Ralejs Tepfers

Professor emeritus at Structural Engineering
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Showing 168 publications


Par betona elastības moduli

Ralejs Tepfers
Latvijas būvniecība – Ceļvedis būvnicības nozares virzītājiem. (2), p. 94-95
Magazine article

Vissa egenskaper hos runda CFRP-omslutna betongpelare utsatta för tryck.

Ralejs Tepfers
BYGG-Teknik. Vol. Årgång 106 (8/14), p. 55 - 60
Magazine article

Mekaniska egenskaper hos CFRP-omslutna runda betongpelare med tryckarmering av stål under axiell tryckbelastning

Tamuzs Vitauts, Ralejs Tepfers, Zile Edmunds et al
Bygg & teknik. Vol. 8/13, p. 52-59
Magazine article

Concerning Concrete E-Modulus

Ralejs Tepfers
Riga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary and The 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute / RTU Alumni. DIGEST., p. 360-361
Paper in proceeding

Mätning av betongens elasticitetsmodul

Ralejs Tepfers
Bygg & Teknik (7/2012), p. 33-35
Magazine article

Befestigungstechnik, Bewehrungstechnik und...II

Werner Fuchs, Jan Hofmann, Ralejs Tepfers
Edited book

Fibrobetons ar lielu tērauda šķiedru tilpumu - skats nākotnē

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics (Tezu krajums "Tehniskas zinatnes"), p. 43-54
Paper in proceeding


Ralejs Tepfers, Gunnar O. Sjöström, Bo Joel Svensson et al
Civil engineering ´11, 3rd Inernational Scientific Conference 12-13 May, 2011, Latvia University of Agricultute, Faculty of Rural Engineering, Jelgava, Latvia. Vol. 3, p. 117-124
Paper in proceeding

Betona tehnoloģija - porainība ir izšķiroša

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics. Vol. - (Tezu Krajums Sekcija: Tehniskas zinatnes.), p. 38-42
Paper in proceeding

Fibrobetons ar lielu tērauda šķiedru tilpumu. Skats nākotnē.

Ralejs Tepfers
Latvijas būvniecība – Ceļvedis būvnicības nozares virzītājiem.. Vol. - (4), p. 50-53
Magazine article

Future Use of High Fiber Volume in Concrete. Can fibers someday be placed in real time as a function of the design?

Ralejs Tepfers
Concrete International. Vol. 32 (1), p. 49-51
Journal article


Ralejs Tepfers
XVI International Conference, Mechanics of Composite Materials, May 24-28, 2010 Riga, Latvia. Vol. Proceedings, p. 195-195
Paper in proceeding

Fiber-reinforced concretes with a high fiber volume fraction - a look in future

Ralejs Tepfers
Mechanics of Composite Materials. Vol. 46 (3), p. 323 - 330
Journal article

Some special features of compressed round CFRP confined concrete columns

Vilis Valdmanis, Ralejs Tepfers
Proceedings of 13th Int. Congress on Polymers in Concrete, Funchal - Madeira, p. 745-752
Paper in proceeding

Kā pasargāt no mitruma ārsienas ar apdari tieši uz siltumizolācijas

Ralejs Tepfers
Latvijas būvniecība – Ceļvedis būvnicības nozares virzītājiem. (6), p. 46-48
Magazine article

Utmattningsbelastad betong

Rasmus Rempling, Kent Gylltoft, Ralejs Tepfers
Bygg och Tenkik
Magazine article

Hur häva fuktskador hos hus med puts direkt på isolering

Ralejs Tepfers
Bygg & Teknik (2), p. 101-102
Magazine article

Some issues concerning concrete impregnation with silanes.

