Lennart Vamling

Showing 121 publications


Technoeconomic assessment of hydrothermal liquefaction oil from lignin with catalytic upgrading for renewable fuel and chemical production

Li Lu T. Funkenbusch, Michael E. Mullins, Lennart Vamling et al
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment. Vol. 8 (1)
Review article

Modified surfaces to enhance vertical falling film heat transfer – an experimental and numerical study

Anders Åkesjö, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 131, p. 237-251
Journal article

On the measuring of film thickness profiles and local heat transfer coefficients in falling films

Anders Åkesjö, Lennart Vamling, Srdjan Sasic et al
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. Vol. 99, p. 287-296
Journal article

Experimental and numerical study of heat transfer in a large-scale vertical falling film pilot unit

Anders Åkesjö, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 125, p. 53-65
Journal article

Evaluation of alternative routes for production of bio-oil from forest residues and kraft lignin

Marie Anheden, Ida Kulander, Karin Pettersson et al
NWBC 2018 - Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, p. 85-89
Paper in proceeding

Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Kraft Lignin in Subcritical Water: Influence of Phenol as Capping Agent

Tallal Belkheiri, Sven-Ingvar Andersson, Cecilia Mattsson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 32 (5), p. 5923-5932
Journal article

Hydrothermal liquefaction of kraft lignin in sub-critical water: the influence of the sodium and potassium fraction

Tallal Belkheiri, Sven-Ingvar Andersson, Cecilia Mattsson et al
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. Vol. 8 (3), p. 585-595
Journal article

Strategies for Controlling Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporator: The Influence of the Bulk Crystal Population

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, Mathias Gourdon
Journal of Science & Technology for Forest Products and Processes. Vol. 7 (2), p. 30-37
Journal article

Hydrodynamics of vertical falling films in a large-scale pilot unit - a combined experimental and numerical study

Anders Åkesjö, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling et al
International Journal of Multiphase Flow. Vol. 95, p. 188-198
Journal article

The Effect of Bulk Crystals on Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporators

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 32 (2), p. 299-308
Journal article

Thermal stability of low and high Mw fractions of bio-oil derived from lignin conversion in subcritical water

Huyen Nguyen Lyckeskog, Cecilia Mattsson, Lars Olausson et al
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. Vol. 7 (4), p. 401-414
Journal article

Accelerated aging of bio-oil from lignin conversion in subcritical water

Huyen Nguyen Lyckeskog, Cecilia Mattsson, Lars Olausson et al
Tappi Journal. Vol. 16 (3), p. 123-141
Magazine article

Effect of Co-flowing Vapor during Vertical Falling-film Evaporation

Ernesto Mura, Anders Åkesjö, Lennart Vamling et al
Experimental Heat Transfer. Vol. 29 (4), p. 561-575
Journal article

Storage Stability of Bio-oils Derived from the Catalytic Conversion of Softwood Kraft Lignin in Subcritical Water

Huyen Lyckeskog, Cecilia Mattsson, Lars-Erik Åmand et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 30 (4), p. 3097-3106
Journal article

Separation and recirculation of bulk crystals to potentially mitigate sodium salt scaling in black liquor evaporators

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 31 (4), p. 592-599
Journal article

Using 2D NMR to characterize the structure of the low and high molecular weight fractions of bio-oil obtained from LignoBoost (TM) kraft lignin depolymerized in subcritical water

Cecilia Mattsson, Sven-Ingvar Andersson, Tallal Belkheiri et al
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 95, p. 364-377
Journal article

Heat transfer for falling film evaporation of industrially relevant fluids up to very high Prandtl numbers

Mathias Gourdon, Erik Karlsson, F. Innings et al
Waerme-Stoffuebertrag Thermo-Fluid Dyn. Vol. 52 (2), p. 379-391
Journal article

Effect of pH on Kraft Lignin Depolymerisation in Subcritical Water

Tallal Belkheiri, Cecilia Mattsson, Sven-Ingvar Andersson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 30 (6), p. 4916-4924
Journal article

Qualitative investigation of the flow behaviour during falling film evaporation of a dairy product

