Dario Jonsson Maggiolo
Dario Maggiolo is Associate Professor at the Division of Fluid Dynamics. His research focuses on the understanding of fluid-dynamic phenomena by means of numerical tools. Scientific areas of expertise comprise multiphase flows in porous media, reactive flows, phase change phenomena and fluid-microstructure interactions in multiphase systems.

Showing 42 publications
Dynamics of Contaminant Flow Through Porous Media Containing Random Adsorbers
Sustainable Heat Generation in Flow from a Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage System
Mixing in compact porous reactors
Modeling of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
Reactant Flow in Flow Batteries
Finite-size effects on heat and mass transfer in porous electrodes
Directional-dependent invasion dynamics in anisotropic porous media with customised disorder
Assessment of hindered diffusion in arbitrary geometries using a multiphase DNS framework
Respiratory droplets interception in fibrous porous media
Asymmetric invasion in anisotropic porous media
The Knudsen Paradox in Micro-Channel Poiseuille Flows with a Symmetric Particle
Solute transport and reaction in porous electrodes at high Schmidt numbers
Finite-volume method for industrial-scale temperature-swing adsorption simulations
Water transport and absorption in pharmaceutical tablets – a numerical study
Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Modelling for Electric Vehicles in Mining Applications Using GT-AutoLion
Effects of bed aging on temperature signals from fixed-bed adsorbers during industrial operation
Pore trapping mechanisms in two-phase flows through fuel cells porous media
Detailed simulations of heterogeneous reactions in porous media using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Finely resolved numerical simulations of reactive flow in porous media
Flow and dispersion in anisotropic porous media: A lattice-Boltzmann study
Momentum transport and laminar friction in rough-wall duct flows
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Showing 7 research projects
Microscopic simulations of sea ice
Effect of face masks during air-borne pandemics from fluid mechanical aspects
Water Management in Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Interaction between micro and macro processes in battery-powered vehicles
Coated heat exchangers as self-cleaning producer gas condensers