Christian Brackmann
Visar 32 publikationer
Applications of CARS microscopy to tissue engineering
Imaging lipid metabolism in Caenorhabditis elegans and other model organisms
Neuronal Networks on Nanocellulose Scaffolds
Chemical imaging of lignocellulosic biomass by CARS microscopy
Lipid biosynthesis monitored at the single-cell level in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy
Non-linear microscopy of smooth muscle cells in artificial extracellular matrices made of cellulose
The Adiponectin Receptor Homologs in C-elegans Promote Energy Utilization and Homeostasis
Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy of Cellular Lipid Storage
Chemical imaging of glucose by CARS microscopy
Visualization of β-carotene and starch granules in plant cells using CARS and SHG microscopy
Nonlinear microscopy with fiber laser continuum excitation
Zebrafish: gaining popularity in lipid research
CARS and SHG microscopy of artificial bioengineered tissues
Visualization of the Cellulose Biosynthesis and Cell Integration into Cellulose Scaffolds
CARS and SHG microscopy for the characterization of bacterial cellulose
CARS microscopy of lipid stores in yeast: the impact of nutritional state and genetic background
Image analysis in non-linear microscopy
CARS microscopy for the monitoring of lipid storage in C. elegans
Image analysis of lipid deposits in living organisms visualized by CARS microscopy
Dual-pump coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy
CARS microscopy for the monitoring of fat deposition mechanisms in a living organism
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