Johan Funehag
Visar 35 publikationer
Silica sol as grouting material: a physio-chemical analysis
Swedish grouting design: hydraulic testing and grout selection
Grundläggande egenskaper för injektering och inträngning av bruk
Rock mass grouting in Sweden and Norway A matter of cultural differences or factual causes?
Characterization of fractured crystalline rock: two Swedish in situ field experiments
A Swedish grouting design concept: Grouting with silica sol in the Nygård and Törnskog tunnels
A swedish grouting design concept: Hydraulic testing and selection of grout
Pre-excavation grouting in the Sjökullen tunnels: Design, evaluation and experiences
Fracture Deformation Measurements during Grouting in Hard Rock
New frontier in post-grouting of tunnels in hard rock
How impermeable can a tunnel get? A case study with drip mapping as a method
Assessment of the transmissivity field in fractured rock: A case study in the tass tunnel
Grouting in the Nygård Tunnel: Pre-Grouting Design for Drip Sealing and Evaluation
Pre-grouting design and evaluation in an underground excavation: A case study
Design criteria for permeation grouting in hard rock at great depths
Vad gör man när tunnlarna inte blir tillräckligt täta?
Design of grouting with silica sol in hard rock - New design criteria tested in the field, Part II
Grouting of Fractured Rock with Silica Sol; Grouting design based on penetration length
Grouting of Hard Rock with Gelling Liquids, Field and Laboratory Studies of Silica sol
Grouting with silica sol in the Törnskog Tunnel, Grouting design for silica sol in full production
Sealing of Narrow Fractures in Hard Rock- A Case Study in Hallandsås, Sweden
Hydrogeological Characterisation and Sealing of Narrow Fractures in Hard Rock- A case study
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