Sebastien Rauch
Sebastien is a Full Professor in the Division of Water Environment Technology, leader of the research theme Urban environments and systems, at Chalmers.
Sebastiens main research objective is to provide a further understanding of the interactions between man and the environment, in terms of contamination and use of resources, and develop solutions based on this understanding. Because cities concentrate on human activities, this research has largely focused on urban environments and systems. His research expertise lies within the areas of trace element biogeochemistry, urban pollution, sustainable urban development, water and sanitation, as well as the development of analytical tools and methodologies.

Showing 109 publications
Identification of novel arsenic resistance genes in yeast
Integrated cost and environmental impact assessment of management options for dredged sediment
Report for WP 3.3 Design solutions for managing contaminated sediments in the Göta älv
Low impact leaching agents as remediation media for organotin and metal contaminated sediments
Regulatory exemptions illustrate the humanitarian-development nexus in highly developed cities
Regulatory Enforcement Approaches for Mass Population Displacement
A comparative study of macroinvertebrate biodiversity in highway stormwater ponds and natural ponds
Impact of environmental factors on aquatic biodiversity in roadside stormwater ponds
Aquatic biodiversity in sedimentation ponds receiving road runoff - What are the key drivers?
Risk assessment of tech metals is ongoing correspondence
Aquatic biodiversity in sedimentation ponds receiving road runoff – What are the key drivers?
Mineral dust as a driver of carbon accumulation in northern latitudes
Climate-Smart Stormwater Management
Cadmium Causes Misfolding and Aggregation of Cytosolic Proteins in Yeast
Using role-playing games to broaden engineering education
Assessment of drinking water quality at the tap using fluorescence spectroscopy.
Microbial electrochemical recovery of zinc
Drift correction of the dissolved signal in single particle ICPMS
Closing the food loops: Guidelines and criteria for improving nutrient management
Closing the food loop – guidelines and criteria for improving nutrient management
Impact of platinum group element emissions from mining and production activities
Sources of platinum group elements in the environment
Evaluation of a passive sampler for the speciation of metals in urban runoff water
Application of LA-ICP-MS for meso-scale chloride profiling in concrete
Bioelectrochemical recovery of Cu, Pb, Cd, and Zn from dilute solutions
Chloride analysis in concrete by LA-ICP-MS
Direct determination of metals in PM10 filters by laser ablation-ICP-MS
Trace metals in Stockholm sediments
Colloid-Facilitated Metal Transport in Peat Filters
Element associations in ash from waste combustion in fluidized bed
Platinum and lead in South African road dust
Platinum Group Elements - Identifying Sources from Early Metal Mining to the Automobile Catalyst
Anthropogenic forcings on the surficial osmium cycle
Peat filter performance under changing environmental conditions
Colloid facilitated transport of metals in peat filter
Environmental Relevance of the Platinum Group Elements
Lead Penetration and Leaching in a Complex Temperate Soil Profile
The relative impact of automobile catalysts and Russian smelters on PGE deposition in Greenland
On-line matrix separation for the determination mof PGEs in sediments by ICP-MS
Regional and global transport of platinum group elements from automobile catalysts
Source characterization of platinum group elements using the isotopic composition of osmium
Distribution of palladium, platinum and rhodium in birds of prey
Platinum group elements in airborne particles in Mexico City
Nuclear Analytical Methods for Platinum Group Elements
Importance of platinum group element and gold speciation for the environment and medicine
Platinum group elements from automobile emissions to global distribution
Comparative tissue distribution of metals in birds in Sweden using ICP-MS and laser ablation ICP-MS
Environmental routes for platinum group elements to biological materials - a review
Short-term toxicity and binding of platinum to freshwater periphyton communities
Micrometer-resolved binding of lead to iron in urban river sediments
Platinum group elements in raptor eggs, faeces, blood, liver and kidney
Sediment-based evidence of platinum concentration change in an urban lake near Boston, Massachusetts
Establishing causality between exposure to metals and effects on fish
Impact of automobile emissions on the levels of platinum and lead in Accra, Ghana
Chronology of platinum accumulation in an urban lake
Scanning Laser Ablation-ICP-MS Tracking of Platinum Group Elements in Urban Particles
Platinum group elements in the feathers of raptors and their prey
Performance of an in situ passive sampling system for metals in stormwater
Heterogeneity of platinum group metals in airborne particles
Establishing causality between exposure to metals and effects on fish in a rain forest reserve
An Environmental Case History of the Platinum Group Metals.
Platinum-group elements: quantification in collected exhaust fumes and studies of catalyst surfaces
Elemental association and fingerprinting of traffic-related metals in road sediments
Routes for Bioaccumulation and Transformation of Platinum in the Urban Environment
Platinum uptake by the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus in urban rivers
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Showing 10 research projects
SamLab – Samverkan för genomförande av kommunal klimatanpassning genom policylabb
Sustainable Utilisation and Treatment of Dredged Marine Sediments
WiCiD-Water In City Design, solutions for wicked planning problems
IMplementing MEasuRes for Sustainable Estuaries (IMMERSE)
Behandling av tennorganiskt förorenade sediment: återvinning och stabilisering
Design solutions for microplastic shedding from textiles
Treatment of Tin Contaminated Marine Sediments: Degradation, Recovery and Stabilization
Integrated Water Resource Management (IRWM) – Water Quality, Pollution and Treatment
A systems approach to water and sanitation for the urban poor in Bolivia