Jan-Philipp Steghöfer
You can find me at Campus Lindholmen, Jupiter Building, Room 417.
My research is focused on the three areas: making software development more transparent by using traceability techniques, making computer systems more flexible and robust by using techniques of self-adaption and self-organisation, and making software engineering education more effective and enjoyable by using elements of serious games and evidence-guided reflection.

Visar 49 publikationer
Human factors in model-driven engineering: future research goals and initiatives for MDE
Managing security evidence in safety-critical organizations
Processes, methods, and tools in model-based engineering—A qualitative multiple-case study
CASCADE: An Asset-driven Approach to Build Security Assurance Cases for Automotive Systems
Creating Python-Style Domain Specific Languages: A Semi-Automated Approach and Intermediate Results
Exploiting Meta-Model Structures in the Generation of Xtext Editors
Automated Extraction of Grammar Optimization Rule Configurations for Metamodel-Grammar Co-evolution
TriggerBench: A Performance Benchmark for Serverless Function Triggers
CrossFit: Fine-grained Benchmarking of Serverless Application Performance across Cloud Providers
One Block on Top of the Other: Using Minetest to Teach Scrum
Managing Traceability Information Models: Not Such a Simple Task After All?
Security Assurance Cases – State of the Art of an Emerging Approach
The MobSTr Dataset - An Exemplar for Traceability and Model-based Safety Assessment
Asset-driven Security Assurance Cases with Built-in Quality Assurance
Design Decisions in the Construction of Traceability Information Models for Safe Automotive Systems
Teaching and Fostering Reflection in Software Engineering Project Courses
Message from the SST 2019 workshop chairs
Visualization of feature locations with the tool FeatureDashboard
Challenges of Scaled Agile for Safety-Critical Systems
Facilitating entrepreneurial experiences through a software engineering project course
Providing a baseline in software process improvement education with lego scrum simulations
Involving External Stakeholders in Project Courses
Vetting automatically generated trace links: What information is useful to human analysts?
Change Is Afoot Applying Change Management Theories to Self-Organizing Socio-Technical Systems
No silver brick: Opportunities and limitations of teaching Scrum with Lego workshops
Crunch time: The reasons and effects of unpaid overtime in the games industry
Teaching Agile: Addressing the Conflict Between Project Delivery and Application of Agile Methods
Collaborative Traceability Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Capra: A Configurable and Extendable Traceability Management Tool
An ISO 26262 compliant design flow and tool for automotive multicore systems
Traceability Maintenance: Factors and Guidelines
Impact of the use of industrial modelling tools on modelling education
Ready for Prime Time, - Yes, Industrial-Grade Modelling Tools can be Used in Education
Cooperative Resource Allocation in Open Systems of Systems
Teaching scrum – what we did, what we will do and what impedes us
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