Johan Bremer
Visar 10 publikationer
Dynamic Thermal Coupling in GaN MMIC Power Amplifiers
Numerical Modeling of Dynamic Thermal Coupling in GaN HEMTs Calibrated by Transient Measurements
Method for Suppressing Trap-Related Memory Effects in IV Characterizations of GaN HEMTs
Thermal Transient Measurements of GaN HEMT Structures by Electrical Measurements
Electric-Based Thermal Characterization of GaN Technologies Affected by Trapping Effects
Characterization and Compensation of Thermal Effects in GaN HEMT Technologies
Analysis of Lateral Thermal Coupling for GaN MMIC Technologies
Optimizing the Signal-To-Noise and Distortion Ratio of a GaN LNA using Dynamic Bias
Compensation of Performance Degradation Due to Thermal Effects in GaN LNA Using Dynamic Bias
Analysis of Thermal Effects in Integrated Radio Transmitters
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