Yang Liu

Showing 37 publications


i-CLTP: Integrated contrastive learning with transformer framework for traffic state prediction and network-wide analysis

Ruo Jia, Kun Gao, Yang Liu et al
Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 171
Journal article

Quantifying variable contributions to bus operation delays considering causal relationships

Qi Zhang, Zhenliang Ma, Yuanyuan Wu et al
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Vol. 194
Journal article

Carbon emission reduction benefits of ride-hailing vehicle electrification considering energy structure

Zhe Zhang, Qing Yu, Kun Gao et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 377
Journal article

A High-Precision Calibration and Evaluation Method Based on Binocular Cameras and LiDAR for Intelligent Vehicles

Hongyi Lin, Yang Liu, Liang Wang et al
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Deep knowledge distillation: A self-mutual learning framework for traffic prediction

Ying Li, Ping Li, Doudou Yan et al
Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 252
Journal article

Insights into Travel Pattern Analysis and Demand Prediction: A Data-Driven Approach in Bike-Sharing Systems

Hongyi Lin, Yixu He, Shen Li et al
Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems. Vol. 150 (2)
Journal article

An overview of solutions to the bus bunching problem in urban bus systems

Ying Yang, Junchi Cheng, Yang Liu
Frontiers of Engineering Management. Vol. 11 (4), p. 661-675
Review article

A Low-Rank Bayesian Temporal Matrix Factorization for the Transfer Time Prediction Between Metro and Bus Systems

Pan Wu, Mingyang Pei, Tao Wang et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 25 (7), p. 7206-7222
Journal article

Critical Roles of Control Engineering in the Development of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles

Yang Fei, Peng Shi, Yang Liu et al
Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. Vol. 7 (2), p. 79-85
Review article

Generative Edge Intelligence for IoT-Assisted Vehicle Accident Detection: Challenges and Prospects

Jiahui Liu, Yang Liu, Kun Gao et al
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. Vol. 7 (3), p. 50-54
Journal article

Probabilistic Prediction of Longitudinal Trajectory Considering Driving Heterogeneity With Interpretability

Shuli Wang, Kun Gao, Lanfang Zhang et al
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Harnessing the power of Machine learning for AIS Data-Driven maritime Research: A comprehensive review

Ying Yang, Yang Liu, Guorong Li et al
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Vol. 183
Journal article

Exploring the design of reward functions in deep reinforcement learning-based vehicle velocity control algorithms

Yixu He, Yang Liu, Lan Yang et al
Transportation Letters. Vol. 16 (10), p. 1338-1352
Journal article

Harnessing multimodal large language models for traffic knowledge graph generation and decision-making

Senyun Kuang, Yang Liu, Xin Wang et al
Communications in Transportation Research. Vol. 4
Other text in scientific journal

The role of intelligent technology in the development of urban air mobility systems: A technical perspective

Yang Liu, Cheng Lyu, Fan Bai et al
Fundamental Research. Vol. 4 (5), p. 1017-1024
Journal article

A Dynamic Transformation Car-Following Model for the Prediction of the Traffic Flow Oscillation

Shan Fang, Lan Yang, Xiangmo Zhao et al
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. Vol. 16 (1), p. 174-198
Journal article

Dynamic vessel schedule recovery strategy of liner shipping with uncertainties: An event-triggered model predictive control solution

Jian Zheng, Chuanshuo Mao, Yun Li et al
Computers and Industrial Engineering. Vol. 193
Journal article

Future of autonomous driving: Single autonomous driving and intelligent vehicle-infrastructure collaboration systems

Yang Liu, Jiahao Zhan, Shen Li et al
Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy. Vol. 15 (5), p. 611-633
Review article

Deep Demand Prediction: An Enhanced Conformer Model With Cold-Start Adaptation for Origin–Destination Ride-Hailing Demand Prediction

Hongyi Lin, Yixu He, Yang Liu et al
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. Vol. 16 (3), p. 111-124
Journal article

A spatio-temporal deep learning model for short-term bike-sharing demand prediction

Ruo Jia, Richard Chamoun, Alexander Wallenbring et al
Electronic Research Archive. Vol. 31 (2), p. 1031-1047
Journal article

Unraveling the mode substitution of dockless bike-sharing systems and its determinants: A trip level data-driven interpretation

Kun Gao, Aoyong Li, Yang Liu et al
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 98
Journal article

