Ashfaq Hussain Farooqui
Visar 15 publikationer
On Active Learning for Supervisor Synthesis
Automatically Learning Formal Models from Autonomous Driving Software
On Optimization of Automation Systems: Integrating Modular Learning and Optimization
MIDES: A Tool for Supervisor Synthesis via Active Learning
Automatically Learning Formal Models: An Industrial Case from Autonomous Driving Development
Towards data-driven approaches in manufacturing: an architecture to collect sequences of operations
Active Learning of Modular Plant Models
Modular Supervisory Synthesis for Unknown Plant Models Using Active Learning
Synthesis of Supervisors for Unknown Plant Models Using Active Learning
Towards Automatic Learning of Discrete-Event Models from Simulations
Towards Automatic Generation of Formal Models for Highly Automated Manufacturing Systems
Real-time Visualization of Robot Operation Sequences
Error handling within highly automated automotive industry: Current practice and research needs
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