Ralejs Tepfers
Studies and Researches vol. 29, p. 297-307
Book chapter

Betona impregnesana ar silaniem

Ralejs Tepfers
Latvijas buvnieciba. Celvedis Buvniecibas nozares vrzitajiem (4), p. 44-46
Magazine article

Kolnanotuber: Fiberbetong - möjligheter och utmaningar

Ralejs Tepfers
Bygg & teknik. Vol. - (7), p. 63-66
Magazine article

Teknologi in i porerna

Ralejs Tepfers
Betong (2/2008), p. 62-63
Magazine article

Properties of FRP-confined concrete columns under axial compressive loading

Vitauts Tamuzs, Ralejs Tepfers, Edmunds Zile et al
CCC 2008. Challenges for Civil Construction. Torres Marques et al. (Eds) © FEUP, Porto, 2008 (Finns på elektronisk diskett utan löpande sidonr.), p. 12-
Paper in proceeding

Stability analysis of CFRP-wrapped concrete columns strengthened with external longitudinal CFRP sheets

Vitauts Tamuzs, Vilis Valdmanis, Ralejs Tepfers et al
Mechanics of Composite Materials. Vol. 44 (3), p. 199-208
Journal article

Värdering av byggnadsteknisk forskning och utbildning

Ralejs Tepfers
V-byggaren (Väg- och Vattenbyggaren) (3 - 2008), p. 62-63
Magazine article

Fibrer för betongmagar. (Fiberkompositarmering).

Ralejs Tepfers
Svenska Betongföreningens tidskrift Betong (5), p. 53-53
Magazine article

Analytical modelling of plastic behaviour of uniformly FRP confined concrete members

Theodoros C. Rousakis, Athanasios I. Karabinis, Panos D. Kiousis et al
Science Direct, Composites Part B: Engineering. Vol. 39 (7-8), p. 1104-1113
Journal article

Frågor inför impregnering av betong med silaner

Ralejs Tepfers
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. Årgång 100 (7), p. 50-52
Magazine article

Compressive behavior of CFRP-confined square concrete columns”

Edmunds Zile, Vitauts Tamuzs, Ralejs Tepfers
ECCM13, 13th European Conference on Composite Materials, June 2-5, 2008 Stockholm, Sweden. (Elektronisk diskett utan sidonr.), p. 8. -
Paper in proceeding

Skiedras betona. Iespejas un problemas

Ralejs Tepfers
Latvijas buvnieciba. Celvedis buvniecibas nozares virzitajiem (2008 # 4), p. 76-78
Magazine article

Investigation of the stability of reinforced concrete columns confined with external CFRP sheets

Vilis Valdmanis, Vitauts Tamuzs, Kent Gylltoft et al
Fifteenth International Conference, Machanics of Composite Materials, May 26-30, 2008, Riga, Latvia. Book of Abstracts., p. 269-
Paper in proceeding

Buvniecibas un zinatnes vertesana augstskolas

Ralejs Tepfers
Latvijas buvnieciba. Celvedis buvniecibas nozares vaditajiem (2), p. 126-
Magazine article

Stability of round concrete columns confined by composite wrappings

Vitauts Tamuzs, Ralejs Tepfers, Edmunds Zile et al
Mechanics of Composite Materials. Vol. 43 (5), p. 445-452
Journal article

Asfaltbetona un betona kontaktvirsmu defekti un to noversana

Ralejs Tepfers
Latvijas buvnieciba - Celvedis buvniecibas nozares virzitajiem (September # 4), p. 80-82
Journal article

Behaviour and capacity of CFRP-confined concrete cylinders subjected to monotonic and cyclic axial compressive load

Vilis Valdmanis, Laura De Lorenzis, Theodoros Rousakis et al
Structural Concrete. Vol. 8 (4), p. 187-200
Journal article

Tests and prediction of the mechanical behavior of cylindrical concrete specimens confined by composite wrapping

Vitauts Tamuzs, Ralejs Tepfers, Vilis Valdmanis et al
Proceedings of the FRPRCS-8 Symposium, July 16-18, 2007 - Patras, Greece, p. 250-251 and 1-10 in the discette version-
Paper in proceeding

Behavior of CFRP-confined concrete cylinders with a compressive steel reinforcement

Ralejs Tepfers, Kent Gylltoft, Vitauts Tamuzs et al
Mechanics of Composite Materials. Vol. 43 (3), p. 191-202
Journal article

Analytical modelling of the plastic behaviour of concrete under uniform confinement by FRP jacket

Ralejs Tepfers, Theodoros C. Rousakis, A. I. Karabinis et al
Greek National 15th Concrete Conference, Alexandroupolis, 25-27 October 2006. Vol. A, p. 347-358
Paper in proceeding

Behavior of concrete cylinders confined by e carbon composite. 3. Deformability and the ultimate axial strain

