Peter Lindroth
Visar 18 publikationer
Modelling of optimal tyres selection for a certain truck and transport application
Traffic aware electric vehicle routing
Integration of expert knowledge into radial basis function surrogate models
Design and development of a road profile generator
A joint model of vehicle, tyres, and operation for the optimization of truck tyres
Modeling and solving vehicle routing problems with many available vehicle types
An optimization model for truck tyres selection
A new robustness index for multi-objective optimization based on a user perspective
Product Configuration from a Mathematical Optimization Perspective
A minimax strategy for global optimization
Pure categorical optimization - a global descent approach
Multi-objective design of a combinatorial structure
Approximating the Pareto Optimal Set using a Reduced Set of Objective Functions
Robust multi-objective optimization based on a user perspective
Product Configuration with respect to Multiple Criteria - a Mathematical Programming Approach
Product Configuration with respect to Multiple Criteria - a Mathematical Programming Approach
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Produktkonfigurering med hänsyn till multipla kriterier i en heterogen och dynamisk omgivning