Pär Johannesson
Visar 22 publikationer
Development of the Västra Götaland operating cycle for long-haul heavy-duty vehicles
Mechanical reliability analysis of flexible power cables for marine energy
An enhanced stochastic operating cycle description including weather and traffic models
A statistical operating cycle description for prediction of road vehicles' energy consumption
A proposal for an operating cycle description format for road transport missions
Laplace distribution models for road topography and roughness
Tensile behaviour of textile reinforcement under accelerated ageing conditions
Modelling roughness of road profiles on parallel tracks using roughness indicators
Detection of steering events based on vehicle logging data using hidden Markov models
AR(1) time series with autoregressive gamma variance for road topography modeling
Modelling roughness of road profiles on parallel tracks using roughness indicators
Laplace models for describing road profiles
Modelling of road profiles using roughness indicators
Detection of the Curves based on Lateral Acceleration using Hidden Markov Models
Guide to Load Analysis for Durablity in Vehicle Engineering
A Robustness Approach to Reliability
Variation mode and effect analysis: an application to fatigue life prediction
Fatigue life prediction based on variable amplitude tests—methodology
Fatigue life prediction based on variable amplitude tests—specific applications
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