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Zile Edmunds et al
Mechanics of Composite Materials. Vol. 42 (4), p. 303-314
Journal article

Behavior of concrete cylinders confined by carbon-composite tapes and prestressed yarns

Vitauts Tamuzs, Ralejs Tepfers, Chi-Sang You et al
Mechanics of Composite Materials. Vol. 42 (1), p. 13-32
Journal article

Stability and strength of reinforced concrete columns confined by tangential external CFRP wrappings

Kent Gylltoft, Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs et al
Conference MCM 2006 Mechanics of Composite Materials May 29 - June 2 2006, Riga, Latvia, p. 212-213
Paper in proceeding

Behavior of concrete cylinders confined by carbon composite. 2. Prediction of strength

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Edgars Sparins
Mechanics of Composite Materials. Vol. 42 (No 2), p. 109-118
Journal article

Mechanical behavior of cylindrical conrete specimens confined by composite jacket. Prediction of strenght

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Edgars Sparins
Conference MCM 2006 Mechanics of Composite Materials May 29- June 2 2006 Riga, Latvia, p. 201-202
Paper in proceeding

Confined Concrete Columns Stability with Longitudinal CFRP Reinforcement

V Tamuzs, V Valdmanis, V Vilks et al
Civil Engineering '05. International Scientific Conference, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, p. 9-
Paper in proceeding

Deformation and Stability of CFRP-Confined Concrete Columns

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Vilis Valdmanis et al
Thirteenth International Conference on Mechanics of Composite Materials MCM-2004, May 16-20, 2004 Riga, Latvia, p. 185-186 (abstract)
Paper in proceeding

Applicability of FRP confinement to strengthen concrete columns

Ralejs Tepfers, Laura De Lorenzis
Nordic Concrete Research No 31. The Nordic Concrete Federation 1/2004. Oslo, June 2004., p. 64-72
Journal article

Stability of CFRP-confined columns

Ralejs Tepfers, Laura De Lorenzis, Vitauts Tamuzs et al
IMTCR 2004 Innovative Materials and Technologies for Construction and Restauration Conference, Lecce, Italy, June 6-9, 2004, p. 327-342
Paper in proceeding

Behaviour of concrete confined by high E-modulus carbon FRP sheets, subjected to monotonic and cyclic axial compressive load

Ralejs Tepfers, Theodoros Rousakis
Nordic Concrete Research, Publication No 31. Nordic Concrete Federation 1/2004. Oslo, June 2004., p. 73-83
Journal article

Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Advanced Composite Materials - Prospects and problems

Ralejs Tepfers, Tamuzs Vitauts
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 16 (5)
Other text in scientific journal

Confined concrete column stability investigation also using external CFRP sheet reinforcement

Ralejs Tepfers, Kent Gylltoft, Vitauts Tamuzs et al

The influence of sustained stress on the durability of GFRP bars embedded in concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Valter Dejke, Olivier Poupard et al
6th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), 8-10 July, 2003, Singapore, p. 833-842
Paper in proceeding

High-strength concrete confined by high E-modulus carbon FRP sheets, subjected to monotonic and cyclic axial compressive load

Ralejs Tepfers, Theodoros Rousakis
Composites in Construction, International Conference, University of Calabria Rende (CS) - Italy, Proceedings edited by: D. Bruno, G. Spadea, N. Swamy. – September 16-19, 2003., p. 385-390
Paper in proceeding

Concrete Cylinders Confined by Prestressed CFRP Filament Winding under Axial Load

Ralejs Tepfers, Theodoros Rousakis, Laura De Lorenzis et al
6th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, (FRPRCS-6), 8-10 July, 2003 Singapore., p. 581-590
Paper in proceeding

Vetenskapliga tidskrifter och framtida publicering

Ralejs Tepfers
SULF Universitetsläraren (No 2), p. 18-19
Magazine article

Building Materials in the Light of Physics of Matter

Ralejs Tepfers
Civil Engineering ´03, International scientific conference proceedings. Latvia University of Agriculture, Dept. of Structural Eng., Jelgava, Latvia, p. 22-29
Paper in proceeding

Concrete Cylinders Confined by Carbon FRP Sheets, Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Axial Compressive Load

Ralejs Tepfers, Theodoros Rousakis, Chi-Sang You et al
6th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), 8-10 July, 2003 Singapore., p. 571-580
Paper in proceeding

Bond of FRP Reinforcement in Concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Laura De Lorenzis
Mechanics of Composite Materials. Vol. 39 (No 4), p. 477-496
Journal article

CFRP-confined concrete column stability

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Vilis Valdmanis et al

Comparative Study of Models on Confinement of Concrete Cylinders with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites

Laura De Lorenzis, Ralejs Tepfers
ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction (August), p. 219-237
Journal article

Performance assessment of FRP-confinement models, part II: Comparison of experiments and predictions.

