Karin Karlfeldt Fedje
Visar 41 publikationer
Zinc speciation in fly ash from MSWI using XAS - novel insights and implications
Integrated cost and environmental impact assessment of management options for dredged sediment
Low impact leaching agents as remediation media for organotin and metal contaminated sediments
Zinc recovery from Waste-to-Energy fly ash – A pilot test study
Enhanced soil washing with copper recovery using chemical precipitation
Enhanced Soil Washing for the Remediation of a Brownfield Polluted by Pyrite Ash
Cost-benefit analysis of copper recovery in remediation projects: A case study from Sweden
Evaluation of solid residues quality after enhanced Cu leaching of polluted soils
Microbial electrochemical reactors for metal recovery from leachate
Phosphorus recovery from sorted municipal solid waste incineration ash
Copper Recovery from Polluted Soils Using Acidic Washing and Bioelectrochemical Systems
Phosphorus Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash
Initial studies of the recovery of Cu from MSWI fly ash leachates using solvent extraction
Combined wastewater treatment and recovery of copper from ash leachate
Bioelectrochemical recovery of Cu, Pb, Cd, and Zn from dilute solutions
Element associations in ash from waste combustion in fluidized bed
Removal of hazardous metals from MSW fly ash-An evaluation of ash leaching methods
Tvättad aska första steg mot återvinning
Assessment of metal mobility in MSW incineration ashes using water as the reagent
Speciation of Cu compounds in ashes from MSW incineration
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
IMplementing MEasuRes for Sustainable Estuaries (IMMERSE)
Behandling av tennorganiskt förorenade sediment: återvinning och stabilisering
Nyttiggörande av flygaska från avfallsförbränning
Behandling av marina sediment förorenade med tenn: nedbrytning, återvinning och stabilisering
Lagringens påverkan på bottenaskans miljöegenskaper samt möjlighet att återvinna metaller
Behandling och återvinning av outnyttjade resurser i flygaska från avfallsförbränning