Vasilis Naserentin
Vasilis Naserentin is the lead software architect of the Digital Twin Cities Centre (, a Vinnova competence center hosted by Chalmers."He is actively involved in the research and development of digital twins for urban environments, focusing on their creation, improvement, and enrichment. Moreover, his research is focused on high performance computing applications, mainly in the field of multiphysics simulations and data fusion in the urban scale. He is keen on employing state of the art software and computer engineering technologies (including Artificial Intelligence, general-purpose computing on graphic cards, mixed reality applications, cloud and edge computing) into different tracks of scientific research. Vasilis is also an application expert for InfraVis, the National Research Infrastructure for Scientific Visualization (

Showing 21 publications
The Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics within City Digital Twins: Opportunities and Challenges
Towards Urban Digital Twins: A Workflow for Procedural Visualization Using Geospatial Data
CFD Simulation and 3D Visualization on Cultural Heritage sites: The Castle of Mytilene
Roof Segmentation Towards Digital Twin Generation in LoD2+Using Deep Learning
Using the Octree Immersed Boundary Method for urban wind CFD simulations
Digital Twin Cities: Multi-Disciplinary Modeling and High-Performance Simulation of Cities
Modeling and Simulating Cities with Digital Twins
Combining Open Source and Commercial Tools in Digital Twin for Cities Generation
Visualisation of traffic noise exposure and health impact in a 3D urban environment
Visual conflicts - Challenges in combining rich volumetric 3D-data in a realistic VR city model
Digital Twins for Cities: A State of the Art Review
An urban planning tool demonstrator with auralisation and visualisation of the sound environment
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Showing 13 research projects
Urban modelling and planning tool for energy and invisible environmental factors using AI methods
Virtual City.Unreal Engine-utveckling inom Digital Twin Cities Centre
MiljöVis - Effective representation of environmental information in infrastructure models
SCENDA: Scenario visualization of environmental data in compact cities
SensIT - Sensor driven cloud-based strategies for infrastructure management