Ralejs Tepfers, Laura De Lorenzis
Conference ACIC 2002, Thomas Telford, London, 2002, p. 261-269
Paper in proceeding

Experimental investigation of concrete cylinders confined by carbon FRP sheets under monotonic and cyclic axial compressive loads

Ralejs Tepfers, Theodoros Rousakis
Twelft International Conference on Mechanics of Composite Materials, MCM 2002, June 9-13, 2002, Riga, Latvia, p. 172-173(abstract)
Journal article

Marknadskrafter förstör byggnadsingenjörutbildning

Ralejs Tepfers
SULF Universitetsläraren (No 2), p. 21-22
Magazine article

Building Materials in the Light of Physics of Matter

Ralejs Tepfers
Professor Rolf Eligehausens 60 years anniversary publication. Ibidem-Verlag Stuttgart September 2002, p. 609-620
Journal article

Fiberkompositer (FRP) för betongkonstruktioner

Ralejs Tepfers
Edited book

Performance assessment of FRP-confinement models, part I: Comparison of experiments and predictions.

Ralejs Tepfers, Laura De Lorenzis
Conference ACIC 2002, Thomas Telford, London, 2002, p. 251-269
Paper in proceeding

Behaviour of concrete cylinders confined by carbon fiber reinforced plastic

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs
International Scientific Conference "Science and Industry of Aukstaitija Region", KTU, Panevezys, Lithuania, November 8, 2002, p. 1-5
Paper in proceeding

Beständighetsproblem och livslängd hos fiberkompositarmerad betong

Ralejs Tepfers, Valter Dejke
Bygg&teknik. Vol. 94 (No 7), p. 16-22
Magazine article

De spruckna broarna för Tvärbanan i Stockholm

Ralejs Tepfers
Väg- och Vattenbyggaren (No 2), p. 61-62
Magazine article

Test system for evaluation of bond properties of FRP reinforcement in concrete

Ralejs Tepfers
Third International Symposium on Bond in Concrete - from Research to Standards, Budapest November 20-22, 2002, p. 657-666
Paper in proceeding

Tests with specially made FRP reinforcement rods with intention to obtain ductile behavior

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Roberts Apinis et al
Conference on "Non-metallic reinforcement for concrete structures - FRPRCS-5" Cambridge July 16th-18th 2001, p. 1083-1092
Paper in proceeding

Durability and service life prediction of GFRP for concrete reinforcement

Valter Dejke, Ralejs Tepfers
Conference on "Non-metallic reinforcement for concrete structures - FRPRCS-5" Cambridge July 16th-18th 2001, p. 505-514
Paper in proceeding

Compatibility problems for FRP and FRP reinforced concrete

Ralejs Tepfers
"Composites in Construction - a Reality" Proceedings of the International Workshop edited by E. Cosenza, G. Manfredi, A. Nanni. ASCE, CI, July 20-21, 2001, Capri, Italy, p. 130-138
Paper in proceeding

The performance of bond of FRP reinforcement in concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Roberts Apinis et al
SAMPE Society for the advancement of material and process engineering. Vol. 46 (Book 2), p. 1738-1748
Paper in proceeding

Writing of report

Ralejs Tepfers

Creep tests using hybrid composite rods for reinforcement in concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Roberts Apinis et al
3rd International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, August 15-18, 2000 Ottawa, Canada, p. 21-28
Paper in proceeding

Hybrid Composites with non-linear behaviour for reinforcing of concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics
Paper in proceeding

Byggnadsingenjörer med kunskaper behövs i räddningsteam efter jordbävningar.

