Anneli Selvefors
Visar 30 publikationer
Mapping the landscape of circular design tools
A Toolkit for Designing Products and Services Fit for Circular Consumption
Kvarterets konsumtion 2030 - Framtidsscenarios och koncept för cirkulär konsumtion i Västra Götaland
Designing products and services for circular consumption - A circular design tool
A Toolkit for Designing Products and Services Fit for Circular Consumption
Circular design tools: (how) do they understand the consumer?
A Tool for Charting Circular Consumption Journeys
Use to Use - a User Perspective on Product Circularity
D1.1. Integrated Framework. Deliverable to the MeBeSafe project
Re-framing Product Circularity from a User Perspective
Design Beyond Interventions – Supporting Less Energy-reliant Activities in the Everyday
What a designer can change: a proposal for a categorisation of artefact-related aspects
Mapping out the design opportunities: pathways of sustainable behaviour
Conflicts in Everyday Life: The Influence of Competing Goals on Domestic Energy Conservation
Design for Sustainable Behaviour: A Toolbox for Targeting the Use Phase
Effects of Energy Feedback on Household Electricity Consumption
Design for Sustainable Behaviour – A User Centred Approach to Energy Efficiency
Use and Adoption of Interactive Energy Feedback Systems
Pathways of Sustainable Behaviours
Target the Use Phase! Design for Sustainable Behaviour.
Benefits and Difficulties for Industry when Designing for Sustainable Behaviour
Who benefits? Effects and perceptions of residential volumetric water billing
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
Design för cirkulär konsumtion
MeBeSafe – Measures for Behaving Safely in Traffic
Produkters livscykler från ett brukarperspektiv
Mer med mindre - Ett användarperspektiv på energibesparing i framtida elsystem