Stefania Noerman

Visiting Researcher at Food and Nutrition Science

Stefania's research employs mainly metabolomics approach to discover, validate, and measure metabolites with potential to indicate dietary intake, metabolic health, as well as individual phenotypes. Her main goals are to understand the reasons behind interindividual differences in dietary responses and to develop personalized dietary advices for better metabolic health. She is involved in the Working Group 1 aiming for Improving Standards in the Science of Nutrition by redefining the concept and methodologies.

Image of Stefania Noerman

Showing 10 publications


Fasting plasma metabolites reflecting meat consumption and their associations with incident type 2 diabetes in two Swedish cohorts

Stefania Noerman, Anna Johansson, Lin Shi et al
The American journal of clinical nutrition. Vol. 119 (5), p. 1280-1292
Journal article

Biomarker Candidates of Habitual Food Intake in a Swedish Cohort of Pregnant and Lactating Women and Their Infants

Mia Stråvik, Olle Hartvigsson, Stefania Noerman et al
Metabolites. Vol. 14 (5)
Journal article

Dietary biomarkers-an update on their validity and applicability in epidemiological studies

Rikard Landberg, Prasoona Karra, Rachel Hoobler et al
Nutrition Reviews. Vol. 82 (9), p. 1260-1280
Review article

Blood metabolite profiles linking dietary patterns with health—Toward precision nutrition

Stefania Noerman, Rikard Landberg
Journal of Internal Medicine. Vol. 293 (4), p. 408-432
Review article

Nutritional metabolomics: Recent developments and future needs

Maaria Kortesniemi, Stefania Noerman, A. Kårlund et al
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. Vol. 77
Review article

Redefining concepts and methods for nutrition sciences. What sets it apart from medical sciences?

Hinke Haisma, Marjukka Kolehmainen, Isabel Slurink et al
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 79, p. 258-259
Other conference contribution

Serum metabolites associated with wholegrain consumption using nontargeted metabolic profiling: a discovery and reproducibility study

Stefania Noerman, Jyrki K. Virtanen, Marko Lehtonen et al
European Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 62 (2), p. 713-726
Journal article

Discovery of metabolite biomarkers of meat consumption and their association with incident type 2 diabetes in a Swedish population-based cohort

Stefania Noerman, Anna Johansson, Lin Shi et al
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 79, p. 285-285
Other conference contribution

Associations of the serum metabolite profile with a healthy Nordic diet and risk of coronary artery disease

Stefania Noerman, Marietta Kokla, Ville Mikael Koistinen et al
Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 40 (5), p. 3250-3262
Journal article

“Notame”: Workflow for non-targeted LC-MS metabolic profiling

Anton Klåvus, Marietta Kokla, Stefania Noerman et al
Metabolites. Vol. 10 (4)
Journal article

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