Mathias Gourdon, F. Innings, A. Jongsma et al
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. Vol. 60, p. 9-19
Journal article

New measurement approaches for film thickness and wall temperature in falling film heat exchangers

Anders Åkesjö, Lars Olausson, Lennart Vamling et al
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Paper in proceeding

Subcritical water de-polymerization of Kraft lignin: A process for future biorefineries. Structural characterization of bio-oil and solids

Cecilia Mattsson, Sven-Ingvar Andersson, Tallal Belkheiri et al
NWBC 2015 - 6th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, p. 112-119
Paper in proceeding

Kraft Lignin Depolymerization in Near-Critical Water: Effect of Changing Co-Solvent

Tallal Belkheiri, Lennart Vamling, Huyen Nguyen Lyckeskog et al
Cellulose Chemistry and Technology. Vol. 48 (9-10), p. 813-818
Journal article

Black Liquor Falling Film Evaporation: Computational Model and Pilot Experiments

Aaron Howell, Emmanuel Doro, Cyrus Aidun et al
Proceedings of International Chemical Recovery Conference, Tampere,Finland, June 8 – 13 2014, p. 389-401
Paper in proceeding

Cleaning of Water-Soluble Scales in Black Liquor Evaporators – A Modeling Approach

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, L. Olausson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (50), p. 19600-19611
Journal article

Modeling and evaluation of evaporator cleaning

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, Mathias Gourdon et al
Proceedings of the 2014 International Chemical Recovery Conference. Vol. 1, p. 234-247
Paper in proceeding

Catalytic depolymerisation and conversion of Kraft lignin into liquid products using near-critical water

Huyen Lyckeskog, Marco Maschietti, Tallal Belkheiri et al
Journal of Supercritical Fluids. Vol. 86, p. 67-75
Journal article

Experimental Study of the Heat Transfer in a Falling Film Evaporator: Influence of the Co-Flowing Vapor

Ernesto Mura, Anders Åkesjö, Jongsma Alfred et al
10th International Conference on Heat Transfert, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics - HEFAT 2014. 14-16July 2014. Orlando, Florida, USA., p. 1938-1944
Paper in proceeding

Modelling and Evaluation of Evaporator Cleaning

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, Mathias Gourdon et al
J-FOR. Vol. 4 (6), p. 23-33
Journal article

The effect of temperature on the catalytic conversion of Kraft lignin using near-critical water

Huyen Lyckeskog, Marco Maschietti, Lars-Erik Åmand et al
Bioresource Technology. Vol. 170, p. 196-203
Journal article

Solid Dissolution into a Vertical Falling Film under Industrial-like Conditions

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (22), p. 9478-9487
Journal article

Heat transfer for falling film evaporation of black liquor up to very high Prandtl numbers

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lars Olausson et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 65, p. 907-918
Journal article

Catalytic Depolymerisation and Conversion of Kraft Lignin to Liquid Products Using Near-Critical Water

Huyen Nguyen Lyckeskog, Marco Maschietti, Lars-Erik Åmand et al
Proceedings, 21st European Biomass Conference, 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 485-493
Other conference contribution

Crystallization fouling of sodium salts in black liquor falling film evaporators – development of experimental method and first results

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lars Olausson et al
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 28 (4), p. 506-513
Journal article

Evaporation of Na2CO3-Na2SO4 solutions: A method to evaluate the distribution between bulk and surface crystallization

Mathias Gourdon, L. Olausson, Lennart Vamling
Tappi Journal. Vol. 10 (3), p. 17-24
Journal article

Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporators - Pilot Plant Results and Industrial Significance

Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling, U. Andersson et al
Journal of Pulp and Paper Science. Vol. 36 (3-4), p. 98-106
Journal article

Crystallization in a pilot evaporator - Comparison between black liquor and black liquor model substances

Mathias Gourdon, L. Olausson, Lennart Vamling
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 25 (1), p. 21-30
Journal article

Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporators – Pilot Plant Results and Industrial Significance

Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson et al
Proceedings of International Chemical Recovery Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, March 29 – April 1 2010, s. 298-312. Vol. 2, p. 298-311
Paper in proceeding

