Ala Arvidsson
Universitetslektor, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, avdelningen Supply and Operations Management

Visar 54 publikationer
Collaborative electric vehicle routing with meet points
An analysis of automakers navigating an evolving semiconductor landscape
Sourcing for high technology innovation: Engaging to absorb knowledge pre-contract
Misalignments in complex Multi-tier Supply Chains planning
Right-to-Repair and innovation: insights from the automotive supply chain
Implications of circularity for supply chain management a multi-tier supply chain perspective
Resilient supply management systems in times of crisis
From Surviving to Thriving: Industry 5.0 at SMEs Enhancing Production Flexibility
Integration and isolation as governance strategies in complex client–vendor relationships -
Resilience of SME production systems facing significant shocks
Green innovation networks: A research agenda
Social cross-functional vendor selection in technologically uncertain sourcing situations
Interactions and digitalization of public procurement
A knowledge-based view of analytics capability in purchasing and supply management
Big data in purchasing and supply management: A research agenda
Supply chain traceability systems as a governance mechanism to combat agency problems
The multiple levels of trust when selecting suppliers – Insights from an automobile manufacturer
ORGANIZING FOR THE PURCHASING OF INNOVATION: Insights from two auto manufacturers
Getting innovations out of interactions in the public procurement context
Collaboration beyond the supply network for green innovation: insights from 11 cases
Coordination of logistics efforts among the network of local humanitarian organization
Horizontal collaboration in transport: insights from four Swedish cases
Data analytics in purchasing and supply management - insights from a survey
Using data analytics for purchasing and supply management problems
The myopia of purchasing in selecting suppliers in a technologically uncertain environment.
BigData in procurement - literaturereview and a research agenda
Improved coordination during disaster relief operations through sharing of resources
Sourcing trust is a multi-level concept - Insights from an automobile manufacturer
An ex ante evaluation of mobile depots in cities: A sustainability perspective
Joint tender for freight forwarding services: promises and pitfalls
Procurement in humanitarian supply chains
Logistics preparedness for better emergency response
Unfruitful cooperative purchasing : A case of humanitarian purchasing power
Purchasing Power and Purchasing Strategies - Insights From the Humanitarian Sector
Equity and applicability of supplier partnerships in humanitarian operations: a conceptual study
Nonprofit organizations shaping the market of supplies
Purchasing in power asymmetry - A study of vaccine procurement for developing countries
Gender mainstreaming in humanitarian purchasing
Local Capacity Building: A Logistics Perspective in Disaster Relief
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Visar 11 forskningsprojekt
Nätverk som främjar hållbara tarnsportsystem
Hållbar cirkulär tillförsel av teknologi till bilindustrin (SusTeq)
Hur delad laddning kan stötta transitionen till ett elektrifierat transportsystem
Hur delad laddning kan stötta transitionen till ett elektrifierat transportsystem
Energieffektivitetsanalys för samexisterande delade och elektriska mikromobilitetssystem
E-Laas: Energioptimal urban logistik som tjänst
RESPIRE: Rethinking the management of unexpected events for resilient and sustainable production
Development of a supply risk management framework based on casual relations of risk factors
Development of a Procurement Big Data software and method.