Ralejs Tepfers
SVR Medlemsblad V-Byggaren "Lillbladet" (18-99), p. 7-8
Magazine article

Rotation Capacity of Concrete Beams with Ductile Hybrid CFRP+GFRP and Elastic CFRP Tensile Reinforcement

Ralejs Tepfers, Valter Dejke, Vitauts Tamuzs et al
Selected Presentation Proceedings, Fourth International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-4), ACI Convention Baltimore, October 31 - November 5, 1999, p. 255-264
Paper in proceeding

Bond of FRP Reinforcement in Concrete. A-State-of-the Art in preparation

Ralejs Tepfers
American Concrete Institute Convention, Symposium on Bond Models, Seattle April 8, 1998, SP-180. Vol. SP-18, p. 493-508
Paper in proceeding

Pull-out and tensile reinforcement splice tests with GFRP bars

Ralejs Tepfers, Gunnar Hedlund, Bartlomiej Rosinski
Proceedings of ICCI´98, Second International Conference on Composites in Infrastructure, January 3-4, 1998, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Vol. II, p. 37-51
Paper in proceeding

Fiber composites FRP as reinforcement in concrete

Ralejs Tepfers
"Modern konstruktionstknik ´98", Forum för avancerad konstruktionsteknik", Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborg, i samarbete med CDB och Chalmers industriteknik, CIT, 1998-11-09., p. 14-
Other conference contribution

Ductility of hybrid fiber composite reinforcement FRP for concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Roberts Apinis et al
ECCM-8, European Conference on Composite Materials, Science, Technologies and Applications 3-6 June 1998 Naples, Italy. Vol. 2, p. 89-96
Paper in proceeding

Pull-out and tensile reinforcement splice tests using FRP C-BARs

Ralejs Tepfers, Mats Karlsson
Third International Symposium on Non-metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Sapporo 14-16 October 1997, p. 357-364
Paper in proceeding

Ductility of hybrid fiber composite reinforcement FRP for concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Roberts Apinis et al
First International Conference on Composites in Infrastructure, ICCI´96, 15-17 January 1996, Tucson, Arizona 85721 USA, p. 109-122
Paper in proceeding

Ductility of hybrid fiber composite reinforcement FRP for concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Roberts Apinis et al
Nordic Concrfete Research, Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting, Espoo, Finland 1996.Publisher Norsk Betongforening, Oslo., p. 88-90
Paper in proceeding

Byggnadstekniskt brandskydd

Ralejs Tepfers

Ductility tests with hybrid fiber composite reinforcement FRP for concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Roberts Apinis et al

Byggnadsmaterial. Allmän kurs

Ralejs Tepfers

Ductility of non-metallic hybrid fiber composite for concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs
Second International RILEM Symposium FRPRCS-2 on "Non-metallic (FRP) reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Proceedings 29, 23-25 August 1995, Ghent, Belgium, p. 18-25
Paper in proceeding

Mekaniskt och kemiskt aktiverade bindemedel för högpresterande betong

Ralejs Tepfers, Jevgenij Dubin
Svenska Betongföreningens Tidskrift "Betong" (1), p. 22-25
Journal article

Betonghandbok. Material. Kapitel 7, Armering.

Ralejs Tepfers, Bo Törnwall

New materials, concrete technology, structures

Ralejs Tepfers
First Slovak Conference on Concrete Structures, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 13-14,1994. Publisher the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, p. 8-13
Paper in proceeding

Hybrid fiber composites as non-metallic reinforcement in concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Vitauts Tamuzs, Magnus Olsson et al
First Slovak Confrence on Concrete Structures, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 13-14, 1994. Publisher Slovak Technical University in Bratislava., p. 26-35
Paper in proceeding

Hybrid fiber composites as non-metallic reinforcement in concrete

Ralejs Tepfers
Nordic Concrete Research, Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting Göteborg 1993. Publisher Norsk Betongforening., p. 163-165
Paper in proceeding

Use of non-metallic reinforcement in concrete.