Crystallization in a Pilot Evaporator: Aqueous Solutions of Na2CO3 and Na2SO4

Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling, U. Andersson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 49 (5), p. 2401-2409
Journal article

Falling film hydrodynamics of black liquor under evaporative conditions

Miriam Johansson, I. Leifer, Lennart Vamling et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 2009 (52), p. 2769-2778
Journal article

Heat transfer in evaporating black liquor falling film

Miriam Johansson, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 2009 (52), p. 2759-2768
Journal article

Non-evaporating black liquor falling film hydrodynamics

Miriam Johansson, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 24 (1), p. 38-45
Journal article

Black liquor falling film hydrodynamics – Part A: Nonevaporative conditions

Miriam Johansson, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson

Scale formation and growth when evaporating black liquor with high carbonate to sulphate ratio

Mathias Gourdon, Daniel Strömblad, Lars Olausson et al
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 23 (2), p. 231-239
Journal article

Turbulence models for falling film hydrodynamics and heat transfer compared with experimental values for black liquor

Miriam Johansson, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 23 (3), p. 256-263
Journal article

Future use of heat pumps in Swedish district heating systems: Short- and long-term impact of policy instruments and planned investments

Marcus Eriksson, Lennart Vamling
Applied Energy. Vol. 84 (12), p. 1240-1257
Journal article

An implementation-oriented heat transfer model for black liquor evaporation

Miriam Johansson, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson
Proceedings of the International Chemical Recovery Conference 2007, May 29-June 1, 2007, Quebec City, Canada (Part 1), p. 155-158
Paper in proceeding

Fouling Layer Growth in Black Liquor Falling Film Evaporation

Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson
Proceedings of the International Chemical Recovery Conference 2007, May 29-June 1, 2007, Quebec City, Canada , s. 473-477
Paper in proceeding

Heat pumps and tradable emission permits: On the carbon dioxide emissions of technologies that cross a tradable emission market boundary

Marcus Eriksson, Lennart Vamling
Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 47 (20), p. 3510-3518
Journal article

Falling film evaporation of black liquor - comparison with general heat transfer correlations

Miriam Johansson, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 21 (4/2006), p. 496-506
Journal article

Surprising effects of combined vapour and liquid mass transfer resistances when condensing a mixture outside tube banks

Tord Karlsson, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 48 (2), p. 403-412
Journal article

Evaporation of R407C and R410A in a horizontal herringbone microfin tube: heat transfer and pressure drop

Sven Wellsandt, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 28 (6), p. 901-911
Journal article

Flow fields in shell-and-tube condensers: comparison of a pure refrigerant and a binary mixture

Tord Karlsson, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration-Revue Internationale Du Froid. Vol. 28 (5), p. 706-713
Journal article

Prediction method for flow boiling heat transfer in a herringbone microfin tube

Sven Wellsandt, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 28 (6), p. 912-920
Journal article

A new test facility for black liquor evaporation

Miriam Johansson, Lars Olausson, Lennart Vamling
Proceedings of the Heat-SET 2005 conference, Heat transfer in components and systems for sustainable energy technologies
Paper in proceeding

Evaporation of R134a in a horizontal herringbone microfin tube: heat transfer and pressure drop

Sven Wellsandt, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 28 (6), p. 889-900
Journal article

Reason for drop in shell-and-tube condenser performance when replacing R22 with zeotropic mixtures. Part 1. Analysis of experimental findings

Dave Sajjan, Tord Karlsson, Lennart Vamling
Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 27 (5), p. 552-560
Journal article

Reasons for drop in shell-and-tube condenser performance when replacing R22 with zeotropic mixtures. Part 2: investigation of mass transfer resistance effects

Tord Karlsson, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 27 (5), p. 561-566
Journal article

Energy Conservation in the Food Industry Using Process Integration - Methodologies and Case Study

Anna Fritzson, Thore Berntsson, Lennart Vamling
International Conference Engineering and Food Montpellier, France
Journal article

Systems study of absorption and compression chillers in a combined district cooling and district heating system

Marcus Eriksson, S Lindmark, V Martin et al
Presented at International Congress of Refigeration 2003, Washington, D.C., USA
Paper in proceeding