Analysis of Driving Behavior in Unprotected Left Turns for Autonomous Vehicles using Ensemble Deep Clustering

Zichao Shen, Shen Li, Yang Liu et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Envisioning the future of transportation: Inspiration of ChatGPT and large models

Xiaobo Qu, Hongyi Lin, Yang Liu
Communications in Transportation Research. Vol. 3
Other text in scientific journal

How generative adversarial networks promote the development of intelligent transportation systems: A survey

Hongyi Lin, Yang Liu, Shen Li et al
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. Vol. 10 (9), p. 1781-1796
Journal article

Full-scale spatio-temporal traffic flow estimation for city-wide networks: a transfer learning based approach

Yuan Zhang, Qixiu Cheng, Yang Liu et al
Transportmetrica B. Vol. 11 (1), p. 869-895
Journal article

Bus timetable optimization model in response to the diverse and uncertain requirements of passengers for travel comfort

Peiqun Lin, Chenxing He, Lingshu Zhong et al
Electronic Research Archive. Vol. 31 (4), p. 2315-2336
Journal article

Traffic flow prediction under multiple adverse weather based on self-attention mechanism and deep learning models

Wensong Zhang, Ronghan Yao, Xiaojing Du et al
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Vol. 625
Journal article

Jointly estimating the most likely driving paths and destination locations with incomplete vehicular trajectory data

Qi Cao, Yue Deng, Gang Ren et al
Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 155
Journal article

Prospects of eVTOL and Modular Flying Cars in China Urban Settings

Chunlei Zheng, Yiping Yan, Yang Liu
Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. Vol. 6 (4), p. 187-189
Other text in scientific journal

How machine learning informs ride-hailing services: A survey

Yang Liu, Ruo Jia, Jieping Ye et al
Communications in Transportation Research. Vol. 2
Review article

Deep dispatching: A deep reinforcement learning approach for vehicle dispatching on online ride-hailing platform

Yang Liu, Fanyou Wu, Cheng Lyu et al
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Vol. 161
Journal article

Personalized Modeling of Travel Behaviors and Traffic Dynamics

Cheng Lyu, Yang Liu, Liang Wang et al
Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems. Vol. 148 (10)
Journal article

Model Controlled Prediction: A Reciprocal Alternative of Model Predictive Control

Shen Li, Yang Liu, Xiaobo Qu
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. Vol. 9 (6), p. 1107-1110
Other text in scientific journal

Editorial for the Special Issue on Laser Additive Manufacturing: Design, Processes, Materials and Applications

Jie Yin, Yang Liu, Ping Zhao
Micromachines. Vol. 13 (12)
Other text in scientific journal

A personalized recommendation system for multi-modal transportation systems

Fanyou Wu, Cheng Lyu, Yang Liu
Multimodal Transportation. Vol. 1 (2)
Journal article

DeepTSP: Deep traffic state prediction model based on large-scale empirical data

Yang Liu, Cheng Lyu, Yuan Zhang et al
Communications in Transportation Research. Vol. 1
Journal article

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Showing 6 research projects


Applied AI for Connected and Autonomous Transportation Systems

Yang Liu Transportgruppen

3 publications exist

ATEM - Accelerating transport electrification by machine learning

Yang Liu Geology and Geotechnics
Jiaming Wu Geology and Geotechnics
Xiaobo Qu Transportgruppen
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists

Battery Ageing Prediction and Optimization in a Fleet of Electric Autonomous Vehicles

Kun Gao Transportgruppen
Yang Liu Transportgruppen
Xiaobo Qu Transportgruppen
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems


Accelerating transport electrification by machine learning

Yang Liu Geology and Geotechnics
Ziling Zeng Geology and Geotechnics
Mingyang Pei Automatic Control
Jiaming Wu Geology and Geotechnics
Xiaobo Qu Transportgruppen
European Commission (EC)


AI-cloud-based Vehicle Management Strategies for Electrified Vehicles

Kun Gao Transportgruppen
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Yang Liu Geology and Geotechnics
Chalmers AI Research Centre (CHAIR)


ICV-Safe: Testing safety of intelligent connected vehicles in open and mixed road environment

Xiaobo Qu Geology and Geotechnics
Jiaming Wu Geology and Geotechnics
Kun Gao Geology and Geotechnics
Yang Liu Geology and Geotechnics

2 publications exist
There might be more projects where Yang Liu participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.