Olle Nerman
Visar 50 publikationer
Optimization of Two-Phase Sampling Designs with Application to Naturalistic Driving Studies
Historical hba1c values may explain the type 2 diabetes legacy effect: Ukpds 88
Modelling of zero-inflation improves inference of metagenomic gene count data
Diffusion tensor imaging in multiple sclerosis at different final outcomes
Discussion of “human life is unlimited-but short” by H Rootzén and D Zholud
Upper Respiratory Infections and MRI Activity in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
A novel method for cross-species gene expression analysis
Transcriptional and metabolic data integration and modeling for identification of active pathways
Distinct cytoplasmic and nuclear functions of the stress induced protein DDIT3/CHOP/GADD153
Evolutionary Forces Act on Promoter Length: Identification of Enriched Cis-Regulatory Elements
mRNA stability changes precede changes in steady-state mRNA amounts during hyperosmotic stress
Genetic basis of arsenite and cadmium tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Testing of Chromosomal Clumping of Gene Properties
Weighted Analysis of General Microarray Experiments
Sensitive and robust gene expression changes in fish exposed to estrogen – a microarray approach
PROPHECY—a yeast phenome database, update 2006
Systembiologin kan förändra sjukvården radikalt
Weighted Analysis of General Microarray Experiments
Quality Optimised Analysis of General Paired Microarray Experiments
Quality Optimised Analysis of General Paired Microarray Experiments
Genetic pleiotropy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae quantified by high-resolution phenotypic profiling
PROPHECY - a database for high-resolution phenomics
Predictive screening for regulators of conserved functional gene modules (gene batteries) in mammals
Weighted Analysis of Paired Microarray Experiments
Weighted Analysis of Paired Microarray Experiments
Identifying factors involved in the cellular response to arsenic
Identifying factors involved in the cellular response to arsenic
High-resolution yeast phenomics resolves different physiological features in the saline response
Rat–Mouse and Rat–Human Comparative Maps Based on Gene Homology and High-Resolution Zoo-FISH
On maximum entropy $\pi$ps-sampling with fixed sample size
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