Maheswaran Vattur Sundaram
Visar 21 publikationer
Full Densification in PM Steels Through Liquid Phase Sintering and HIP Approach
Vacuum sintering of chromium alloyed powder metallurgy steels
Manufacturing full density powder metallurgy gears through HIP:ing
Atmosphere control during hot isostatic pressing of capsule-free materials
Novel approaches for achieving full density powder metallurgy steels
Manufacturing of Valve Bridge Component Utilizing Lean Alloyed Powders and Vacuum Sintering
Hot Isostatic Pressing of the Water Atomized Steel Powder: Possibilities and Challenges
Approaches to Reach Fully Dense Powder Metallurgical Materials
Enhanced Densification of PM Steels by Liquid Phase Sintering with Boron-Containing Master Alloy
Effect of Alloying Type and Lean Sintering Atmosphere on the Performance of PM Components
Processing Methods for Reaching Full Density Powder Metallurgical Materials
Characterisation of EBM-Built Shelled Samples of Ti6Al4V Compacted by HIP
Innovative Powder Based Manufacturing Of High Performance Gears
As-HIP Microstructure Of EBM Fabricated Shell Components
Vacuum Sintering Studies On Chromium Alloyed PM Steels
XPS Analysis of Oxide Transformation During Sintering of Chromium Alloyed PM Steels
Investigation of Low Temperature Creep Behaviour of PM Steels
Low Temperature Creep Behavior of PM Components Under Static Load Conditions
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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt
Innovativ pulverbaserad tillverkning av kugghjul med höga prestanda (HIPGEAR)
Innovativ komponentteknologi via pulverteknik (Steg 2)
Innovativ komponentteknologi via pulverteknik