENAD RAZANICA, Amir Malakizadi, Ragnar Larsson et al
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Vol. 171
Journal article

Residual stresses in thermite welded rails: significance of additional forging

Lennart Josefson, Roeland Bisschop, M. Messaadi et al
Welding in the World, Le Soudage Dans Le Monde. Vol. 64 (7), p. 1195-1212
Journal article

A numerical sensitivity analysis on the cohesive parameters of a carbon-steel single lap joint

Marco Gaiotti, Albert Zamarin, Lennart Josefson et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 198
Journal article

A gradient enhanced damage growth model for ductile fracture

Ragnar Larsson, Ahmet Semih Ertürk, SENAD RAZANICA et al
ICMM International Conference Material Modelling - Book of Abstracts, p. 6-7
Other conference contribution

A ductile fracture model based on continuum thermodynamics and damage

SENAD RAZANICA, Ragnar Larsson, Lennart Josefson
Mechanics of Materials. Vol. 139 (Dec)
Journal article

ISSC 2018 Committee V.3 - Materials and Fabrication Technology

Lennart Josefson, Bianca de Carvalho Pinheiro, Nana Yang et al
Proceedings of the 20th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress, Specialist Committee Reports. Vol. 2, p. 143-191
Paper in proceeding

Simplified FEA models in the analysis of the redistribution of beneficial compressive stresses in welds during cyclic loading

Lennart Josefson, Jacob Alm, J. M.J. McDill
Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. Vol. 11B
Paper in proceeding

A viscous regularized damage growth model for ductile fracture

Ragnar Larsson, SENAD RAZANICA, Lennart Josefson
Other conference contribution

Mesh objective continuum damage models for ductile fracture

Ragnar Larsson, SENAD RAZANICA, Lennart Josefson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 106 (10), p. 840-860
Journal article

Mesh objective damage modeling of ductile fracture at visco-plastic continuum response

SENAD RAZANICA, Ragnar Larsson, Lennart Josefson
ECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Vol. 1, p. 209-215
Paper in proceeding

Mesh objective models for ductile fracture based on a damage phase field concept

SENAD RAZANICA, Ragnar Larsson, Lennart Josefsson
CFRAC 2015 - the Fourth International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures
Other conference contribution

Ductile fracture modeling based on a mesh objective element removal technology

SENAD RAZANICA, Ragnar Larsson, Lennart Josefson
14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - EMMC14, 27-29 Aug. 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Welding of rails and how it affects of crack initiation and propagation

Lennart Josefson
Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, p. 6589-6594
Book chapter

Assessment of uncertainties in life prediction of fatigue crack initiation and propagation in welded rails

Lennart Josefson, Jonas Ringsberg
International Journal of Fatigue. Vol. 31 (8-9), p. 1413-1421
Journal article

Modelling chip formation of alloy 718

J. Lorentzon, N. Jarvstrat, Lennart Josefson
Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Vol. 209 (10), p. 4645-4653
Journal article

Assessment of uncertainties in life prediction of fatigue crack propagation in welded rails

Jonas Ringsberg, Lennart Josefson
Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Fracture (ICF12). Vol. 8, p. 5837-5846
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of uncertainties in life prediction of fatigue crack initiation in rails – influence of residual stresses from manufacturing

Lennart Josefson, Jonas Ringsberg
Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue & Fracture (ICMF&M8), p. 1-8
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of the rolling contact fatigue resistance of laser cladded twin-disc specimens: FE simulation of laser cladding, grinding and a twin-disc test

Jonas Ringsberg, Anders Skyttebol, Lennart Josefson
International Journal of Fatigue. Vol. 27 (6), p. 702-714
Journal article

Fatigue crack growth in a welded rail under the influence of residual stresses

Anders Skyttebol, Lennart Josefson, Jonas Ringsberg
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 72 (2), p. 271-285
Journal article

Two-material rail development: field test results regarding rolling contact fatigue and squeal behaviour

Martin Hiensch, Per-Olof Larsson, Olof Nilsson et al
Wear. Vol. 258 (7-8), p. 964-972
Journal article

Fatigue evaluation of surface coated railway rails using shakedown theory, finite element calculations, and lab and field trials

Jonas Ringsberg, Francis Franklin, Lennart Josefson et al
International Journal of Fatigue. Vol. 27 (6), p. 680-694
Journal article

Fatigue crack growth in welded rails

Jonas Ringsberg, Anders Skyttebol, Lennart Josefson
Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Fracture (ICF11), p. 1-6
Paper in proceeding

Redistribution of stresses from manufacturing operations during service loads and the effect on fatigue life of built-up structures