Diffusion effects on multicomponent condensation - influence of glide on mass transfer resistance

Tord Karlsson, Lennart Vamling
Presented at International Congress of Refiferation 2003, Washington, DC.,USA
Paper in proceeding

Wall temperature measurement in a herringbone microfin evaporation tube

Sven Wellsandt, Lennart Vamling
International Congress of Refrigeration 2003
Paper in proceeding

Energy conservation in the food industry using process integration - Methodologies and case study

Anna Fritzson, Thore Berntsson, Lennart Vamling
ICEF-2003 International Conference Engineering and Food
Other conference contribution

Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Plate-Type Evaporator

Sven Wellsandt, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 26, p. 180-188
Journal article

Condensation of mixtures in shell-and-tube condensers – the influence of important factors on calculation results

Tord Karlsson, Lennart Vamling
1st Int. Conf. On Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics 8-10 April 2002, Kruger Park, South Africa
Paper in proceeding

Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Plate-Type Evaporator

Sven Wellsandt, Lennart Vamling
Proc. 1st Int. Conf. On Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics 8-10 April 2002, Kruger Park, South Africa.
Paper in proceeding

Drop-in replacement of R22 in heat pumps used for district heating – influence of equipment and property limitations

Cecilia Gabrielii, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 24, p. 660-675
Journal article

Why and how can mathematics improve the learning in chemistry and chemical engineering?

Lars Öhrström, Lennart Vamling, Claes Niklasson
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education Quality Conference, 2001, Norrköping
Other conference contribution

Heat Transfer of R22 and Alternatives in a Plate Type Evaporator

Sven Wellsandt, Lennart Vamling
Presented at the 8th Int. Refrigeration Conf., Purdue, USA, July 25-28, 2000
Paper in proceeding

Development of Models for Prediction of Solubility of HFC Working Fluids in Pentaerythritol Esters Compressor Oils

Åsa Wahlström, Lennart Vamling
(Presented in Int. Refrigeration 2000, 23)
Paper in proceeding

Solubility of HFCs in Pentaerythritol Tetraalkyl Esters

Åsa Wahlström, Lennart Vamling
Journal of Chem & Eng Data; 2000. Vol. 45 (1), p. 97-103
Journal article

Replacement of R22 in Heat Pumps Used for District Heating

Cecilia Gabrielii, Lennart Vamling
presented at the 8th Int. Refigeration Conf., Purdue, USA, July 25-28, 2000
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of Heat Transfer for R22 and some Alternatives in a 25 MW Shell-and-Tube Condenser

Tord Karlsson, Lennart Vamling
(Presented at the 8th Int. Refrigeration Conf., Purdue, USA, July 25-28, 2000.)
Paper in proceeding

Mixtures To Replace R22 in High-Temperature Heat Pumps

Cecilia Gabrielii, Lennart Vamling
presented at the 20th International Congress of Refrigeration “Refrigeration into the Third Millennium” Sydney, Australia, 19-24 September 1999 (REF).
Paper in proceeding

Viscosity for Mixtures of HFCs and Pentaerythritol Esters

Åsa Wahlström, Lennart Vamling
presented at the 20th International Congress of Refrigeration “Refrigeration into the Third Millennium” Sydney, Australia, 19 24 September 1999 (REF).
Paper in proceeding

Ersättning av R22 i fjärrvärmesystem. Är HFC-blandningar bättre än R134a?" (in Swedish)

Cecilia Gabrielii, Sven Wellsandt, Lennart Vamling et al
presented at Klimat 21-dagen, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 25, 1999.
Paper in proceeding

A New Correlation for Viscosity of Oil/Refreigerant Mixtures

Cyril Thébault, Lennart Vamling
presented at the 20th International Congress of Refrigeration “Refrigeration into the Third Millennium” Sydney, Australia, 19-24 September 1999 (REF).
Paper in proceeding

Solubility of HFC32, HFC125, HFC134a, HFC143a and HFC152a in a Pentaerythritol Tetrapentanoat Ester

Åsa Wahlström, Lennart Vamling
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. Vol. 44 (4), p. 823-828
Journal article