Ralejs Tepfers
Fiber Composites as Non-metallic Reinforcement in Concrete. Seminar, March 16-16, 1993, Chalmers Univ. of Technonlogy, Göteborg, p. 167-174
Other conference contribution

Ring test for evaluation of bond properties of reinforcing bars

Ralejs Tepfers, Per-Åke Olsson
International Conference Bond in Concrete from Research to Practice, Riga, Latvia October 15-17, 1992. CEB Comité International du Béton, RTU Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia. Vol. 1, p. 1-89 - 1-99-
Paper in proceeding

Experience from testing of concrete reinforced with carbon fiber and aramid fiber strands

Ralejs Tepfers, Inger Molander, Katarina Thalenius
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics, p. 335-347
Paper in proceeding

Fatigue splitting strength and compressive strength of concrete reinforced with fibers

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics, p. 53-64
Other conference contribution

Bond and interface problems - Past and present achievements. Workshop devoted to "Steel-concrete interaction and related effects"

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics, p. 13-26
Other conference contribution

Anchorage of staggered reinforcement

Ralejs Tepfers
Nordic Concrete Research (9), p. 160-171
Journal article

Fatigue of high strength concrete

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics. Vol. III, p. 25-36
Other conference contribution

Byggnadstekniskt brandskydd

Ralejs Tepfers

Vår miljö - vad vet vi om den?

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 15 (5), p. 1-7
Magazine article

Kollektivtrafiken i Göteborg

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 15 (8), p. 1-5
Magazine article

Overlap splices for ribbed bars for free use in a concrete structure

Ralejs Tepfers
Nordic Concrete Research (7), p. 373-283
Journal article

Datasystem i vardagslivet

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 15 (2), p. 1-7
Magazine article

Kontrollerande och testande myndigheter

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 15 (3), p. 1-6
Magazine article

Medlemsvärvningskampanj 1988

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 15 (1), p. 1-5
Journal article

Miljöpåverkan och temperaturen

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 15 (9), p. 1-7
Magazine article

Vad gör vi tekniker egentligen?

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 15 (6), p. 1-7
Magazine article

Hur hanterar vi våra resurser?

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 15 (7), p. 1-7
Magazine article

Tekniska Samfundet - energin

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 15 (4), p. 1-5
Magazine article

Några åtgärder inom Tekniska Samfundet

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 14 (5), p. 1-5
Magazine article

Ingenjörsutbildning vid tekniska högskolor

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 14 (4), p. 1-9
Magazine article

Gärna Högteknologi - men tänk även alternativt

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 14 (3), p. 1-5
Magazine article

Ny avdelning och ny inriktning på avdelning

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 14 (9), p. 1-5
Journal article

Tekniska Samfundet vid vägskäl?

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 14 (1), p. 1-5
Magazine article

Teknik vertikalt och teknik tvärs

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 14 (8), p. 1-5
Magazine article

Förändringar i Tekniska Samfundet

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 14 (7), p. 1-3
Magazine article

En bit av informationssamhället

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 14 (6), p. 1-7
Magazine article

Forskning och forskningsorganisation

Ralejs Tepfers
Samfundsnytt. Medlemsblad för Tekniska Samfundet i Göteborg. Vol. 14 (2), p. 1-9
Magazine article

Bond between reinforcement and concrete in vacuum treated zones

Ralejs Tepfers, Johan Aavik
Nordic Concrete Research (5), p. 203-214
Journal article

Buvvietu veidni betonam Zviedrija

Ralejs Tepfers, Marlene Tepfers, Dagnija Waern
Technikas Apskats, Montreal, Canada (106), p. 3-8
Magazine article

Anchorage zones in reinforced and prestressed concrete structures - new Model Code concepts.

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics (171), p. 51-61
Other conference contribution

Bond between reinforcement and concrete in vacuum treated zones

Ralejs Tepfers, Johan Aavik
International Symposium on Fundamental Theory of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete organized by Nanjing Institute of Technology, PR of China September 18-20, 1986. Vol. 3, p. 1264-1271
Paper in proceeding

Damaged industrial floors with hard concrete surface - a fatigue problem

Ralejs Tepfers
Fatigue of Concrete. Nordic mini seminar Trondheim 1986, SINTEF _FCB Rapport, Trondheim 1986-12-30. pp. 2.1-2.9., p. 2.1-2.9
Other conference contribution

Subsea repair of concrete and the effect of fouling

Ralejs Tepfers, Pelle Hoflund, Åke Olofsson
Nordic Concrete Research (3), p. 92-99
Journal article

