Lennart Josefson
Lennart Josefson är professor emeritus i hållfasthetslära. Mer information om Lennart Josefson finns på Chalmers engelska webbsidor.

Visar 50 publikationer
Simulation-based assessment of railhead repair welding process parameters
Highlights and future research areas from ISSC 2022
Orbital friction welding of steel bars – heat generation and process modelling
Simulerade svetsprocesser - hjälp för digitalt underhåll
ISSC 2022 Committee V.3 - Materials and Fabrication Technology
Residual stresses in thermite welded rails: significance of additional forging
Validation of the ductile fracture modeling of CGI at quasi-static loading conditions
A numerical sensitivity analysis on the cohesive parameters of a carbon-steel single lap joint
Residual stresses in thermite welded rails: significance of additional forging
FE modeling and simulation of machining Alloy 718 based on ductile continuum damage
A gradient enhanced damage growth model for ductile fracture
A ductile fracture model based on continuum thermodynamics and damage
ISSC 2018 Committee V.3 - Materials and Fabrication Technology
A viscous regularized damage growth model for ductile fracture
Mesh objective continuum damage models for ductile fracture
Mesh objective damage modeling of ductile fracture at visco-plastic continuum response
Mesh objective models for ductile fracture based on a damage phase field concept
Ductile fracture modeling based on a mesh objective element removal technology
Welding of rails and how it affects of crack initiation and propagation
Modelling chip formation of alloy 718
Assessment of uncertainties in life prediction of fatigue crack propagation in welded rails
Fatigue crack growth in a welded rail under the influence of residual stresses
Fatigue crack growth in welded rails
Two-material rail for RCF and noise control
Prevention of RCF damage in curved track through development of the INFRA-STAR two-material rail
Modelling of rolling contact fatigue of rails
Shakedown limits in three-dimensional wheel-rail rolling-sliding contacts
A method for prediction of fatigue crack initiation in railway rails
Finite element analyses of rolling contact fatigue crack initiation in railheads
Prediction of fatigue crack initiation for rolling contact fatigue
Models for Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity - Integration and Calibration
Models for Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity - Comparison and Integration
Prediction of fatigue life based on level crossings and a state variable
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Numerisk simulering av svetsning och andra högtemperaturprocesser (CHARMEC MU37)