Boiling Heat Transfer in an Evaporator Tube with a Star Shaped Insert

Sven Wellsandt, Lennart Vamling
presented at the 20th International Congress of Refrigeration “Refrigeration into the Third Millennium” Sydney, Australia, 19 24 September 1999 (REF).
Paper in proceeding

Changes in optimal distribution of heat exchanger area between the evaporator and suction gas heat exchanger when replacing r22 with r407c

Cecilia Gabrielii, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 21 (6), p. 440-451
Journal article

Ersättning av R22 i fjärrvärmesystem. Är HFC-blandningar bättre än HFC134a?

Lennart Vamling, Paul Ingvarsson
Presenterad vid EM:s konferens Klimat 21, Stockholm, december 1998
Paper in proceeding

Försämrad värmeöverföring i tubpannekondensor vid ersättning av R22 med R407C – kan den förklaras och kan den åtgärdas?

Lennart Vamling
Presenterad vid EM:s konferens klimat21, Stockholm, december 1998
Paper in proceeding

Changes in optimal design of a dry-expansion evaporation when replacing r22 with r407c

Cecilia Gabrielii, Lennart Vamling
International journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 21 (7), p. 518-534
Journal article

Viskositet och löslighet av R407C och R410A i en skruvkompressorolja

Cyril Thébault, Lennart Vamling
15 Nordiske Kölemöde og 8. Nordiske Varmepumpedagerne Reykjavik, juni 18-21, 1997
Paper in proceeding

Heat transfer coefficient reduction when replacing R22 with R407C in a tube-and-shell type condenser

Dave Sajjan, Lennart Vamling
15. Nordiske Kölemöde og 8. Nordiske Varmepumpedagerne Reykjavik, juni 18-21, 1997
Paper in proceeding

The solubility of HFC125, HFC134a, HFC143a and HFC152a in n-EICOSANE, n-HEXADECANE, n-TRIDECANE and 2,6,10,14-TETRAMETHYLPENTADECANE

Åsa Wahlström, Lennart Vamling
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 75, p. 544-550
Journal article

Prediction of Solubility for HFC working fluids in Model Subtances for compressor oils

Åsa Wahlström, Lennart Vamling
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 75, p. 551-561
Journal article

Replacement of R22 in tube-and-shell condensers: experiments and simulations

Cecilia Gabrielii, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration, 1997. Vol. 20 (3), p. 165-178
Journal article

Hur påverkas förångardesignen då blandningar med glide används?

Cecilia Gabrielii, Lennart Vamling
15. Nordiske Kölemöde og 8. Nordiske Varmepumpedagerne Reykjavik, juni 18-21, 1997.
Paper in proceeding

The solubility of HCF22, CFC114 and HFC152a in n-HEXADECANE

Åsa Wahlström, Lennart Vamling
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 75
Journal article

Impact of uncertainties on estimations of heat pump cycle performance

Marine Högberg, Lennart Vamling
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 19 (1), p. 34-42
Journal article

Data och konsekvenser för dimensionering och design

Lennart Vamling
Utvecklingsprogram för alternativa köldmedier i kylanläggningar och värmepumpar NUTEK, Stockholm, 20-23 november 1995.
Paper in proceeding

Heat transfer and pressure drop measurements for hydrocarbons in a direct-expansion evaporator tube

Peter Melin, Lennart Vamling
Presented at the 19th International Congress of Refrigeration, Haag, The Netherlands, August 20-25, 1995
Paper in proceeding

Egenskaper hos blandningar av arbetsmedium och kompressoroljor

Lennart Vamling
Föredrag vid informationsdag om Alternativa köldmedier i kylanläggningar och värmepumpar, NUTEK, Stockholm, 9 februari 1995.
Paper in proceeding

Flow boiling heat transfer and pleasure drop for zeotropic mixtures in a horizontal tube

Peter Melin, Lennart Vamling
Presented at the International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Rome, Italy, October 9-11, 1995
Paper in proceeding

Flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop for zeotropic mixtures in a horizontal tube

Peter Melin, Lennart Vamling
Presented at IIR International Conference, Padua, September 21-23, 1994, p. 8-
Other conference contribution

Flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop for HFC134a in a horizontal tube.

