Aleksej Zelezniak

Showing 37 publications
Programming of synthetic regulatory DNA for cell-type targeting in humans
Amino acid sequence encodes protein abundance shaped by protein stability at reduced synthesis cost
Computational scoring and experimental evaluation of enzymes generated by neural networks
Cellular location shapes quaternary structure of enzymes
Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks through Enzymatically Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate
Cell-cell metabolite exchange creates a pro-survival metabolic environment that extends lifespan
The Impact of Acute Nutritional Interventions on the Plasma Proteome
A proteomic survival predictor for COVID-19 patients in intensive care
Toward learning the principles of plant gene regulation
Controlling gene expression with deep generative design of regulatory DNA
Learning deep representations of enzyme thermal adaptation
From AI-driven synthetic biology to prediction of molecular phenotypes
Performance of Regression Models as a Function of Experiment Noise
Ultra-fast proteomics with Scanning SWATH
Learning the Regulatory Code of Gene Expression
Plastic-Degrading Potential across the Global Microbiome Correlates with Recent Pollution Trends
metaGEM: reconstruction of genome scale metabolic models directly from metagenomes
Bayesian genome scale modelling identifies thermal determinants of yeast metabolism
Expanding functional protein sequence spaces using generative adversarial networks
A time-resolved proteomic and prognostic map of COVID-19
Ultra-High-Throughput Clinical Proteomics Reveals Classifiers of COVID-19 Infection
Ice-Age Climate Adaptations Trap the Alpine Marmot in a State of Low Genetic Diversity
Machine Learning Predicts the Yeast Metabolome from the Quantitative Proteome of Kinase Knockouts
Nutritional preferences of human gut bacteria reveal their metabolic idiosyncrasies
Designing and interpreting 'multi-omic' experiments that may change our understanding of biology
The self-inhibitory nature of metabolic networks and its alleviation through compartmentalization
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Showing 6 research projects
Heterologous Protein Expression using Generative AI
AI-guided engineering of target specific human antibodies
Using AI to unravel "DNA grammar" for synthetic biology applications
MetaPlast: Exploiting microbial dark matter for engineering plastic degradation microbial system