Malin Palö Forsström
Mina forskningsintressen rör framför allt diskreta modeller inom sannolikhetsteori. De senaste åren har min forskning främst handlat om gauge-teorier på lattice som används för att approximera standardmodellen inom fysik.
Visar 12 publikationer
The phase transition of the Marcu-Fredenhagen ratio in the abelian lattice Higgs model
Wilson Lines in the Abelian Lattice Higgs Model
An Analysis of the Induced Linear Operators Associated to Divide and Color Models
Divide and color representations for threshold Gaussian and stable vectors
A formula for hidden regular variation behavior for symmetric stable distributions
Noise sensitivity and FK-type representations for Gaussian and stable processes
Denseness of volatile and nonvolatile sequences of functions
The spectrum and convergence rates of exclusion and interchange processes on the complete graph
Monotonicity properties of exclusion sensitivity
Exact Hausdorff Measures of Cantor Sets
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Fasövergångar i gaugeteorier på lattice