Fuxi Wen
Showing 24 publications
5G NLOS Positioning with Multi-Bounce Mitigation by Iterative Weighted Least Squares
Radio-Based Positioning and Video-Based Positioning
5G Positioning and Mapping with Diffuse Multipath
5G Synchronization, Positioning, and Mapping from Diffuse Multipath
5G SLAM with Low-complexity Channel Estimation
Tensor Decomposition-based Beamspace Esprit Algorithm for Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval
Collaborative Localization with Truth Discovery for Heterogeneous and Dynamic Vehicular Networks
5G SLAM Using the Clustering and Assignment Approach with Diffuse Multipath
Exploiting Diffuse Multipath in 5G SLAM
Tensor completion-based 5G positioning with partial channel measurements
A survey on 5G massive MIMO Localization
Trust-Based Distributed Kalman Filtering for Target Tracking under Malicious Cyber Attacks
A Unified Multiple-Target Positioning Framework for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
An Efficient V2X Based Vehicle Localization Using Single RSU and Single Receiver
Robust MIMO Channel Estimation from Incomplete and Corrupted Measurements
5G mmWave Downlink Vehicular Positioning
Impact of Rough Surface Scattering on Stochastic Multipath Component Models
An Efficient Data-Driven False Data Injection Attack in Smart Grids
5G mm Wave Downlink Vehicular Positioning
Trade-offs in Data-Driven False Data Injection Attacks Against the Power Grid
Tensor Decomposition Based Beamspace ESPRIT for Millimeter Wave MIMO Channel Estimation
An Efficient GPS-Free Vehicle Localization Algorithm Using Single Roadside Unit and Receiver
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Showing 1 research projects
Massive MIMO location for 5G networks, MassLOC