Lennart Josefson, Jonas Ringsberg
Proceedings of The 15th European Conference on Fracture (ECF15), p. 1-15
Paper in proceeding

Two-material rail development: Field test results regarding rolling contact fatigue and squeal behaviour

Martin Hiensch, Per-Olof Larsson, Olof Nilsson et al
Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems (CM 2003), p. 39-48
Paper in proceeding

Two-material rail for RCF and noise control

Martin Hiensch, Per-Olof Larsson, Didier Levy et al
Other conference contribution

Prevention of RCF damage in curved track through development of the INFRA-STAR two-material rail

Martin Hiensch, Francis Franklin, Jens Nielsen et al
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. Vol. 26 (10), p. 1007-1017
Journal article

Modelling of rolling contact fatigue of rails

Jonas Ringsberg, Lennart Josefson
Other conference contribution

Shakedown limits in three-dimensional wheel-rail rolling-sliding contacts

Ajay Kapoor, Jonas Ringsberg, Lennart Josefson et al
Proceedings of The 8th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE 2002), p. 1365-1372
Paper in proceeding

Two-material rail development to prevent rolling contact fatigue and to reduce noise levels in curved rail track

Martin Hiensch, Ajay Kapoor, Lennart Josefson et al
Other conference contribution

A method for prediction of fatigue crack initiation in railway rails

Jonas Ringsberg, Lennart Josefson
Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue & Fracture (6ICB/MF&F), p. 477-484
Paper in proceeding

Finite element analyses of rolling contact fatigue crack initiation in railheads

Jonas Ringsberg, Lennart Josefson
IMechE, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. Vol. 215 (F4), p. 243-259
Journal article

Prediction of fatigue crack initiation for rolling contact fatigue

Jonas Ringsberg, Marianne Loo-Morrey, Lennart Josefson et al
International Journal of Fatigue. Vol. 22 (3), p. 205-215
Journal article

Models for Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity - Integration and Calibration

Magnus Ekh, Anders Johansson, Hans Thorberntsson et al
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. Vol. 122, p. 49-55
Journal article

Fatigue life and crack closure in specimens subjected to variable amplitude loads under plane strain conditions

Lennart Josefson, Tomas Svensson, Jonas Ringsberg et al
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 66 (6), p. 587-600
Journal article

Rolling contact fatigue of rails-finite element modelling of residual stresses, strains and crack initiation

Jonas Ringsberg, Hans Bjarnehed, Anders Johansson et al
IMechE, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. Vol. 214 (F1), p. 7-19
Journal article

Assessment of conditions for initiation of cracks in the heads of railway rails due to rolling contact fatigue

Jonas Ringsberg, Lennart Josefson
Proceedings of The 7th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE ‘99), p. 2597-2602
Paper in proceeding

Models for Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity - Comparison and Integration

Magnus Johansson, Anders Johansson, Hans Thorberntsson et al

Prediction of fatigue life based on level crossings and a state variable

Sture Holm, Lennart Josefson, Jacques de Maré et al
Fatigue and fracture of engineering materials and structures
Journal article

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Showing 3 research projects


Numerical simulations of welding and other high temperature processes (CHARMEC MU37)

Johan Ahlström Engineering Materials
Björn Andersson Material and Computational Mechanics
Lennart Josefson Material and Computational Mechanics
Magnus Ekh Material and Computational Mechanics
European Commission (EC)
Chalmers Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC)

2 publications exist

Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)

Elena Kabo Dynamics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Dimosthenis Floros Material and Computational Mechanics
Astrid Pieringer Applied Acoustics
Casey Jessop Engineering Materials
Wolfgang Kropp Applied Acoustics
Johan Ahlström Engineering Materials
Xin Li Dynamics
Magnus Ekh Material and Computational Mechanics
Michele Maglio Dynamics
Daniel Gren Engineering Materials
Björn Pålsson Dynamics
Roger Lundén Dynamics
Marko Milosevic Dynamics
Lennart Josefson Material and Computational Mechanics
Emil Aggestam Dynamics
Anders Ekberg Dynamics
Jens Nielsen Dynamics
Tore V Vernersson Dynamics
Rostyslav Skrypnyk Dynamics
Erika Steyn Engineering Materials
Christer Persson Engineering Materials
Björn Andersson Material and Computational Mechanics
Knut Andreas Meyer Material and Computational Mechanics
Mohammad Salahi Nezhad Material and Computational Mechanics
Jannik Theyssen Applied Acoustics
Swedish Transport Administration
European Commission (EC)

49 publications exist

Innovative Welding Processes for New Rail Infrastructures (WRIST)

Jim Brouzoulis Material and Computational Mechanics
Lennart Josefson Material and Computational Mechanics
European Commission (EC)

2 publications exist
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