Absorption of energy in fatigue loading of plain concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Bengt Hedberg, G Szczekocki
Journal Matériaux et Constructions, Paris, janvier - février 1984.. Vol. 17 (97), p. 59-64
Journal article

Subsea repair of concrete and the effect of fouling

Ralejs Tepfers, Pelle Hoflund, Åke Olofsson
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics. Vol. 1, p. 151-157
Paper in proceeding

Tensile lap splices with confining reinforcement

Ralejs Tepfers
Conference on Bond in Concrete, Paisley, Scotland June 14th-16th 1982. Applied Science Publishers, London. Edited by Peter Bartos, p. 318-330
Paper in proceeding

Lapped Tensile Reinforcement Splices

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics. Vol. 108 (ST1. JAN. 1982), p. 283-301
Journal article

Bond of bundled prestressing steel strands

Ralejs Tepfers, Jukka Jokela
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics (1), p. 12.1-12-19-
Journal article

Jaunas metodes viengimenu eku celtnieciba Zviedrija

Ralejs Tepfers
Technikas Apskats, Montreal, Canada (89), p. 1-6
Magazine article

Fatigue of plain concrete subjected to stress reversals

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics (ACI SP 75-9), p. 195-215
Journal article

Bond stress along lapped reinforcing bars

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics. Vol. 32 (112), p. 135-142
Journal article

Fatigue strength of plain, ordinary and lightweight concrete

Ralejs Tepfers, Tomas Kutti
Journal of the American Concrete Institute. Vol. 76 (5), p. 635-652
Journal article

Cracking of concrete cover along anchored deformed reinforcing bars

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics. Vol. 31 (106), p. 3-12
Journal article

Jaunas metodes betona eku celtnieciba

Ralejs Tepfers
Technikas Apskats, Montreal, Canada (85), p. 5-8
Magazine article

Tensile fatigue strength of plain concrete

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics. Vol. 76 (8), p. 919-933
Journal article

Neue Verfahren für die Ausführung von Wohnbauten aus Beton

Ralejs Tepfers
Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. Vol. 74 (5), p. 124-128
Journal article

Utmattning vid förankring av kamstål i betong

Ralejs Tepfers
Seminarium rörande utmattning, Tekniska Högskolan i Luleå den 23 mars 1977. Även Chalmers tekniska högskola, Avd. för Husbyggnadsteknik Nr 342. Publ. 77:7, p.10, p. 10-
Other conference contribution

Astudy of the applicability to the fatigue of concrete of the Palmgren-Miner partial damage hypothesis

Ralejs Tepfers, Claes Fridén, Georgsson Leif
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics. Vol. 29 (100), p. 123-130
Journal article

Concrete subjected to pulsating load and pulsating deformation of different wave forms

Ralejs Tepfers, Jan Görlin, Tommy Samuelsson
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics (4), p. 27-36
Journal article

Methode zur Bestimmung der Korneigenfestigkeit von Leichtzuschlagstoffen durch hydraulischen Druck

Ralejs Tepfers, Emilis Purins, Gerhard Herrmann
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics (3), p. 206-208
Journal article

Saistes teorija stiepto stiegru parsegumiem

Ralejs Tepfers
Technikas Apskats, Motreal, Canada (69), p. 13-15
Magazine article

Intryck från 7:e internationella betongvarukongressen BIBM - 72, Barcelona 13-19 maj 1972.

Ralejs Tepfers
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics (4), p. 477-487
Magazine article


Ralejs Tepfers
Tekno´s Byggnadsbranschens handbok. Anläggningsverksamhet, p. 549-590
Book chapter

Försök med Bs 70-armering

Ralejs Tepfers
Byggmästaren (1), p. 2-8
Magazine article

Hållfasthetsteknisk undersökning av systemet Bjerkingbyglar

Ralejs Tepfers
Byggmästaren (6), p. 1-8
Magazine article

Buntad armering

Ralejs Tepfers

Determination of the coefficient of capillary flow for steam-cured light-weight concrete.

Per Jonell, Vural Karamustafaoglu, Ralejs Tepfers
RILEM Symposium on Light-Weight Concrete, June 20-23, 1960, Chalmers University of Technolog, Göteborg, Sweden. Vol. Proceedings, p. 433-437
Paper in proceeding

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