Peter Melin, Lennart Vamling
Presented at IIR International Conference – CFCs, The Day After, Pauda, Italy, September 21-23, 1994
Paper in proceeding

Some aspects of using mixtures

Thore Berntsson, Lennart Vamling
Presented at IEA HP Centre Workshop, Consequences of (H) CFC Replacement in HVAC Applications, Gothenburg, September 7-8, 1994
Paper in proceeding

The need for, and availability of, working fluid property data: Results from Annexes XIII and XVIII

M. Mc. Linden, Lennart Vamling
Presented at The 4th International Energy Agency Heat Pupm Coference Maastrict, The Netherlands, April 26-29.1993
Paper in proceeding

Factors of importance in cycle performance estimations

Lennart Vamling
Presented at the International Seminar on Heat Transfer, Thermophysical Properties and Cycle Performance of Alternative Refrigerants Kitakyushy, Japan, December 6-8, 1993
Paper in proceeding

Calculation methods for comparing the performance of pure and mixed working fluids in heat pump applications

Marine Högberg, Lennart Vamling, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 16 (6), p. 403-413
Journal article

The Abdoul-Rauzy-Peneloux Group Contribution Equation of State Extended to CFC-Containing Mixtures

Eva Fransson, Lennart Vamling
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 48 (10), p. 1753-1759
Journal article

A modified lee-kesler equation of state for refrigerants

Lennart Vamling, Krister Ström, Maria Sörner
Chemical Engineering Communications. Vol. 125, p. 139-154
Journal article

CFC alternatives for high temperature heat pump applications - Chapter 7

Lennart Vamling, Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
STI, Springer-Verlag, 1991. Heat pumps-proceedings of the 4th International Conference, pp.71-82
Paper in proceeding

Energy aspects in CFC-developments

Marine Högberg, Lennart Vamling, Thore Berntsson
Presented at Workshop on Concepts for Energy Savings in Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Systems, KTH, Stockholm August 29-31, 1990, p. 13-
Other conference contribution

Nonazeotropic Mixtures as Substitutes for today´s CFC Fluids

Marine Högberg, Lennart Vamling, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of the 3rd International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 12-15 March 1990, p. 867-886
Paper in proceeding

CFC Alternatives for High-Temperature Heat Pump Application

Lennart Vamling, Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
BHRA International Conference on Applications and Efficiency of Heat Pump Systems in Environmentally Sensitive Times, Munich 1st to 3rd October 1990, p. 17-
Other conference contribution

Alternativa medier och processer

Thore Berntsson, Lennart Vamling, Marine Högberg
Föredrag vid 13. Nordiska Kolemode och 4. Nordiske Varmepumpedager i Loen, Norge, 30/5-3/6 1989
Paper in proceeding

Possible new working fluids in high-temperature heat pumps

Marine Högberg, Lennart Vamling, Thore Berntsson

Alternativa arbetsmedia - en översikt

Lennart Vamling
VVS-Tekniska Föreningen, FREONDAGEN 1989, Stockholm, 5 april
Other conference contribution

Periodic operation of a tubular reactor: a simulation of consecutive reactions in a chromatographic reactor

Gunnar Lidén, Lennart Vamling
The Chemical Engineering Journal,. Vol. 40 (1, January 1989), p. 31-37
Journal article

Blandningar som arbetsmedier

Lennart Vamling, Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid 13. Nordiske Kjölemöte och 4. Nordiske Varmepumpedager i Loen, Norge, 30/5 - 3/6 1989
Other conference contribution

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Showing 2 research projects


Energy efficient falling-film evaporation through modified heating surfaces

Anders Åkesjö Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Mathias Gourdon Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Srdjan Sasic Fluid Dynamics
Lennart Vamling Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency

5 publications exist

Katalytisk hydrokrackning av svartlut, lignin och vedrester från massatillverkning till flytande bränsle och kemikalier

Lennart Vamling Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Stiftelsen Nils och Dorthi Troëdssons forskningsfond

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