Ilaria Giovanna Barletta
Visar 24 publikationer
Organisational sustainability readiness: a model and assessment tool for manufacturing companies
Stakeholders’ influence towards sustainability transition in textile industries
An Assessment Framework for Managing Corporate Sustainable Manufacturing
'All They Do Is Win': Lessons learned from use of a serious game for Circular Economy education
ReSmaC project Report: Mapping Current State Smartphones' end of life
ReSmaC Project: Feasibility and sustainability study of volume-production scenarios
A Methodology to Align Core Manufacturing Capabilities with Sustainable Manufacturing Strategies
Sustainable Manufacturing Strategy and Capability Maturity: Interview questions
Sustainable Manufacturing Maturity Model: Concept and Applications
Climate implications of water-free dyeing of biofibers (ClimaDYE)
Developing a Framework for Assessing and Fostering the Sustainability of Manufacturing Companies
Towards a framework for enabling sustainable production systems: a life-cycle perspective
Prerequisites for a high-level framework to design sustainable plants in the e-waste supply chain
Fostering sustainable electronic waste management through intelligent sorting equipment
Towards a methodology to assess sustainability of electronic waste supply-chains
Energy Related Key Performance Indicators–State of the Art, Gaps and Industrial Needs
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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt
Biofouling heat exchangers. A Neptune project.
RESMAC - Repurposing Smartphone Capabilities
Kunskap och teknik för mer hållbar återvinning av elektronikskrot (WEEE ID)