Yang Liu
Showing 37 publications
Quantifying variable contributions to bus operation delays considering causal relationships
Deep knowledge distillation: A self-mutual learning framework for traffic prediction
An overview of solutions to the bus bunching problem in urban bus systems
Critical Roles of Control Engineering in the Development of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles
Generative Edge Intelligence for IoT-Assisted Vehicle Accident Detection: Challenges and Prospects
A Dynamic Transformation Car-Following Model for the Prediction of the Traffic Flow Oscillation
A spatio-temporal deep learning model for short-term bike-sharing demand prediction
Envisioning the future of transportation: Inspiration of ChatGPT and large models
Prospects of eVTOL and Modular Flying Cars in China Urban Settings
How machine learning informs ride-hailing services: A survey
Personalized Modeling of Travel Behaviors and Traffic Dynamics
Model Controlled Prediction: A Reciprocal Alternative of Model Predictive Control
A personalized recommendation system for multi-modal transportation systems
DeepTSP: Deep traffic state prediction model based on large-scale empirical data
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Showing 6 research projects
Applied AI for Connected and Autonomous Transportation Systems
ATEM - Accelerating transport electrification by machine learning
Battery Ageing Prediction and Optimization in a Fleet of Electric Autonomous Vehicles
Accelerating transport electrification by machine learning
AI-cloud-based Vehicle Management Strategies for Electrified Vehicles
ICV-Safe: Testing safety of intelligent connected vehicles in open and mixed road environment