Claes Niklasson
Claes Niklasson got his Master degree at Chalmers 1981 in Engineering Physics and PhD at the department of Chemical Reaction Engineering 1988 in the field of Heterogeneous Catalysis. Associated Professor in 1993 and a full Professorship at Chalmers 2000.
Claes main research areas are heterogeneous catalysis and bioreaction engineering. More than 65 published research papers in well known international journals. Claes has a great interest in teaching and pedagogical projects and has over 26 publications in this field. Under his supervision and examination 15 students have graduated with the degree of PhD.
Present research areas:
Yeast fermentation
Ethanol and Biogas from biological residues and waste
Modeling of fermentation processes.

Showing 117 publications
Anaerobic digestion of citrus waste using two-stage membrane bioreactor
Semi-continuous reverse membrane bioreactor in two-stage anaerobic digestion of citruswaste
Effects of Heavy Metals and pH on the Conversion of Biomass to Hydrogen via Syngas Fermentation
Exchange oF students and teachers between Indonesia and Sweden - Experiences and suggestions
Improvement of Biogas Production from Orange Peel Waste by Leaching of Limonene
Ester compounds on biogas production: beneficial or detrimental?
2nd Generation Ethanol by Zygomycetes Fungi at Elevated Temperatures
Improvement of Biogas Production from Orange Peel Waste
Effect of ester compounds on biogas production: beneficial or detrimental?
Fungal Pretreatment of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch: Effect of Manganese and Nitrogen
Molecular Modelling of Cellulose Dissolution
Metahne Production from citrus waste: Process development and cost estimation
Spent sulphite liquor for cultivation of an edible Rhizopus sp.
Reflections on student opinions before and after the final exam - The variability of questionnaires.
Enhancement of solubilization rate of cellulose in anaerobic digestion and its drawbacks
Biological treatment of Lignocelluloses with white-rot funghi and its applications: Review
Production of biofuels, limonene and pectin from citrus wastes
A novel process for ethanol or biogas production from cellulose in blended-fibers waste textiles
Ethanol production by Mucor indicus at high glucose and ethanol concentrations
Temperature Shifts for Extraction and Purification of Zygomycetes Chitosan with Dilute Sulfuric Acid
Utvärdering av Chalmers nya Mastersprogram - Studentsynpunkter
Pedagogical development of Master's Programmes for the Bologna Structure at Chalmers - IMPACT
Determination of Glucosamine and N-Acetyl Glucosamine in Fungal Cell Walls
IMPACT - Establishing the Bologna Structure with Master's Programmes at Chalmers
Ethanol production from xylose and wood hydrolyzate by Mucor indicus at different aeration rates
Ethanol production from glucose and dilute-acid hydrolyzates by encapsulated S-cerevisiae
45.Ethanol Production From Glucose and Dilute-Acid Hydrolyzates by Encapsulated S. cerevisae,
Engineering Education in Sweden – Strategies and operative actions
The pedagogical implications of using MatLab in integrated chemistry and matehamatics courses
Short circuiting in a denitrifying activated sludge tank
Kinetic study of detoxification of dilute-acid hydrolyzates by Ca(OH)2
How to prepare master students in chemical and bioengineering for the unknown future
Integration of mathematics/numeric analysis with chemistry/chemcial engineering.
Engineering of the metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for anaerobic production of mannitol
“Effects of Furfural on Anaerobic Contiuous Cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisia
Continuous cultivation of dilute-acid hydrolyzates to ethanol by immobilized Saccahromyces cerevisia
How can mathematics Suport a Deeper Learning Approach in Applied Engineering Subjects
Why and how can mathematics improve the learning in chemistry and chemical engineering?
Inhibition effects of furfural on aerobic batch cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisae
Forms of examination – Effects on the way students approach a learning strategy”,
Microaerobic glycerol formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Online control of fed-batch fermentation of dilute-acid hydrolyzates”
New education in Mathematics - Implications for Engineering Subjects
The web as a tool for supporting Student Learning in Chemical Reaction Engineering
Introductory document: An Efficient tool to enhance student´s motivation for engineering subjects.
Fuel ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials
Computerbased assignments supporting deeper learning approaches
Conversion of dilute-acid hydrolyzates to ethanol by fed-batch fermentation
Chemical Engineering on WWW: An effort to increase the learning outcomes
Characterization of Fermentation of Dilute-Acid Hydrolyzates from Wood
Influence of the Nitrogen Source on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Anaerobic Growth and Product Formation
Activated Learning Through Computer- Assisted Self-Studies
Use of the inlet gas composition to control the respiratory quotient in microaerobic bioprocesses.
An experimental guide to the relevant aeration rates in microaerobic bioprocesses.
Monitoring and control of batch and Fedbatch Cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Calorimetry
The Effect of Carbon dioxide on Xylose Fermentation by Pichia stipitis
Anaerobic Fermentation of Xylose by Pichia stipitis: The Effect of Forced Cycling of pH
An Extended Model for Open-ended Fluorosensor Probes
Calorimetric Control of Fed-Batch Cultures of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae,
A Calorimetric and Fluorescence Study of a Batch Cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Hydrogen Exchange and Spillover on a Palladium/Silica Catalyst
Effects in Heterogeneous Catalytic Gas-phase Hydrogenations
The Adsorption and Reaction of H2 and D2 on a Ni/SiO2 Catalyst
Influence of Hydrogen Pressure on Selectivity in Consecutive Hydrogentaion Reactions
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Showing 3 research projects
Stainable biorefineries by developing VFA platform
Transforming wastewater treatment plants to sustainable biorefineries by developing VFA platform
Rapid biogas production using flocculating bacteria and membrane biorecators